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A simple, type safe, failure driven mapping library for serializing JSON to models in Swift 2.0 (Supports Linux)


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Failure-Driven JSON Mapping in Swift

Genome has gone Swift! If you're looking for the original, ObjC implementation, you can find it here! The ObjC version is no longer maintained, and any new developments will be done in Swift.

Genome 2.0.0

With the 2.0.0 release, there are some breaking syntax adjustments that you should be aware of. One of the major changes is the removal of the dreaded and confusing <~? operator. By structuring differently, special cases for optionality are no longer necessary, and all direct set mappings can use <~ or the newly added extract function. This also positions the library to better adapt when containers of conforming objects can conform themselves. The goal here would be reducing the amount of overload functions necessary.


Removing Foundation dependencies for core functionality has always been a goal of this library, and it turns out that it snuck into the 1.0.0 version. By casting AnyObject to and from value types such as String, Int, etc. we were dependent on the underlying NSString, NSNumber, NSArray, etc. class systems.

To remove this dependency, we added a pure swift json serialization layer that you can find here.

This means that going forward, we'll be using the new Json type. The new Json type is an independent structure, and no longer a typealias of [String : AnyObject]. Usage should be natural with comprehensive literal syntax: let name: Json = "HumanName". When converting from data or a string, use let json = try Json.deserialize(jsonData).

The cocoapods version of this library supports NSData conversions through Foundation automatically. If you're using the library without Foundation, you will need to deserialize Json strings or byte arrays. Syntax is the same.

There are periodic changes and maintenance throughout, so the README is definitely worth a skim to see some of what's new. Remember, if you're feeling nostalgic and you're not ready to update, you can roll back to a 1.0.0 compatible version by using pod 'Cocoapods', '~> 1.0.0'.

If you're not using Cocoapods, check the releases section and find a 1.0.0 compatible version.

Happy Mapping!

Building Project

Genome uses cocoapods to manage its dependencies, namely PureJsonSerializer. When building the project, you'll need to use Genome.xcworkspace, and run pod install in the directory.

Here is a personal cocoapods reference just in case it may be of use: Cocoapods Setup Guide


With great libraries like Argo and ObjectMapper, why do we need another? Ultimately, I wanted to build it, and I wanted something a little different.

The goal of this library is to satisfy the following constraints:

- Customizable Initialization

- Flexible Error Handling

- Failure Driven

- Automatic Nested Mapping

- Simple To Use

- Two-Way Serialization

- Transformable Values

- Type Safety

- Constants (let)

- Independent of Foundation Framework (Supports Linux)

- Struct Friendly

- Inheritance Friendly

- Core Data and Persistence Compatible

Playground / Examples

The playground provided by this project can be used to test the library. It also provides some examples on how to use the library.

Failure Driven

With the introduction of Swift 2.0, we were given an entirely new error handling system, and a new keyword try. In mapping json to models, there are, unfortunately, many points of failure. By being very explicit about the failability of these operations, we can be confident that our code will run as expected, and gain clarity into error messages earlier in the process. This means that we're going to have to write the word try quite a bit in the name of safety.

Initial Setup

If you wish to install the library manually, you'll need to find the source files located in the playground's sources directory.

It is highly recommended that you install Genome through cocoapods. Here is a personal cocoapods reference just in case it may be of use: Cocoapods Setup Guide

pod 'Genome', '~> 2.0.0'

You can also install Genome using Carthage. Just add the line below to your Cartfile:

github "LoganWright/Genome"

And execute carthage update to download and compile the framework.

Table Of Contents

Quick Start

Let's take the following hypothetical JSON

    "name" : "Rover",
    "nickname" : "RoRo", // Optional Value
    "type" : "dog"

Here's how we might create the model for this

enum PetType : String {
    case Dog = "dog"
    case Cat = "cat"

struct Pet : MappableObject {
    let name: String
    let type: PetType
    let nickname: String

    init(map: Map) throws {
        name = try map.extract("name")
        nickname = try map.extract("nickname")
        type = try map["type"]
            .fromJson { PetType(rawValue: $0)! }

    func sequence(map: Map) throws {
        try name ~> map["name"]
        try type ~> map["type"]
            .transformToJson { $0.rawValue }
        try nickname ~> map["nickname"]


This is the object that is used two encapsulate the Json as well as a more global context which can represent any object you may want your sub operations to have access to.

This has particular use in things like CoreData where a NSManagedObjectContext may be required.


This is one of the core protocol options for this library. It will be the go to for most standard mapping operations.

It has two requirements

init(map: Map) throws

This is the initializer you will use to map your object. You may call this manually if you like, but if you use any of the built in convenience initializers, this will be called automatically. Otherwise, if you need to initialize a Map, use:

let map = Map(json: someJson, context: someContext)

It has two main requirements

sequence(map: Map) throws

The sequence function is called in two main situations. It is marked mutating because it will modify values on fromJson operations. If however, you're only using sequence for toJson, nothing will be mutated and one can remove the mutating keyword. (as in the above example)

Note, if you're only mapping to JSON, nothing will be mutated.


When mapping to Json w/ any of the convenience initializer. After instantiating the object, sequence will be called. This allows objects that don't initialize constants or objects that use the two-way operator to complete their mapping.

If you are initializing w/ init(map: Map) directly, you will be responsible for calling sequence manually if your object requires it.

It is marked mutating because it will modify values.

Note, if you're only mapping to JSON, nothing will be mutated.


When accessing an objects jsonRepresentation(), the sequence operation will be called to collect the values into a Json package.


This is one of the main operations used in this library. The ~ symbolizes a connection, and the < and > respectively symbol a flow of value. When declared as ~> it symbolizes that mapping only happens from value, to Json.

You could also use the following:

Operator Directions Example Mutates
<~> To and From Json try name <~> map["name"]
~> To Json Only try clientId ~> map["client_id"] 𝘅
<~ From Json Only try updatedAt <~ map["updated_at"]


Genome provides various options for transforming values. These are type-safe and will be checked by the compiler.

These are chainable, like the following:

try type <~> map["type"]
    .transformFromJson {
        return PetType(rawValue: $0)
    .transformToJson {
        return $0.rawValue

Note: At the moment, transforms require absolute optionality conformance in some situations. ie, Optionals get Optionals, ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionals get ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionals, etc.


When using let constants, you will need to call a transformer that sets the value instantly. In this case, you will call fromJson and pass any closure that takes a JsonConvertibleType (a standard Json type) and returns a value.


Use this if you need to transform the json input to accomodate your type. In our example above, we need to convert the raw json to our associated enum. This can also be appended to mappings for the <~ operator.


Use this if you need to transform the given value to something more suitable for JSON. This can also be appended to mappings for the ~> operator.


Why is the try keyword on every line! Every mapping operation is failable if not properly specified. It's better to deal with these possibilities, head first.

For example, if the property being set is non-optional, and nil is found in the Json, the operation should throw an error that can be easily caught.

More Concepts

Some of the different functionality available in Genome


Genome is 100% functional w/o Foundation dependencies. Part of achieving this is the encorporation of a pure Swift Json parsing library. Genome uses Swift-JsonSerializer by @gfx.


let data: NSData = ...
let jsonFromData = try? Json.deserialize(data)

let string: String = ...
let jsonFromString = try? Json.deserialize(string)

let byteArray: [UInt8] = ...
let jsonFromByteArray = try? Json.deserialize(byteArray)


let json: Json = ...
let rawJsonString: String? = try? json.serialize()

// Pretty
let prettyJsonString: String? = try? json.serialize(.PrettyPrinted)

The way that Genome is constructed, you should never have to deal w/ Json beyond deserializing and serializing for your web services. It can still be used directly if desired.


Genome is most suited to final classes and structures, but it does support Inheritance. Unfortunately, due to some limitations surrounding generics, protocols, and Self it requires some extra effort.


The Object type is provided by the library to satisfy most inheritance based mapping operations. Simply subclass Object and you're good to go:

class MyClass : Object {}

Note: If you're using Realm, or another library that has also used Object, don't forget that these are module namespaced in Swift. If that's the case, you should declare your class: class MyClass : Genome.Object {}


If you're using a custom class, you'll need to add some additional functions. Here's what a basic base class might look like:

class CustomBase : MappableBase {
    required init() {}

    static func newInstance(json: Json, context: Context) throws -> Self {
        let map = Map(json: json, context: context)
        let new = self.init()
        try new.sequence(map)
        return new

    func sequence(map: Map) throws {}

Notice the required initializer above. When returning Self at a class level, you will almost always need a required initializer.

If you need to extend an existing base class, and for particularly complex situations, see the CoreData example below as reference.


In order to support flexible customization, Genome provides various mapping options for protocols. Your object can conform to any of the following. Although each of these initializers is marked with throws, it is not necessary for your initializer to throw if it is guaranteed to succeed. In that case, you can omit the throws keyword safely.

Protocol Required Initializer
BasicMappable init() throws
MappableObject init(map: Map) throws

These are all just convenience protocols, and ultimately all derive from MappableBase. If you wish to define your own implementation, the rest of the library's functionality will still apply.


