An Android Client for provides search as a service that optimizes results using artificial intelligence (including natural language processing, re-ranking to optimize for conversions, and user personalization).
Full API documentation is available on Github Pages
Please follow the directions at to add the client to your project.
You can find this in your dashboard. Contact sales if you'd like to sign up, or support if you believe your company already has an account.
import io.constructor.core.ConstructorIo
import io.constructor.core.ConstructorIoConfig
// Create the client config
val config = ConstructorIoConfig(
apiKey = "YOUR API KEY",
serviceUrl = "" // default
// Create the client instance
ConstructorIo.init(this, config)
// Set the user ID (for a logged in user) used for cross device personalization
ConstructorIo.userId = "uid"
If you are retrieving results from your backend servers instead of directly using our SDK, there are certain personalization parameters that are needed to be passed along with your requests. And those parameters can be accessed from the Constructor instance.
- Client Id This Can be retrieved by calling getClientId function on the client sdk instance.
var constructorClientId = ConstructorIo.getClientId()
- Session Id This Can be retrieved by calling getSessionId function on the client sdk instance.
var constructorSessionId = ConstructorIo.getSessionId()
In most cases, you will want to store those parameters as cookies preferably as ConstructorioID_client_id and ConstructorioID_session_id to be sent with your requests to your backend servers.
When A/B testing, it is important to specify which cell the user is being assigned to. Information about the test cell can be set through the ConstructorIoConfig
var ConstructorIoConfig(
apiKey = "YOUR API KEY",
serviceUrl = "", // default
testCells = listOf("constructorio_test" to "control_1")
// Create the client instance
ConstructorIo.init(this, config)
// The test cells can be edited after creating the client instance
constructorIo.testCells = listOf("constructorio_test" to "control_1")
// To specify the number of results you want to have returned from each section, you will need to
// ... configure this within the ConstructorIoConfig object before instantiating the client
var config = ConstructorIoConfig(apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY", autocompleteResultCount = mapOf("Products" to 6, "Search Suggestions" to 10))
ConstructorIo.init(this, config)
var query = "Dav"
var selectedFacet: HashMap<String, MutableList<String>>? = null
var variationsMap: VariationsMap = VariationsMap(
groupBy = listOf(mapOf("name" to "Color", "field" to "data.color")),
values = mapOf(
"min_price" to mapOf("aggregation" to "min", "field" to "data.price"),
"max_price" to mapOf("aggregation" to "max", "field" to "data.price"),
dtype = "array",
filterBy = """{"and":[{"field":"data.brand","value":"Best Brand"}]}""",
// Using RxJava
ConstructorIo.getAutocompleteResults(query, selectedFacet?.map { it.key to it.value }, variationsMap = variationsMap)
.subscribe {
it.onValue {
it?.let {
// Using Coroutines
runBlocking {
launch {
try {
val autocompleteResults = ConstructorIo.getAutocompleteResultsCRT(query, selectedFacet?.map { it.key to it.value })
// Do something with autocompleteResults
} catch (e: Exception) {
// Creating a request using Request Builder
val autocompleteRequest = AutocompleteRequest.Builder("potato")
"Products" to 6,
"Search Suggestions" to 8
"group_id" to listOf("G123"),
"availability" to listOf("US", "CA")
// Creating a request using DSL
val autocompleteRequest ="potato") {
numResultsPerSection = mapOf(
"Products" to 6,
"Search Suggestions" to 8
filters = mapOf(
"group_id" to listOf("G123"),
"availability" to listOf("US", "CA")
var page = 1
var perPage = 10
var query = "Dave's bread"
var selectedFacets: HashMap<String, MutableList<String>>? = null
var selectedSortOption: SortOption? = null
var variationsMap: VariationsMap = VariationsMap(
groupBy = listOf(mapOf("name" to "Color", "field" to "data.color")),
values = mapOf(
