Team members: Alexander Coricovac, Matthew Pan 40135588, Alessandro Ciotola 40095354
Github Link:
This is a Poll System where any user is able to anonymously vote for any of the options in a poll that is released to the public and provides Poll Managers with the appropriate tools for viewing information about polls that have been released or closed.
- Must run all three of below:
npm install
npm start
- Run local Tomcat Server in IntelliJ with url set to http://localhost:8080/Assignment1_war/
- Run Docker: run
sh BuildTools/
- Run MySQL Server.
- Create database
and schema withbackend/create-db.txt
Created a business layer for our poll which allows us to:
- Create poll, update poll, clear poll, close poll, run poll, release poll, unrelease poll, vote in a poll, view poll results, download poll details.
- Done using servlets with various HTTP Methods (GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS).
Do error handling if a user or poll manager attempts to perform an unimplemented action.
Supply a front-end for the following:
- A voting page, a Poll manager menu, a section to create/update polls.
Updated business layer to include:
- pre-defined users
- users can create polls (access polls, vote, request PIN#)
- New poll manager options (access polls, manage polls using PIN#)
Database which holds:
- User data, poll data, configuration
Output for XML and JSON
Updated front-end to include:
- unimplemented features (sign in/register)
- new user/poll manager options
Updated business layer to include:
- User Sign Up
- User Forgot Password
- Email Verification
- Change Password
Database fields added:
- token and verification for a user.
Updated front-end to include:
- User Sign Up
- Forgot Password
- Email Verification
- Change Password
Added Test Cases For business layer.