Backup And Restore Ceph for Proxmox VE
Ceph Documentation
Incremental snapshots with rbd
rdb – manage rados block device (rbd) images
______ __ _ _ ________
/ ____/___ / /____ _________ _____(_)_______ | | / / ____/
/ __/ / __ \/ __/ _ \/ ___/ __ \/ ___/ / ___/ _ \ | | / / __/
/ /___/ / / / /_/ __/ / / /_/ / / / (__ ) __/ | |/ / /___
/_____/_/ /_/\__/\___/_/ / .___/_/ /_/____/\___/ |___/_____/
EnterpriseVE Backup And Restore Ceph for Proxmox VE (Made in Europe)
eve4pve-barc <COMMAND> [ARGS] [OPTIONS]
eve4pve-barc help
eve4pve-barc version
eve4pve-barc create --vmid=<string> --label=<string> --path=<string> --keep=<integer>
--script=<string> --mail=<string> --unprotect-snap --syslog
eve4pve-barc destroy --vmid=<string> --label=<string> --path=<string>
eve4pve-barc enable --vmid=<string> --label=<string> --path=<string>
eve4pve-barc disable --vmid=<string> --label=<string> --path=<string>
eve4pve-barc backup --vmid=<string> --label=<string> --path=<string> --keep=<integer>
--script=<string> --mail=<string> --unprotect-snap --syslog
eve4pve-barc restore --vmid=<string> --label=<string> --path=<string>
--script=<string> --syslog
eve4pve-barc status --vmid=<string> --label=<string> --path=<string>
eve4pve-barc clean --vmid=<string> --label=<string> --path=<string> --keep=<integer>
eve4pve-barc reset --vmid=<string> --label=<string>
eve4pve-barc assemble --vmid=<string> --label=<string> --path=<string>
version Show version program
help Show help program
create Create backup job from scheduler
destroy Remove backup job from scheduler
enable Enable backup job from scheduler
disable Disable backup job from scheduler
status Get list of all backups
clean Clear all backup
reset Remove all snapshots on images specific VM/CT in Ceph
backup Will backup one time
restore Will restore image one time
assemble Assemble a unique image with diff file. (Require eve4ceph-mdti)
--vmid The ID of the VM/CT, comma separated (es. 100,101,102),
'all-???' for all known guest systems in specific host (es. all-pve1, all-\$(hostname)),
'all' for all known guest systems in cluster,
'storage-???' storage Proxmox VE (pool Ceph)
--label Is usually 'hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', or 'monthly'
--path Path destination backup
--keep Specify the number of differential backups which should will keep, (default: 1)
--renew Specify how many diffs may accumulate, until a full Backup is issued
--renew=10 for keeping 10 Diffs until making a new full export
--renew=7d for making diffs up to 7 days, until making a new full export
--retain Specify how many Backups should be kept, timewise (default: infinite - if unset, nothing is ever deleted)
--retain=30d to keep Backups for 30 days. If the Point in time matches a diff,
it keeps all previous diffs up to the preceding full image to ensure possibility to restore data
--cksum Store checksums for snapshot validation (default: true)
--ckmethod Method used for Checksumming [m5sum, sha1sum, sha224sum, sha384sum, sha512sum] (default: sha1sum)
--qemu-freeze Issue fsfreeze-freeze prio snapshotting and fsfreeze-thaw after snapshot completion (default: true)
--iothreads Specify number of IO threads for exporting (default: 10)
--compress Specify compression method [none,gzip,bzip2,pigz] (default: none)
--compressthreads Specify compression threads for pigz (default: 2)
--script Use specified hook script
E.g. /usr/share/doc/$PROGNAME/examples/
--syslog Write messages into the system log
--mail Email addresses send log backup, comma separated (es. [email protected],[email protected])
--unprotect-snap Disable protection snapshot, default is protected.
In Proxmox VE 'protected snapshot' cause problem in remove VM/CT see documentation.
--debug Show detail debug
--dry-run Not execute command print only
Report bugs to <[email protected]>
Backup And Restore Ceph for Proxmox VE with retention. This solution implements a snapshotbackup for Ceph cluster exporting to specific directory. The mechanism using Ceph snapshot, export and export differential. In backup export image and config file VM/CT.