"min_price" to mapOf("aggregation" to "min", "field" to "data.price"),
"max_price" to mapOf("aggregation" to "max", "field" to "data.price"),
dtype = "array",
"""{"and":[{"field":"data.brand","value":"Best Brand"}]}""",
var preFilterExpression = """{ "and": [ { "name": "Color", "value": "green" } ] }"""
// Using RxJava
ConstructorIo.getSearchResults(query, selectedFacets?.map { it.key to it.value }, page = page, perPage = perPage, sortBy = selectedSortOption?.sortBy, sortOrder = selectedSortOption?.sortOrder, variationsMap = variationsMap, preFilterExpression = preFilterExpression)
.subscribe {
it.onValue {
it.response?.let {
// Using Coroutines
runBlocking {
launch {
try {
val searchResults = ConstructorIo.getSearchResultsCRT(query)
// Do something with searchResults
} catch (e: Exception) {
// Creating a request using Request Builder
val searchRequest = SearchRequest.Builder("potato")
"group_id" to listOf("G123"),
"Brand" to listOf("Kings")
.setHiddenFields(listOf("hidden_field_1", "hidden_field_2"))
// Creating a request using DSL
val searchRequest ="potato") {
filters = mapOf(
"group_id" to listOf("G123"),
"Brand" to listOf("Kings")
hiddenFields = listOf("hidden_field_1", "hidden_field_2")
var page = 1
var perPage = 10
var filterName = "group_id"
var filterValue = "Beverages"
var selectedFacets: HashMap<String, MutableList<String>>? = null
var selectedSortOption: SortOption? = null
var variationsMap: VariationsMap = VariationsMap(
groupBy = listOf(mapOf("name" to "Color", "field" to "data.color")),
values = mapOf(
"min_price" to mapOf("aggregation" to "min", "field" to "data.price"),
"max_price" to mapOf("aggregation" to "max", "field" to "data.price"),
dtype = "array",
"""{"and":[{"field":"data.brand","value":"Best Brand"}]}"""
var preFilterExpression = """{ "and": [ { "name": "Color", "value": "green" } ] }"""
// Using RxJava
ConstructorIo.getBrowseResults(filterName, filterValue, selectedFacets?.map { it.key to it.value }, page = page, perPage = perPage, sortBy = selectedSortOption?.sortBy, sortOrder = selectedSortOption?.sortOrder, variationsMap = variationsMap, preFilterExpression = preFilterExpression)
.subscribe {
it.onValue {
it.response?.let {
// Using Coroutines
runBlocking {
launch {
try {
val browseResults = ConstructorIo.getBrowseResultsCRT(filterName, filterValue)
// Do something with browseResults
} catch (e: Exception) {
var itemIds = listOf("item1", "item2")
var selectedFilters: List<Pair<String, List<String>>>? = null
var browseItemsRequest = BrowseItemsRequest.Builder(itemIds)
// Using RxJava
.subscribe {
it.onValue {
it.response?.let {
// Using Coroutines
runBlocking {
launch {
try {
val browseResults = constructorIo.getBrowseItemsResultsCRT(filterName, filterValue)
// Do something with browseResults
} catch (e: Exception) {
// Creating a request using Request Builder
val browseRequest = BrowseRequest.Builder("group_id", "123")
"group_id" to listOf("G1234"),
"Brand" to listOf("Cnstrc"),
"Color" to listOf("Red", "Blue")
.setHiddenFacets(listOf("hidden_facet_1", "hidden_facet_2"))
// Creating a request using DSL
val browseRequest ="group_id", "123") {
filters = mapOf(
"group_id" to listOf("G1234"),
"Brand" to listOf("Cnstrc"),
"Color" to listOf("Red", "Blue")
hiddenFacets = listOf("hidden_facet_1", "hidden_facet_2")
var numResults = 6
var perPage = 10
var podId = "best_sellers"
var selectedFacets: HashMap<String, MutableList<String>>? = null
var variationsMap: VariationsMap = VariationsMap(
groupBy = listOf(mapOf("name" to "Color", "field" to "data.color")),
values = mapOf(
"min_price" to mapOf("aggregation" to "min", "field" to "data.price"),
"max_price" to mapOf("aggregation" to "max", "field" to "data.price"),
dtype = "array",
"""{"and":[{"field":"data.brand","value":"Best Brand"}]}""",
var preFilterExpression = """{ "and": [ { "name": "Color", "value": "green" } ] }"""
// Using RxJava
ConstructorIo.getRecommendationResults(podId, selectedFacets?.map { it.key to it.value }, numResults, variationsMap = variationsMap, preFilterExpression = preFilterExpression)
.subscribe {
it.onValue {
it.response?.let {
// Using Coroutines
