The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code is a global standard for classifying companies and types of contracts. This code classification is fundamental to classifying procurement contracts and provides the basis for distinguishing similar types of tenders. Please read more about the hierarchical convention here:
This project is open ended and designed to provide a platform to show your creativity and coding skills. We have provided a primitive search experience where users can select categories that they may be interested in. There is also no strict requirement on how the search bar should function, but your job is to improve it! There are no right or wrong answers so don't overthink it - just state your assumptions and justification for the improvements you think are best. If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected] and ask away - we're here to help!
We respect your time, so we only expect you to spend a few hours on the exercice.
Your project will be assessed on three key criteria:
- User experience
- Code quality
- User interface
Good luck!
This app is bootstrapped with Create React App, so you can just install and run the dev server and you are good to go. Feel free to install as many packages as you like and change anything you'd like.
yarn install
yarn start
- Update the Readme with an overview of what you changed and list any assumptions you made a long the way.
- Upload your improved project to a private GitHub repositoy and invite @matt01671 and @danew.
- Finally, please send an email to [email protected] with a link to your repository.