For continuous data protection see eve4pve-autosnap
- For KVM and LXC
- Can keep multiple backup
- Can obey a renew policy: (eg. 1 full exports, then 6 incremental exports)
- Supports checksumming
- Syslog integration
- Multiple schedule VM/CT using --label (es. daily,monthly)
- Hook script
- Multiple VM/CT single execution
- Copy config and firewall files
- Export any VM/CT in cluster 'all'
- Export any VM/CT in specific host 'all-hostname'
- Export any VM/CT in specific pool
- Show size of backup and incremental
- Check 'No backup' flag in disk configuration
- Protected/unprotected snap mode
- Notification via email
- Assemble image from diff require eve4ceph-mdti
During backup snapshot is created in protected mode, to avoid accidental deletion. In Proxom VE remove VM not possible with error "Removing all snapshots: 0% complete...failed". The problem is Proxmox VE unprotect only the snapshos it knows.
Whit parameter --unprotect-snap is possible to disable snapshot protection.
If you want to use pigz compression which is recommended, install the package:
apt install pigz curl
There are two ways to use this tool: as APT package or from the Git repository. The Releases are always a little bit behind.
Download package eve4pve-barc_?.?.?-?_all.deb, on your Proxmox VE host and install:
dpkg -i eve4pve-barc_?.?.?-?_all.deb
Map the network share you want the backups to be written to via nfs or cifs. I would recommend to place the backuptool on that share so you have it available if one node fails, otherwise you would have to install it to every node.
apt -y install git
Find out where your share is mounted, and change to that directory (this is usually in /mnt/pve):
cd /mnt/pve/backup
Create a directory where the backups shall live:
mkdir barc && cd barc
Clone the Git repo
git clone
Pick a release
git checkout 0.2.5-renew
So you want to change to that directory or use the script with it's full path, eg
/mnt/pve/backup/barc/cv4pve-barc/eve4pve-barc --help
- From Proxmox VE Hosts you want to backup you need to be able to ssh passwordless to all other Cluster hosts, that may hold VM's or Containers. This is required for using the free/unfreeze function which has to be called locally from that Host the guest is currently running on. Usually this works out of the box, but you may want to make sure that you can "ssh [email protected]" from every host to every other host in the cluster.
eve4barc currently supports two retention modes: --keep and --renew.
- In --keep mode one initial full Backup is made and subsequent incremeltal Backups are collected. Once the keep Value is exceeded, the oldest incremental file is merged with the second oldest. For Example with --keep=4 this would look like:
+---------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+
|Basecopy | | diff0 | | diff1 | | diff2 | | diff3 |
| |---->| |---->| |---->| |---->| |
+---------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+
Merge |
+---------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+
|Basecopy | | diff0+1 | | diff2 | | diff3 | | diff4 |
| |---->| |---->| |---->| |---->| |
+---------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+
Merge |
+---------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+
|Basecopy | | diff0+1+2| | diff3 | | diff4 | | diff5 |
| |---->| |---->| |---->| |---->| |
+---------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+
This goes forever, the Basecopy is never refreshed and the first diff will grow over time.
- In --renew mode, one full Backup is made in regular Intervals, no merging happens. For Example with --renew=3 this would look like:
+---------+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +---------+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
|Basecopy0| |diff0| |diff1| |diff2| |Basecopy1| |diff0| |diff1| |diff2|
| |-->| |-->| |-->| |-->| |-->| |-->| |-->| |
+---------+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +---------+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
Bear in mind, that when taking a snapshot of a running VM, it's basically like if you have a server which gets pulled away from the Power. Often this is not cathastrophic as the next fsck will try to fix Filesystem Issues, but in the worst case this could leave you with a severely damaged Filesystem, or even worse, half written Inodes which were in-flight when the power failed lead to silent data corruption. To overcome these things, we have the qemu-guest-agent to improve the consistency of the Filesystem while taking a snapshot. It won't leave you a clean filesystem, but it sync()'s outstanding writes and halts all i/o until the snapshot is complete. Still, there might me issues on the Application layer. Databases processes might have unwritten data in memory, which is the most common case. Here you have the opportunity to do additional tuning, and use hooks to tell your vital processes things to do prio and post freezes.
First, you want to make sure that your guest has the qemu-guest-agent running and is working properly. Now we use custom hooks to tell your services with volatile data, to flush all unwritten data to disk. On debian based linux systems the hook file can be set in /etc/default/qemu-guest-agent
and could simply contain this line:
Create /etc/qemu/fsfreeze-hook
and make ist look like:
# This script is executed when a guest agent receives fsfreeze-freeze and
# fsfreeze-thaw command, if it is specified in --fsfreeze-hook (-F)
# option of qemu-ga or placed in default path (/etc/qemu/fsfreeze-hook).
# When the agent receives fsfreeze-freeze request, this script is issued with
# "freeze" argument before the filesystem is frozen. And for fsfreeze-thaw
# request, it is issued with "thaw" argument after filesystem is thawed.
FSFREEZE_D=$(dirname -- "$0")/fsfreeze-hook.d
# Check whether file $1 is a backup or rpm-generated file and should be ignored
is_ignored_file() {
case "$1" in
*~ | *.bak | *.orig | *.rpmnew | *.rpmorig | *.rpmsave | *.sample | *.dpkg-old | *.dpkg-new | *.dpkg-tmp | *.dpkg-dist |
*.dpkg-bak | *.dpkg-backup | *.dpkg-remove)
return 0 ;;
return 1
# Iterate executables in directory "fsfreeze-hook.d" with the specified args
[ ! -d "$FSFREEZE_D" ] && exit 0
for file in "$FSFREEZE_D"/* ; do
is_ignored_file "$file" && continue
[ -x "$file" ] || continue
printf "$(date): execute $file $@\n" >>$LOGFILE
"$file" "$@" >>$LOGFILE 2>&1
printf "$(date): $file finished with status=$STATUS\n" >>$LOGFILE
exit 0
For testing purposes place this into /etc/qemu/fsfreeze-hook.d/10-info
dt=$(date +%s)
case "$1" in
echo "frozen on $dt" | tee >(cat >/tmp/fsfreeze)
echo "thawed on $dt" | tee >(cat >>/tmp/fsfreeze)
Now you can place files for different Services in /etc/qemu/fsfreeze-hook.d/
that tell those services what to to prior and post snapshots. A very common example is mysql. Create a file /etc/qemu/fsfreeze-hook.d/20-mysql
# Flush MySQL tables to the disk before the filesystem is frozen.
# At the same time, this keeps a read lock in order to avoid write accesses
# from the other clients until the filesystem is thawed.
#MYSQL_OPTS="-uroot" #"-prootpassword"
# Check mysql is installed and the server running
[ -x "$MYSQL" ] && "$MYSQL" $MYSQL_OPTS < /dev/null || exit 0
flush_and_wait() {
trap 'printf "$(date): $0 is killed\n">&2' HUP INT QUIT ALRM TERM
read < $FIFO
printf "UNLOCK TABLES \\G\n"
rm -f $FIFO
case "$1" in
mkfifo $FIFO || exit 1
flush_and_wait | "$MYSQL" $MYSQL_OPTS &
# wait until every block is flushed
while [ "$(echo 'SHOW STATUS LIKE "Key_blocks_not_flushed"' |\
"$MYSQL" $MYSQL_OPTS | tail -1 | cut -f 2)" -gt 0 ]; do
sleep 1
# for InnoDB, wait until every log is flushed
INNODB_STATUS=$(mktemp /tmp/mysql-flush.XXXXXX)
[ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 2
while :; do
LOG_CURRENT=$(grep 'Log sequence number' $INNODB_STATUS |\
tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f4)
LOG_FLUSHED=$(grep 'Log flushed up to' $INNODB_STATUS |\
tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f5)
[ "$LOG_CURRENT" = "$LOG_FLUSHED" ] && break
sleep 1
[ ! -p $FIFO ] && exit 1
echo > $FIFO
exit 1
root@pve1:~# eve4pve-barc backup --vmid=111 --label='daily' --path=/mnt/bckceph --renew=7d --retain=30d
This command backup VM/CT 111. The --renew tells that it you want to have a new Full Backup each 7 days and the --retain tell that you want to retain Snapshots for 30 Days.
