Udemy Course : https://www.udemy.com/course/beginning-c-plus-plus-programming/learn/lecture/9535214#overview
- Downloaded Codelite (64bit) compiler |
- Curriculum Overview : https://github.com/Coollaitar/Journey-To-Learn-CPP/blob/main/Beginning%20C%2B%2B%20Programming%20-%20From%20Beginner%20to%20Beyond%20_%20Udemy%20-%20Google%20Chrome%2001-08-2022%2008_51_10.png |
- Learnt how to add user input while printing the output in between of text. |
- Learnt how to get input from user by just separating it by spaces. |
- Completed 5 sections of the course and practiced some basic codes. |
- Learnt how to get user input and how to print the output using cin and cout. |
- Will be starting with Variables and Constants from tommorow. |
- Section 6 (Variables and Constants) |
- Learnt About Signed and Unsigned datatypes |
- Use #include library for printing max and min values of dataTypes |
- Learnt use of Constants(const) before variables |
- Section 7 (Arrays and Vectors) |
- Accessing and Intializing Vectors |
- Intializing 2D vectors |
- Once pushed_back value of vector does not change |
- Example of above with a code - https://github.com/Coollaitar/Journey-To-Learn-CPP/blob/main/Day%2002/day02.md#section-challenge-section-7- |
- push_back is used to add elements in vectors at the end |
- .size() is used to print size of vector |
- .at() is used to print or take input at particular index of vector |
- #include vector is used while coding with vectors |
- vector variable_name {} or () : used for declaring vector |
- Will be starting with section 8 ( Statements and Operators ) tommorow |
- Starting with Section 8 (Statements and Operators) |
- Made A Rupees to Dollar converter |
- Increment and Decrement operator |
- Difference between pre and post Increment or Decrement |
- Mixed Expression and Conversion |
- Use of static_cast<> in printing |
- Equality Operator "==" or "!=" |
- Use cout<<boolalpha to get output in boolean format |
- Logical Operator ( |
- Section Challenge Code - https://github.com/Coollaitar/Journey-To-Learn-CPP/blob/main/Day%2003/day03.md#4-section-challenge-section-8- |
- Completed Section 8 |
- Starting with Section 9 from tommorow |
- Started with Section 9 (Controlling Program Flow) |
- If statement |
- If-Else statement |
- Nested If Statements |
- Switch-Case statement and Enumeration |
- Conditional Operator |
- Looping |
- For Loop |
- Range Based For Loop |
- #include (iomanip) , cout<<fixed<<setprecision(1); |
- for(auto i : vec) |
- size_t is an unsigned int |
- You can replace size_t with int or unsigned int |
- while loop – First checks the condition, then executes the body |
- for loop – firstly initializes, then, condition check, execute body, update. |
- do-while Loop |
- continue-break and infinte loops |
- Nested Loops |
- Major use of vectors (size() , vector.at() , size_t) |
- Completed Section 9 (Control Programming Flow) |
- Will Start With Section 10 (Characters and Strings) |
- Starting With Section 10 (Characters and Strings) |
- Character Functions #include (cctype) library |
- C-Style String #include(cstring) |
- Working with C-style strings |
- cin.getline(full_name,50) helps you to print full name including space upto 50 characters or any other limit you enter |
- isalpha() function in C++ checks if the given character is an alphabet or not |
- C++ strings #include(string) |
- object.substr(start_index,length) |
- object.find(search_string) , s1 += "Jomshi" - can used for concatinating |
- getline(cin,s1) - read entire line until '\n' (DOESNT STOP AT SPACE) |
- getline(cin,s1,"x") - here x is an delimiter after x nothing will be printed |
- Uppercase character come before the Lowercase character in ASCII code |
- s1.erase(index,length) |
- s1.find(word) , if(position != string::npos) |
- string::npos - npos is constant static value with highest possible value for an element of type size_t and it is defined with -1 |
- formatted_full_name.insert(index,expression); |
- .swap() function in string |
- Completed Section Challenge -https://github.com/Coollaitar/Journey-To-Learn-CPP/blob/main/Day%2005/day05.md |
- Starting With Functions Section |
- #include (cmath) - cmath is library in which we can use maths function |
- like - sqrt , cqrt , floor , ceil , round |
- Pass the parameters from function if it returns something |
- Function Prototype |
- Program gets divided into two parts one is Header Information and Actual Implementation |
- Parameters and Return Statement |
- Remember the rules of PEMDAS when defining the body of your functions (P- Parentheses, E- Exponents, M- Multiplication, D- Division, A- Addition, and S- Subtraction) |
- You can add default argument values to the function eg-double function(double pi = 3.14) |
- If you are adding default arguements in a function then declare and define function before int main() |
- It will not work if you define it after int main() |
- Overloading Functions - Using same Name for various forms of that function |
- Passing Arrays to C++ Function |
- Pass by Reference |
- Reference parameters (¶meter) |
- Value doesnt changes even when parameter is passed into the function in main function |
- Scope Rules |
- Local Scope OR Block Scope |
- Global Scope - Dont use Global Variables |
- Local variables declared inside main function |
