static json api
Based on data taken from the The United States Naval Observatory (USNO) api before it was taken down for maintenance. Reuse is with permission of USNO but they have not checked my work for errors and can not be held responsible for any errors hereinafter. Example of original response
All times are UTC as the moon appears in the same phase for all locations on the planet. Adjust for local time as required.
- moon-phase-data /api/moon-phase-data/{year}[/index.json]
- new-moon-data /api/new-moon-data/{year}[/index.json]
- lunar-solar-calendar /api/lunar-solar-calendar/{year}[/index.json]
Data can be served at {year} directory or optionally at {year}/index.json. Adding the index.json will negate a 301 redirect to increase the speed of request and may be required if your client does not support redirects.
Min | Max |
1700 | 2082 |
e.g. -> 404 File not found. Http Status Code
Returns a year's worth of DateTime and Phase objects. Phase is 0-3 for the quarters of a moon cycle as detailed in the table below with some sample representations. Date, is the instance when each event will occur or has occurred.[index.json]
Where Phase =
ID | Name | Alt. | ascii Art | UTF-8 | ascii |
0 | NewMoon | [____] |
🌑 (U+1F311; f0 9f 8c 91;) |
∙ (∙ ∙) |
1 | FirstQuarter | WaxingCrescent | `[__ | )_]` | 🌓 (U+1F313; f0 9f 8c 93;) |
2 | FullMoon | [_(_)_] |
🌕 (U+1F315; f0 9f 8c 95;) |
○ (○ ○) || ∘ (∘ ∘) |
3 | LastQuarter | WaningCrescent | `[_( | __]` | 🌗 (U+1F317; f0 9f 8c 97;) |
Returns a year's worth of DateTimes of the instances of a new moon.[index.json]
Returns a year's worth of Lunar Solar Months according to this specification in a DateTime and Number of Days pair. The date indicates the first day of the Lunar Solar month in UTC. A further process must be applied to output in the Lunisolar format specified or to convert any other given UTC time into the Lunisolar format.[index.json]
API files are available as node package for hosting or accessing locally: