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MeinerLP1 edited this page Apr 25, 2020 · 9 revisions

On this page you can get an overview over all CloudNet permissions.


Permission Description
cloudnet.notify players with this permission get a notification if a server starts or stops
cloudnet.fulljoin players with this permission can join every full server/proxy
cloudnet.maintenance players with this permission can join on proxys which are in maintenance players with this permission can join on servers which are in maintenance
cloudnet.joinpower.<server-group> players with this permission can join on a serverGroup when the joinpower is equal to the serverGroup-joinPower.
cloudnet.signs.knockback.bypass players with this permission bypasses the sign knockback if it is enabled players with this permission can execute the command "/cloud"<subcommand> players with this permission can excecute a subcommand of "/cloud" (! they need the permission "", too !)
cloudnet.command.permissions players with this permission can excecute the command "/permissions"
cloudnet.command.cloudserver players with this permission can excecute the commans "/cloudserver
cloudnet.command.resource players with this permission can excecute the commans "/resource" players with this permission can use "&code" to write colored messages in the chat (the chat plugin needs to be installed)

Sub-Permissions of command "/cloud"

The player needs the permission "", too!

Permission Description players with this permission can add/remove users from the whitelist players with this permission can enable/disable/set the AutoSlot players with this permission can copy a server into the template players with this permission can start a cloudserver players with this permission can start a server or proxy players with this permission can enable/disable the maintenance of a proxyGroup players with this permission can enable/disable the maintenance of a serverGroup players with this permission can stop all servers of an server or proxyGroup players with this permission can stop a specific server/proxy players with this permission can set the maxplayers of a proxyGroup players with this permission can create a web-serverlog layers with this permission can list all registred Proxy and Server Groups players with this permission can list all online players players with this permission can list all online servers players with this permission can list all online Proxys players with this permission can list all online Servers, Wrappers and Proxys players with this permission can see the CloudVersion players with this permission can reload the CloudSystem players with this permission can reload all Configurations of the CloudSystem players with this permission can excecute a command on a specific Proxy players with this permission can excecute a command on a specific Server players with this permission can stop all unused Servers players with this permission can toggle the debug mode on the proxy

CloudNet-Core permissions

Permission Description
cloudnet.command.clear users with this permission can clear the Core-Console
cloudnet.command.clearcache users with this permission can clear the process cache
cloudnet.command.cmd users with this permission can excecute a command on a specific Server, Wrapper or Proxy
cloudnet.command.copy users with this permission can copy a specific Server or Proxy into the Template
cloudnet.command.create users with this permission can create a Wrapper, Server or ProxyGroup
cloudnet.command.delete users with this permission can delete a serverGroup users with this permission can show the help users with this permission can get a specific ServerInformation
cloudnet.command.installplugin users with this permission can install a plugin on a specific Server
cloudnet.command.list users with this permission can get all online Servers, Wrappers and Proxys
cloudnet.command.log users with this permission can create a web-serverLog
cloudnet.command.modules users with this permission can list all active modules
cloudnet.command.reload users with this permission can reload the CloudSystem
cloudnet.command.screen users with this permission can open a Server or Proxy screen
cloudnet.command.shutdown users with this permission can stop an specific Server, Proxy, Wrapper or a whole Group
cloudnet.command.statistic users with this permission can show the statistics of the CloudSystem
cloudnet.command.stop users with this permission can stop the CloudSystem
cloudnet.command.version users with this permission can show the CloudVersion

CloudNet-Wrapper permissions

Permission Description
cloudnet.command.clear users with this permission can clear the Core-Console
cloudnet.command.clearcache users with this permission can clear the process Cache users with this permission can show the help
cloudnet.command.reload users with this permission can reload the Wrapper
cloudnet.command.stop users with this permission can stop the Wrapper
cloudnet.command.version users with this permission can show the CloudVersion