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Master & Wrapper commands

Marvin edited this page Nov 24, 2019 · 3 revisions

Master commands

Command Aliases Permission Description
clear cloudnet.command.clear Clears the console screen.
clearcache cc cloudnet.command.clearcache Clears the plugin and template cache of all wrappers.
cmd command cloudnet.command.cmd Executes a command on a game server or proxy server.
copy cloudnet.command.copy Copies a game server to the template which it loaded from.
create start cloudnet.command.create Creates new wrappers, server groups, permission groups, proxy groups or custom servers.
debug cloudnet.command.debug Toggles the debug mode.
delete cloudnet.command.delete Deletes a server group, proxy group, wrapper or templates of a server group.
help Prints a general overview of all commands and other helpful information about the cloud.
info i Shows information about a server, proxy, wrapper or server group.
installplugin cloudnet.command.installplugin Installs plugin onto a server.
list cloudnet.command.list Lists some information about the cloud.
local-wrapper lw cloudnet.command.local-wrapper Manages the local wrapper in the master of this cloud, if it is enabled.
log cloudnet.command.log Creates a shareable log for a server or proxy.
modules m cloudnet.cowmmand.modules Lists all modules, versions and authors.
reload rl cloudnet.command.reload Reloads the configuration and modules.
screen sc cloudnet.command.screen Shows you the console of one server.
shutdown cloudnet.command.shutdown Stops wrappers, proxies, servers or proxy/server groups.
statistic cloudnet.command.statistic Shows a list of all recorded statistics of this CloudNet instance!
stop end, exit cloudnet.command.stop Stop this CloudNet-Master instance.
user cloudnet.command.user Manages CloudNet internal users.
version cloudnet.command.version Shows the version of this instance.

Wrapper commands

Command Aliases Permission Description
clear cloudnet.command.clear Clears the console screen.
clearcache cc cloudnet.command.clearcache Clears the plugin and template cache of this wrapper.
help Prints a general overview of all commands and other helpful information about the cloud.
reload rl cloudnet.command.reload Reloads the configuration and modules.
stop end, exit cloudnet.command.stop Stop this CloudNet-Master instance.
version cloudnet.command.version Shows the version of this instance.

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