root@pve1:~# eve4pve-barc create --vmid=111 --label='daily' --path=/mnt/bckceph --renew=7d --retain=30d
root@pve1:~# eve4pve-barc destroy --vmid=111 --label='daily' --path=/mnt/bckceph --renew=7d --retain=30d
root@pve1:~# eve4pve-barc disable --vmid=111 --label='daily'
root@pve1:~# eve4pve-barc enable --vmid=111 --label='daily'
Show status backup in directory destination.
root@pve1:~# /eve4pve-barc status --vmid=102 --label=daily --path=/mnt/bckceph
102 diff zz 74 Bytes 78 Bytes 20200209151149 vm-102-disk-0
sha1: 25737f6ecc6827e1375c995b2350b17c43571446
102 diff 85.78 MiB 85.78 MiB 20200209150608 vm-102-disk-0
sha1: 993ab8c40a8ef59275c5dfc340577bb2a950e2c2
102 diff 405.00 KiB 405.00 KiB 20200208211801 vm-102-disk-0
sha1: 7a77977fbe43c2ab1c4b69d56ea90a594ba62601
102 img 12.19 GiB 12.19 GiB 20200208211052 vm-102-disk-0
sha1: e30f05de912bf497654a94c924d945320b6ffc0c
This is how a directory where you store your images looks like:
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Feb 9 16:09 .
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jan 27 19:51 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 13098811392 Feb 8 21:17 20200208211052ceph-vm.vm-102-disk-0.img
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 44 Feb 8 21:17 20200208211052ceph-vm.vm-102-disk-0.img.sha1
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12 Feb 8 21:17 20200208211052ceph-vm.vm-102-disk-0.img.sha1.size
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 896 Feb 8 21:17 20200208211052.conf
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 414726 Feb 8 21:18 20200208211801ceph-vm.vm-102-disk-0.diff
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 44 Feb 8 21:18 20200208211801ceph-vm.vm-102-disk-0.diff.sha1
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7 Feb 8 21:18 20200208211801ceph-vm.vm-102-disk-0.diff.sha1.size
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 896 Feb 8 21:18 20200208211801.conf
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 89948246 Feb 9 15:06 20200209150608ceph-vm.vm-102-disk-0.diff
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 44 Feb 9 15:06 20200209150608ceph-vm.vm-102-disk-0.diff.sha1
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 9 Feb 9 15:06 20200209150608ceph-vm.vm-102-disk-0.diff.sha1.size
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 896 Feb 9 15:06 20200209150608.conf
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 74 Feb 9 15:11 20200209151149ceph-vm.vm-102-disk-0.diff.zz
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 44 Feb 9 15:11 20200209151149ceph-vm.vm-102-disk-0.diff.zz.sha1
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3 Feb 9 15:11 20200209151149ceph-vm.vm-102-disk-0.diff.zz.sha1.size
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 896 Feb 9 15:11 20200209151149.conf
*.img/diff files contain your data .sha1 (or md5 or whatever you choose) file contains the checksum of the uncompressed data .size file the Size of the uncompressed stream .conf files contain the VM Configuration.
#####Be advised: Don't tinker with filenames. All the backupchain logic relies on that.
root@pve1:~# eve4pve-barc restore --vmid=111 --label='daily' --path=/mnt/bckceph
This command restore single image.
Start restore process
Inital import 170108013045.pool-rbd.vm-111-disk-1.img
Importing image: 100% complete...done.
Differential /mnt/bckceph/barc/111/daily/170110112247.pool-rbd.vm-111-disk-1.diff
Importing image diff: 100% complete...done.
Differential /mnt/bckceph/barc/111/daily/170110113110.pool-rbd.vm-111-disk-1.diff
Importing image diff: 100% complete...done.
Differential /mnt/bckceph/barc/111/daily/170110113204.pool-rbd.vm-111-disk-1.diff
Importing image diff: 100% complete...done.
Differential /mnt/bckceph/barc/111/daily/170110114616.pool-rbd.vm-111-disk-1.diff
Importing image diff: 100% complete...done.
Differential /mnt/bckceph/barc/111/daily/170110114730.pool-rbd.vm-111-disk-1.diff
Importing image diff: 100% complete...done.
Removing all snapshots: 100% complete...done.