runBlocking {
launch {
try {
val recommendationResults = ConstructorIo.getRecommendationResultsCRT(podId)
// Do something with recommendationResults
} catch (e: Exception) {
// Creating a request using Request Builder
val recommendationsRequest = RecommendationsRequest.Builder("product_detail_page")
// Creating a request using DSL
val recommendationsRequest ="product_detail_page") {
itemIds = listOf("item_id_123")
val quizId = "quiz-id-1"
val answers = listOf(
listOf("1, 2"),
val versionId = "version-1"
val sectionName = "Products"
// Using RxJava
ConstructorIo.getQuizNextQuestion(quizId, answers, versionId, sectionName)
.subscribe {
it.onValue {
it.response?.let {
// Using Coroutines
runBlocking {
launch {
try {
val quizNextQuestion = ConstructorIo.getQuizNextQuestionCRT(quizId, answers, versionId, sectionName)
// Do something with quizNextQuestion
} catch (e: Exception) {
// Handle error
// Creating a request using Request Builder
val quizRequest = QuizRequest.Builder("quiz-id-1")
listOf("1, 2"),
// Creating a request using DSL
val quizRequest ="quiz-id-1") {
answers = listOf(
listOf("1, 2"),
versionId = "version-1"
section = "Products"
val quizId = "quiz-id-1"
val answers = listOf(
listOf("1, 2"),
val versionId = "version-1"
val sectionName = "Products"
// Using RxJava
ConstructorIo.getQuizResults(quizId, answers, versionId, sectionName)
.subscribe {
it.onValue {
it.response?.let {
// Using Coroutines
runBlocking {
launch {
try {
val quizResults = ConstructorIo.getQuizResultCRT(quizId, answers, versionId, sectionName)
// Do something with quizResults
} catch (e: Exception) {
// Handle error
// Creating a request using Request Builder
val quizRequest = QuizRequest.Builder("quiz-id-1")
listOf("1, 2"),
// Creating a request using DSL
val quizRequest ="quiz-id-1") {
answers = listOf(
listOf("1, 2"),
versionId = "version-1"
section = "Products"
The Android Client sends behavioral events to in order to continuously learn and improve results for future Autosuggest and Search requests. The Client only sends events in response to being called by the consuming app or in response to user interaction . For example, if the consuming app never calls the SDK code, no events will be sent. Besides the explicitly passed in event parameters, all user events contain a GUID based user ID that the client sets to identify the user as well as a session ID.
Three types of these events exist:
- General Events are sent as needed when an instance of the Client is created or initialized
- Autocomplete Events measure user interaction with autocomplete results
- Search Events measure user interaction with search results
- Browse Events measure user interaction with browse results
- Recommendation Events measure user interaction with recommendation results
- Quiz Events measure user interaction with quiz results
- Conversion Events measure user events like
add to cart
// Track when the user focuses into the search bar (searchTerm)
// Track when the user selects an autocomplete suggestion (searchTerm, originalQuery, sectionName)
ConstructorIo.trackAutocompleteSelect("toothpicks", "tooth", "Search Suggestions")
// Track when the user submits a search (searchTerm, originalQuery)
ConstructorIo.trackSearchSubmit("toothpicks", "tooth")
// Track when search results are loaded into view (searchTerm, resultCount, customerIds of shown items)
ConstructorIo.trackSearchResultsLoaded("tooth", 789, arrayOf("1234567-AB", "1234567-AB"))
// Track when a search result is clicked (itemName, customerId, searchTerm, sectionName, resultId)
ConstructorIo.trackSearchResultClick("Fashionable Toothpicks", "1234567-AB", "tooth", "Products", "179b8a0e-3799-4a31-be87-127b06871de2")
// v2.18.4+ only
// Track when a search result is clicked (itemName, customerId, variationId, searchTerm, sectionName, resultId)
ConstructorIo.trackSearchResultClick("Fashionable Toothpicks", "1234567-AB", "RED", "tooth", "Products", "179b8a0e-3799-4a31-be87-127b06871de2")
// Track when browse results are loaded into view (filterName, filterValue, resultCount)
ConstructorIo.trackBrowseResultsLoaded("group_id", "Snacks", 674)
