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A cutting-edge Open Source HealthCare app (Android+Web) utilizes Machine Learning to predict diseases based on Symptoms or Natural Language. It also includes features such as Live Chat with Doctors, Appointment Booking, Possible Drugs you can take, and Specialist you can refer to.


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Winner of the 24 hours Hackathon conducted by Microsoft Innovations Club,VIT Chennai and sponsored by Geek for Geeks.


A cutting edge Open Source HealthCare app(Android+Web) which utilizes Machine Learning to predict diseases based on Symptoms or Natural Language. Also includes features such as Live Chat with Doctors,Appointment Booking,Possible Drugs you can take and Specialist you can refer to.


With the amount of data present in today's age, we can diagnose common ailments and help reduce the workload on hospitals and doctors. Prognosis of common ailments through ML and NLP will also help patients save time and money by not having to travel long distances and physically consult doctors which is also tedious and time consuming. Moreover we still feel that having a doctor's final opinion is priceless and that ML cannot completely replace doctors. Hence our services provides virtual doctor consultations. Moreover in cases of emergency when going to a hospital is absolutely necessary we cannot waste time on booking appointments after reaching the hospital. Our service lets users check for doctors' availabiltiy in hospitals neraby and prebook appointments for emergency consultations. It also shows vacancies for particular doctors (those who sign-up) in nearby hospitals. We also provide basic medication suggestions for common aiements.

Feel free to navigate to any section you want through the navbar below.


This project is not meant for use in real life but rather provides a base on which a solid service can be built with the help of individuals from the healthcare industry. This project was created solely for educational purposes and is not intended for commercial use. Please do not take any decisions without consulting a real doctor first.

The PharmaCat Project is divided into 2 sections:

...The PharmaCat Android Application (based on PharmaCat REST API)

...The Web Application (utilizes Flask) and the corresponding API Server

To setup the Web Application along with API server do:

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv

Then after activating the virtual environment do:

pip install -r requirements.txt

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Meet Our Team

Apratim Shukla , Mayank Tolani , Raj Sangani, Swapnil Mishra , Vandit Sheth , Prince Singh


This dataset is provided by Columbia University and is a knowledge database of disease-symptom associations generated by an automated method based on information in textual discharge summaries of patients at New York Presbyterian Hospital admitted during 2004. The first column shows the disease, the second the number of discharge summaries containing a positive and current mention of the disease, and the associated symptom. Associations for the 150 most frequent diseases based on these notes were computed and the symptoms are shown ranked based on the strength of association

For NLP Based similarity search

Drug Review Dataset ( Data Set

The dataset provides patient reviews on specific drugs along with related conditions and a 10 star patient rating reflecting overall patient satisfaction. The data was obtained by crawling online pharmaceutical review sites. The intention was to study

(1) sentiment analysis of drug experience over multiple facets, i.e. sentiments learned on specific aspects such as effectiveness and side effects, (2) the transferability of models among domains, i.e. conditions, and (3) the transferability of models among different data sources (see 'Drug Review Dataset (').

The data is split into a train (75%) a test (25%) partition (see publication) and stored in two .tsv (tab-separated-values) files, respectively.


Felix Gräßer, Surya Kallumadi, Hagen Malberg, and Sebastian Zaunseder. 2018. Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis of Drug Reviews Applying Cross-Domain and Cross-Data Learning. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Digital Health (DH '18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 121-125. DOI: Web Link

Context Diagram

Database Overview

Prognosis Flow

Appointment booking and hospitals

Live Chat With Doctor

Open-Source API

API Routes

Method URL USE
GET Shows your PharmaCat Account Details
GET Generates your PharmaCat API Token upon successful login
GET Generates list of all Symptoms in your Database
GET Diagnoses Disease,Medicine and Specialist
GET ~ word2 ~ word3 Diagnoses Disease
GET Generates list of Hospitals near you
GET ~ password ~ email ~ fullname ~ address ~ bloodgroup ~ age Registers the Patient in the PharmaCat Database

Results and Predictions

Patient Login


Patient Dashboard


BMI Calculator


Hospitals Near Me


Emergency Appointments


Enter Symptoms Manually Login


RBF Network Based Prediction

![image] (

Describe How You Feel


NLP Based Prognosis

![image] (

Live Chat With Doctor

![image] (


[1] MinChen, Yixue Hao, Kai Hwang, Lu Wang and Lin Wang (2020). Disease Prediction by Machine Learning Over Big Data from Healthcare Communities - IEEE Access.