This is the true root of the library. Even MappableBase mentioned above inherits from this core type. It has two requirements:

public protocol JsonConvertibleType {
    static func newInstance(json: Json, context: Context) throws -> Self
    func jsonRepresentation() throws -> Json

All Json basic types such as Int, String, etc. conform to this protocol which allows ultimate flexibility in defining the library. It also paves the way to much fewer overloads going forward when collections of JsonConvertibleType can also conform to it.

This can be used as a supplement to transform types mentioned above. If an object conforms to this protocol, it will be immediately useable within the library.


If you are using the standard instantiation scheme established in the library, you will likely initialize with this function.

public init(js: Json, context: Context = EmptyJson) throws

Now we can easily create an object safely:

do {
    let rover = try Pet(js: json_rover)
} catch {

If all we care about is whether or not we were able to create an object, we can also do the following:

let rover = try? Pet(js: json_rover)
print(rover) // Rover is type: `Pet?`


Context is defined as an empty protocol that any object you might need access to can conform to and passed within.


If you're using Foundation, you can also use the following initialization:

public init(js: AnyObject, context: [String : AnyObject] = [:]) throws

public init(js: [String : AnyObject], context: [String : AnyObject] = [:]) throws


You can instantiate collections directly w/o mapping as well:

let people = try [People](js: someJson)

Class Level Instantiation

See Core Data

mappedInstance(json: JSON)

This is the function that should be used to initialize new mapped objects for a given json.


Feel free to check out and interact with the playground provided in this repo!


Here's a quick example of using Genome alongside Alamofire (3.0)

import Alamofire
import Genome

struct NasaPhoto : BasicMappable {
    private(set) var title: String = ""
    private(set) var mediaType: String = ""
    private(set) var explanation: String = ""
    private(set) var concepts: [String] = []

    private(set) var imageUrl: NSURL!

    mutating func sequence(map: Map) throws {
        try title <~ map["title"]
        try mediaType <~ map ["media_type"]
        try explanation <~ map["explanation"]
        try concepts <~ map["concepts"]
        try imageUrl <~ map["url"]
            .transformFromJson {
                return NSURL(string: $0)

enum NasaResult<T> {
    case Success(T)
    case Failure(ErrorType)

struct Nasa {
    static func fetchPictureOfTheDay(completion: NasaResult<NasaPhoto> -> Void) {
        let url = ""
        Alamofire.request(.GET, url)
            .responseJSON { response in
                switch response.result {
                case .Success(let value):
                    do {
                        let photo = try NasaPhoto(js: value)
                    } catch {
                case .Failure(let error):

Now, when we want to use our NasaPhoto object, we can use it knowing that it will be safe.

Nasa.fetchPictureOfTheDay { [weak self] result in
    switch result {
    case .Success(let photo):
        self?.navigationItem.title = photo.title
        self?.descriptionLabel.text = photo.explanation
    case .Failure(let error):
        print("Error: \(error)")

Core Data

If you wish to use CoreData, you will want to add something similar to the following to your project:

import CoreData

extension NSManagedObjectContext : Context {}

public class NSMappableManagedObject: NSManagedObject, MappableBase {
    public class var entityName: String {
        return "\(self)"

    public func sequence(map: Map) throws {
        fatalError("Sequence must be overwritten")

    public class func newInstance(json: Json, context: Context) throws -> Self {
        return try newInstance(json, context: context, type: self)

    public class func newInstance<T: NSMappableManagedObject>(json: Json, context: Context, type: T.Type) throws -> T {
        let context = context as! NSManagedObjectContext
        let new = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObjectForEntityForName(entityName, inManagedObjectContext: context) as! T
        let map = Map(json: json, context: context)
        try new.sequence(map)
        return new

The generics above might seem a little strange, but they are an attempt to work within the extremely strict inheritance / Self system established by Swift without using a required initializer. This type of format can be used for other persistence layers that have class level initializers or object creation factories.

Custom Implementation

Feel free to implement your own protocol by inheriting from Mappable and defining the initialization scheme. Look at the implementations of the provided protocols for information on how to do this.


All errors are passed through a logging system before being thrown. This allows for helpful debugging and allows the potential to add remote logging to your project.

Adding Loggers

You can add any logger by conforming to ErrorType -> Void. Here's a quick example of how we might implement this:

func reportErrorToServer(error: ErrorType) {
    // ... handle the error here

Then, add it to the loggers:


If you're using Genome through modules, it can be more clear to acknowledge the namespace:


Turning Loggers Off

Just set loggers to an empty array and the system will no longer print to the console.

loggers = []

// or namespaced

Genome.loggers = []


This library makes use of a pure swift json serializer located here!


A simple, type safe, failure driven mapping library for serializing JSON to models in Swift 2.0 (Supports Linux)







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