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CoolCat467 committed Dec 19, 2020
1 parent a2949b7 commit d033586
Showing 1 changed file with 161 additions and 0 deletions.
161 changes: 161 additions & 0 deletions MineOS Lang
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# English to other lang file converter.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Semi-compadable with Google Translate.
# If system breaks in bad translator mode, use the last
# number (ex. 28) in the function "getField" for the text
# accociated with that number.

# Can use input from other files by changing the filename of
# the variable READ below.

# For Lolcat use with, good translator

# Programmed by CoolCat467

__title__ = 'English to Lolcat lang file converter'
__author__ = 'CoolCat467'
__version__ = '0.0.0'
__ver_major__ = 0
__ver_minor__ = 0
__ver_patch__ = 0

READ = 'English.lang'

def readData(filename):
"""Open filename and return data."""
data = None
with open(filename, mode='r') as readfile:
data =
return data

def writeData(filename, data):
"""Save <data> to <filename>."""
with open(filename, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as writefile:

def readLang(filename):
"""Read database from filename and convert to dictionary."""
# Read data from file
data = readData(filename)
# Seperate data into individual lines
lines = data.split('\n\t')
# Remove first empty value ('')
info = lines[1:]
# Create dictionary to save to
vsmap = {}
# Go through all lines from read file
for entry in info:
# For each line, take off end and seperate variable to n and data to v
n, v = entry[:-1].split(' = ')
# Remove (") from start and end of value
v = v[1:-1]
# Record value in dictionary saved as key to value
vsmap[n] = v
# Fix last one with wierdness
vsmap[n] = vsmap[n][:-1]
# Return created dictionary
return vsmap

def writeLang(filename, data):
"""Convert dictionary to database file string and save."""
# Start with the open curly bracket
info = ['{']
# For the keys and values of the dictionary input,
for k, v in ((k, data[k]) for k in data):
# Add '<key> = "<value>",' to the line data list
info.append('%s = "%s",' % (k, v))
# Merge line data together with linebreak and tab characters
# and take off the final tab and and add linebreak and
# the end curly bracket to filedata string
lines = '\n\t'.join(info)[:-1]+'\n}'
# Finally, write filedata to file
writeData(filename, lines)

def infIntGen(start=0, change=1):
"""Generate infinite intigers starting with <start> and incrementing by <change>."""
n = int(start)
c = int(change)
while True:
yield n
n += c

def getField(number):
"""Function to get the number from data in the event of a falure."""
global data, numToKey
return data[numToKey[number]]

def run():
global data, numToKey, keyToNum
# Read language database
data = readLang(READ)
# Make conversion dictionarys for between key and numbers and backwards
# Create number to key dict with infinite number gen zipped with keys
numToKey = {i:k for i, k in zip(infIntGen(), list(data.keys()))}
# Make a reverse of that for keys to numbers
keyToNum = {numToKey[k]:k for k in numToKey}
# Generate data to paste in translator
toPaste = ''
# For all the keys in our data,
for key in data:
# Get the number that corelates with that key
num = keyToNum[key]
# Add '#<key number>*<value>' to toPaste data
toPaste += ('#%i*' % num) + data[key].replace('\n', '_n_')
# Print for user and get translated back
print('Somehow get the following translated:')
# Get translated back from user
copied = input('Enter translated result: ')
# If it's google translate, we need to fix data
isbad = not input('Is translator nice? (output is not split by spaces)(yes/no) : ').lower() in ('y', 'yes')
# If used bad (like google translate and it added spaces), fix it
if isbad:
# Fix weirdness google translate adds to our fine data
hashfx = copied.replace(' # ', '#')
hashfx2 = hashfx.replace('# ', '#')
hashfx3 = hashfx2.replace(' #', '#')
starfx = hashfx3.replace(' * ', '*')
hashfx4 = starfx.replace('#\u200b\u200b', '#')
copied = hashfx4
print('In some cases, may be so evil user has to help. Warning.')
print('Printing lines so you can fix parsing problems.')
# Decode translated data back into usable dictionary
trans = {}
# Get return characters back from data we changed earlier
# and then get lines from the pound characters, and ignore the
# first one which ends up being ''.
lines = copied.replace('_n_', '\n').split('#')[1:]
# For each line in output,
for line in lines:
# Seperate key number from data by splitting by '*' characters
split = line.split('*')
# If split data is empty, skip this line.
if split == ['']:
# If we are using google translate, print the line in case of errors
if isbad:
# If there is invalid split data, tell user and prepare for crash :(
if len(split) != 2:
print('An error is about to occor very likely.')
print('Line data: "%s"' % line)
print('Seperated Data: %r' % split)
# Get number and value from split data
num, value = split
# Add data to translated dictionary and convert key number back to real key.
trans[numToKey[int(num)]] = value
# Get language name from user
lang = input('Language save name: ')
# Save file is language string + '.lang'
filename = lang+'.lang'
# Convert dictionary back into language database and save file
writeLang(filename, trans)
print('Done; File saved as %s.' % filename)

if __name__ == '__main__':
print('%s v%s\nProgrammed by %s.' % (__title__, __version__, __author__))

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