[2] Syed Javeed Pasha and E. Syed Mohamed (October 2020). Novel Feature Reduction Model with Machine Learning and Data Mining Algorithms for Effective Disease Risk Prediction - IEEE Access

[3] Shahadat Uddin, Arif Khan, Md Ekramul Hossain and Mohammad Ali Moni (2019). Comparing Different Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms for Disease Prediction – BMC Medical Informatics

[4] K. Subhadra, Vikas B (2019). Neural network based Intelligent System for predicting heart disease - International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering Volume 8

[5] Runzhi Li, Wei Liu, Yusong Lin, Hongling Zhao and Chaoyang Zhang (2017). An Ensemble Multilabel Classification for Disease Risk Prediction - Journal of Healthcare Engineering

[6] Jaymin Patel, Prof.Tejal Upadhyay, Dr. Samir Patel (March 2016). Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning and Data Mining Technique – IJSC Journal

[7] M. Srividya & S. Mohanavalli & N. Bhalaji, Behavioral Modeling for Mental Health using Machine Learning Algorithms, 11 March 2018

[8] Liu, Shengyu, et al. "Drug-drug interaction extraction via convolutional neural networks." Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2016 (2016).

[9] Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth , Amir Sadeghipour , Bianca S Gerendas, Sebastian M Waldstein , Hrvoje Bogunović (2018)

[10] Keniya, Rinkal & Khakharia, Aman & Shah, Vruddhi & Gada, Vrushabh & Manjalkar, Ruchi & Thaker, Tirth & Warang, Mahesh & Mehendale, Ninad. (2020). Disease Prediction From Various Symptoms Using Machine Learning. SSRN Electronic Journal. 10.2139/ssrn.3661426.

[11] M.Rajeswari, A.Chandrasekar, Nasiya PM, "Disease Prognosis by Machine Learning Over Big Data from Healthcare Communities" , International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019

[12]Pal, Ashish & Rawal, Pritam & Ruwala, Rahil & Patel, Vaibhavi. (2019). Generic Disease Prediction using Symptoms with Supervised Machine Learning. International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology. 1082-1086. 10.32628/CSEIT1952297.

[13] Comparing different supervised machine learning algorithms for disease prediction (Shahadat Uddin, Arif Khan, Md Ekramul Hossain and Mohammad Ali Moni)


[15] Probabilistic Machine Learning for Healthcare(Irene Y. Chen, Shalmali Joshi, Marzyeh Ghassemi, and Rajesh Ranganath)

[16] Split Learning for collaborative deep learning in healthcare (Maarten G. Poirot, Praneeth Vepakomma, Ken Chang, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Rajiv Gupta, Ramesh Raskar)

[17] Mining Association Rules from Large Datasets Towards Disease Prediction (K. Srinivas, G. Raghavendra Rao, A. Govardhan)

[18] Reinforcement Learning in Healthcare: A Survey (Chao Yu, Jiming Liu, Shamim Nemati)

[19] Secure and Robust Machine Learning for Healthcare: A Survey (Adnan Qayyum, Junaid Qadir, Muhammad Bilal, and Ala Al-Fuqaha) 50


A cutting-edge Open Source HealthCare app (Android+Web) utilizes Machine Learning to predict diseases based on Symptoms or Natural Language. It also includes features such as Live Chat with Doctors, Appointment Booking, Possible Drugs you can take, and Specialist you can refer to.