// v2.25.2+ only
// Track when browse results are loaded into view (filterName, filterValue, itemIds, resultCount)
ConstructorIo.trackBrowseResultsLoaded("group_id", "Snacks", arrayOf("1234", "2345"), 674)
// Track when a browse result is clicked (filterName, filterValue, customerId, resultPositionOnPage, sectionName, resultId)
ConstructorIo.trackBrowseResultClick("group_id", "Snacks", "7654321-BA", "4", "Products", "179b8a0e-3799-4a31-be87-127b06871de2")
// v2.18.4+ only
// Track when a browse result is clicked (filterName, filterValue, customerId, variationId, resultPositionOnPage, sectionName, resultId)
ConstructorIo.trackBrowseResultClick("group_id", "Snacks", "7654321-BA", "RED", "4", "Products", "179b8a0e-3799-4a31-be87-127b06871de2")
// Track when a recommendation result is clicked (podId, strategyId, customerId, variationId, sectionName, resultId, numResultsPerPage, resultPage, resultCount, resultPositionOnPage)
ConstructorIo.trackRecommendationResultClick("Best_Sellers", "User Featured", "7654321-BA", null, "Products", "179b8a0e-3799-4a31-be87-127b06871de2", 4, 1, 4, 2)
// Track when recommendation results are loaded into view (podId, numResultsViewed, resultPage, resultCount, resultId, sectionName)
ConstructorIo.trackRecommendationResultsView("Best_Sellers", 4, 1, 4, "179b8a0e-3799-4a31-be87-127b06871de2", "Products")
// v2.34.0+ only
// Track when recommendation results are loaded into view (podId, itemIds, numResultsViewed, resultPage, resultCount, resultId, sectionName)
ConstructorIo.trackRecommendationResultsView("Best_Sellers", arrayOf("1234", "2345"), 4, 1, 4, "179b8a0e-3799-4a31-be87-127b06871de2", "Products")
// Track when a quiz result is clicked (quizId, quizVersionId, quizSessionId, customerId, variationId, itemName, sectionName, resultId, numResultsPerPage, resultPage, resultCount)
ConstructorIo.trackQuizResultClick("coffee-quiz", "23AECMA-1EFKCI", "34NCUIEI-214CDN", "shirt-a", "shirt-a--reg", "White shirt", null, null, 10, 1, 10);
// Track when quiz results are loaded into view (quizId, quizVersionId, quizSessionId, sectionName, resultId, resultPage, resultCount)
ConstructorIo.trackQuizResultLoad("coffee-quiz", "23AECMA-1EFKCI", "34NCUIEI-214CDN", null, null, 1, 10)
// Track when a quiz result is converted on (quizId, quizVersionId, quizSessionId, displayName, type, isCustomType ,customerId, variationId, itemName, sectionName, revenue)
ConstructorIo.trackQuizConversion("coffee-quiz", "23AECMA-1EFKCI", "34NCUIEI-214CDN", null, null, null, "shirt-a", "shirt-a--reg", "White shirt", null, "129.99")
// Track when an item converts (a.k.a. is added to cart) regardless of the user journey that led to adding to cart (itemName, customerId, revenue, searchTerm, section, conversionType, isCustomType, displayName)
ConstructorIo.trackConversion("Fashionable Toothpicks", "1234567-AB", 12.99, "tooth", "Products", "add_to_cart")
// v2.18.4+ only
// Track when an item converts (a.k.a. is added to cart) regardless of the user journey that led to adding to cart (itemName, customerId, variationId, revenue, searchTerm, section, conversionType, isCustomType, displayName)
ConstructorIo.trackConversion("Fashionable Toothpicks", "1234567-AB", "RED", 12.99, "tooth", "Products", "add_to_cart")
// Track when items are purchased (customerIds, revenue, orderId)
ConstructorIo.trackPurchase(arrayOf("1234567-AB", "1234567-AB"), 25.98, "ORD-1312343")
// v2.18.4+ only
// Track when items are purchased (PurchaseItems(itemId, variationId?, quantity?), revenue, orderId)
ConstructorIo.trackPurchase(arrayOf(PurchaseItem("TIT-REP-1997", "RED", 2), PurchaseItem("QE2-REP-1969")), 25.98, "ORD-1312343")
// Track when a product detail page is loaded a.k.a after a user clicks on an item. (itemName, customerId, variationId?, sectionName?, url?)
ConstructorIo.trackItemDetailLoaded("Pencil", "123", "234")
// Track when a product is clicked. Should be used when a clicked product is not part of search/browse/recommendation experiences. (itemName, customerId, variationId?, sectionName?)
ConstructorIo.trackGenericResultClick("Pencil", "123", "234")