- How do a function call work?? |
- Recursive Functions |
- Section Challenge Not Completed Yet |
- Starting With Section 12 (Pointers and References) |
- What is Pointer ? - It is the variable whose value is an address |
- Unintialized Pointer Contains Garbage data and Points Anywhere |
- Use nullptr |
- All pointers have same size |
- Dereferencing the pointer |
- Dynamic Memory Allocation |
- Allocating memory dynamically from the heap |
- Create Storage Dynamically (int_ptr = new int) and (delete int_ptr) or (double_ptr = new double) |
- Relationship between Arrays and Pointers |
- Array of Pointer prints First element of array |
- Comparing two pointer will compare address not values |
- Pointer Arithmetic |
- Constant In Pointer |
- Passing Pointer To Function |
- Returning a Pointer from a Function |
- Continuing with Pointers |
-* How to create pointer array - int *p = new int [5]; |
- Delete the memory after using array (freeup the storage)- delete [] array_name |
- Dangling Pointer - Pointer that is pointing to released memory |
- dont forget to release allocated memory |
- Use of references in pointer |
- L values and R values |
- L values - are the values that have names and are addressable |
- R values - values which are not L values (right side) (cannot be modified and not addressable) |
- Completed Section Challenge of Section 12 -https://github.com/Coollaitar/Journey-To-Learn-CPP/blob/main/Day%2008/day08.md |
- Completed Section 12 |
- Starting with Section 13 (OPP - Classes and Objects) |
- Procedural Programming - Focus is on processes or actions that a program takes |
- Classes are blueprints from which objects are created |
- Delcaring a Class and creating Objects |
- Class is terminated with ; (semicolon) |
- We are creating a User Defined Data Type |
- Use dot operator |
- Use arrow operator (mostly for pointers) |
- Derefrence the pointer - (*ptr).= |
- Adding public to class is important |
- Public and Private |
- Public , Private , Protected |
- Implementing Member Methods |
- Creating .h files |
- Constructors and Destructors |
- Constructor |
- Overloading Constructor |
- Destructor - Useful to release memory and other resources |
- Calling a destructor (~Player(); ) |
- Continuing with OPPS |
- Default Constructor |
- Constructor with arguements and no arguements |
- Overloading Constructor - These are the constructors use for more number of arguements |
- Constructor Intialization List |
- Delegating Constructor |
- Constructor Parameters and Default Values |
- Continuing with OOPS |
- Constructor Parameter and Default Values - No addition of No arguement constructor and One arguement constructor |
- Directly initializing constructor under public: |
- Player empty; will not work (Ambigous) |
- Copy Constructor |
- Copy of constructor is used to intialize the members of newly created object by copying the members of an already existing object |
- Copy of constructor has to be intialize in public: |
- Shallow Copying with the Copy constructor |
- Shallow Copy - Work With Heap Memory Allocation but if some variables are dynamically allocated memory from heap section then the copied object will also reference the same memory location |
- Changes are made in copy constructor to define Shallow and Deep Constructor |
- For Shallow(we use copy constructor as) - *data = source.data |
- For Deep(we use copy constructor as) - *data = *source.data |
- Deep - Copy Heap Storage (Not copying pointer we are copying data to the pointer) |
- Shallow And Deep Copy Are One Of The Most Important Topic According To Me |
- Move Constructors |
- Can be used for efficiency |
- Single & refers to L value and Double && refers to R value |
- Move Constructor moves the resources in the heap |
- Intialization in public: of Move Constructor : Move(Move &&source)noexcept; |
- source.data = nullptr; : Important step or it will end up doing shallow copy |
- The this Pointer |
- Using const with Classes - std::string get_name() const{return name} |
- Static Class Members |
- Struct V/s Classes (Just Use Classes) |
- Objects are by default public in Structs and private in Classes |
- Friends of a Class - A Function or a Class that has access to the private class members (Will be used in next section in Operator Overloading) |
- Section Challenge 13 remaining |
- Will Do Section Challenge in some time |
- Starting With Section Operator Overloading |
- What is Operator Overloading ? - Using Traditional Operators |
- Makes Code Easily Readable and Understandable |
- Assignment operator must be declared as the member methods |
- Continuing with section Section 14 |
- We store Declaration of class in Mystring.h file and Initialization in Mystring.cpp file and calling in main.cpp |
- Overloading the Assignment Operator (copy) |
- Copy Assignment Operator (=) |
- Operator Overloading Provides us Flexibility |
- Overloading Assignment Operator (deep copy) is intialized - Mystring &Mystring :: operator = (const Mystring &rhs); |
- Steps for deep copy - 1) Allocate storage for deep copy : str = new char [std::strlen(rhs.str) + 1] |
- We need extra space for terminator |
- Perform the copy : std::strcpy(str,rhs.str); |
- Return the current by reference to allow chain assignment : return *this; |
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