Backup pool-rbd.vm-111-disk-1 restored in pool-rbd/vm-111-disk-1-restored with success!
Consider to manually create VM/CT and change config file from backup adapting restored image.
root@pve1:~# eve4pve-barc assemble --vmid=111 --label='daily' --path=/mnt/bckceph
Start assemble process
Copy image to '/mnt/bckceph/barc/111/daily/assemble-hdd-pool.vm-111-disk-1'
Assemble /mnt/bckceph/barc/111/daily/170917212942hdd-pool.vm-111-disk-1.diff
Reading metadata
From snap: barcdaily170917211532
To snap: barcdaily170917212942
Image size: 107374182400 (100GB)
End of metadata
End of data
Writing 22540800 bytes to image
Assemble /mnt/bckceph/barc/111/daily/170918162610hdd-pool.vm-111-disk-1.diff
Reading metadata
From snap: barcdaily170917212942
To snap: barcdaily170918162610
Image size: 107374182400 (100GB)
End of metadata
End of data
Writing 237973504 bytes to image
Assemble /mnt/bckceph/barc/111/daily/170918164846hdd-pool.vm-111-disk-1.diff
Reading metadata
From snap: barcdaily170918162610
To snap: barcdaily170918164846
Image size: 107374182400 (100GB)
End of metadata
End of data
Writing 35502592 bytes to image
Assemble /mnt/bckceph/barc/111/daily/170918172839hdd-pool.vm-111-disk-1.diff
Reading metadata
From snap: barcdaily170918164846
To snap: barcdaily170918172839
Image size: 107374182400 (100GB)
End of metadata
End of data
Writing 89499136 bytes to image
Assemble /mnt/bckceph/barc/111/daily/170918173008hdd-pool.vm-111-disk-1.diff
Reading metadata
From snap: barcdaily170918172839
To snap: barcdaily170918173008
Image size: 107374182400 (100GB)
End of metadata
End of data
Writing 2568192 bytes to image
Assemble /mnt/bckceph/barc/111/daily/170918174248hdd-pool.vm-111-disk-1.diff
Reading metadata
From snap: barcdaily170918173008
To snap: barcdaily170918174248
Image size: 107374182400 (100GB)
End of metadata
End of data
Writing 18404864 bytes to image
Assemble /mnt/bckceph/barc/111/daily/170918174430hdd-pool.vm-111-disk-1.diff
Reading metadata
From snap: barcdaily170918174248
To snap: barcdaily170918174430
Image size: 107374182400 (100GB)
End of metadata
End of data
Writing 2912256 bytes to image
Assemble /mnt/bckceph/barc/111/daily/170918175731hdd-pool.vm-111-disk-1.diff
Reading metadata
From snap: barcdaily170918174430
To snap: barcdaily170918175731
Image size: 107374182400 (100GB)
End of metadata
End of data
Writing 38584320 bytes to image
Assemble /mnt/bckceph/barc/111/daily/170918175801hdd-pool.vm-111-disk-1.diff
Reading metadata
From snap: barcdaily170918175731
To snap: barcdaily170918175801
Image size: 107374182400 (100GB)
End of metadata
End of data
Writing 1202176 bytes to image
Assemble /mnt/bckceph/barc/111/daily/170918181005hdd-pool.vm-111-disk-1.diff
Reading metadata
From snap: barcdaily170918175801
To snap: barcdaily170918181005
Image size: 107374182400 (100GB)
End of metadata
End of data
Writing 29091840 bytes to image
Backup hdd-pool.vm-111-disk-1 assebled in assemble-hdd-pool.vm-111-disk-1 with success!
Mount image. For NTFS using offset 1048576
mount -o loop,offset=1048576 assemble-hdd-pool.vm-11-disk-1.assimg /mnt/imgbck/
You can edit the configuration in /etc/cron.d/eve4pve-barc or destroy the job and create it new.
Test your Backups on a regular Base. Restore them and see if you can mount and/or boot. Snapshots are not meant to be a full replacement for traditional Backups, don't rely on them as the only Source even if it looks very convenient. Follow the n+1 principle and do filebased backups from within your VM's (with Bacula, Borg, rsync, you name it.). If one concept fails for some reason you always have another way to get your Data.