Bitonic Sort, Odd-Even Transposition, and Parallel Quicksort
Parallel execution of three sorting algorithms implemented with MPI: Bitonic Sort, Odd-Even Transposition, and Parallel Quicksort. The project showcases the graphical representation of the sorting process using the Allegro library. This project was developed for the course of Parallel Algorithms and Distributed Systems (University of Calabria) in July 2021
- Used Technologies
- How to run the project?
- Video Demo and Snapshots
- Bitonic Sort
- Parallel Quicksort
- Odd Even Transposition
- MPI (Message Passing Interface) for parallel execution
- Allegro 5 library for graphical representation of the sorting process
- Bitonic Sort, Odd-Even Transposition, and Parallel Quicksort algorithms implemented with MPI
- C++
Pre-requirements: Having allegro5 installed in the same directory of the project
Step-By-Step Guide to install allegro5
git clone
cd allegro5
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
To compile the program on Linux:
To run the program:
mpirun -np <num_processors> ./sorting.out <size_sequence> <graphic>
example: mpirun -np 4 ./ sorting.out 1024 1