There are two different files here. One is for Internet Browsers and the other is for Node.js programs.
The raida.min.js file contains the Raida class and other supporting libraries, such as Axios. The Raida class has functions that allow you to connect to RAIDA Cloud such as CloudCoin and CloudBanks such as SkyWallet quickly. The Raida class uses the latest callback, tracing, and debug techniques available today.
The node.js repository and can be installed via npm install raidajs. It doesn't have libraries in it. (like axios) Libraries are installed by npm using dependency tree.
Using npm:
$ npm install raidajs
Using html:
<script src=""></script>
let raidaJS = new RaidaJS({ timeout: 20000, debug: false })
raidaJS.apiEcho().then(response => {
console.log("Available servers: " + response.onlineServers)
let data = [{
sn: 20,
an: ["01f2b05d74192e31478846f1b7bdd661","02025cf02053edb09b93ef532a37099d",
raidaJS.apiDetect(data).then(response => {
console.log("Authentic Notes: " + response.authenticNotes)
console.log("Total Notes: " + response.totalNotes)
Object.keys(response.result).map(sn => {
console.log("SN: " + sn + " pown: " + response.result[sn].pownstring)
Node.js ES6
import RaidaJS from "raidajs"
let raidaJS = new RaidaJS()
Node.js ES5
let RaidaJS = require('raidajs').default
let raidaJS = new RaidaJS()
Here are the available config options for making requests. None of them is required.
let options = {
// The main domain for the RAIDA
domain : "",
// Prefix used to construct the final url
prefix : "raida",
// Protocol schema
protocol: "https",
// Read Timeout for HTTP requests in milliseconds
timeout: 10000,
// Default Network Number
defaultCoinNn: 1,
// Debug. If set, an additional 'details' field will be set in the response data.
// The field contains a raw response from the RAIDA server
debug: false,
// RAIDA to query when we create SkywWallets
defaultRaidaForQuery: 7,
// DDNS service for SkyWallets
ddnsServer: "",
// Maximum coins to deal at a time
maxCoinsPerIteraiton: 200,
// Maximum size for NFT Token and ID Proof Picture. Default is 6Mb
maxNFTSize: 6000000,
// Default URL for Debit Card PNG template
urlCardTemplate: "",
// Sentry DSN. If passed the library will report errors to Sentry
sentryDSN: "https://[email protected]/5710548"
let raidaJS = new RaidaJS(options)
All methods are executed asynchronously and return Javascript Promise Object If there is an error with the input data the method returns null
Each API method has an optional callback
argument. If defined this function is called after each raida returns or fails. It helps to track the progress of the whole bunch of requests
let progress = 0
raidaJS.apiDetect(data, raidaNumber => {
console.log("RAIDA " + raidaNumber + " finished")
}).then(response => console.log(response))
// Returns the current set of the RAIDA URLs
// Returns the denomination of the coin
If any method fails or an error occurs the function will retuns the following object:
// Error Code
"code" : integer
// Error plain-text description in English
"text" : string,
Error Codes are two-bytes hexidecimals defined on the RaidaJS Class. E.g.
If there is no error and function returns 'success' the 'code' field is zero
RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR = 0x0
Error Codes
// Params Validation
// Response Errors
// Funds
// Network Related
// Billpay erros
// Modules
// Detect Failed
RaidaJS.ERR_FAILED_TO_FIX = 0x8003
// NFT
// Request partly succeced
RaidaJS.ERR_HAS_ERROR = 0x9101
Echos RAIDA servers
// Example call to echo the RAIDA:
// Example call the echo the RAIDA and execute another function (callback) after each RAIDA server returns the response:
raidaJS.apiEcho(raidaNumber => {})
Data Returned:
// The call will return an anonymous object that will have three properties:
onlineServers: Number, // The number of servers (0-25) that responded to the echo request.
totalServers: Number, // This is always 25 and represents the the number of clouds that are in the RAIDA.
details: [] // A string array of all the JSON responses from every RAIDA's echo request. This is not usually needed but handy for trouble shooting
Sends multi_detect request to the RAIDA
// Array of coins. If pan parameter is not set, it will be replicated from an
let params = [{sn:1,an:[]},{sn:2,an:[]}]
// Example call to the RAIDA:
// Example call to the RAIDA and execute another function (callback) after each RAIDA server returns the response:
raidaJS.apiDetect(params, raidaNumber => {})
Data Returned:
// Status of the request
status: String, // 'done' or 'error'
errorText: String, // Set if the status above is 'error'
// General Statistics
totalNotes: Number, // The number of notes in the initial request
authenticNotes: Number, // The number of authentic notes
frackedNotes: Number, // The number of fracked notes
counterfeitNotes: Number, // The number of counterfeit notes
errorNotes: Number, // The number of notes failed to be authenticated
// Per-coin results
result: {
coinSN0 : { // Coin serial number
// Coin Info
nn: Number, // Coin network number
sn: Number, // Coin serial number
denomination: Number, // Denomination. One of (1, 5, 25, 100, 250)
// Results from the RAIDA servers
authentic: Number, // The number of RAIDA servers that think the coin is authentic
counterfeit: Number, // The number of RAIDA servers that think the coin is counterfeit
errors: Number, // The number of RAIDA servers that failed to process the coin
// Resulting Authenticity Numbers (if powned or frackfixed)
an: [],
// Computed Results
pownstring: String,
result: String // The result. One of the (authentic, counterfeit, fracked, error)
coinSN1 : { // Next coin
The function receives a SkyWallet DNS name (e.g. and resolves it to a Serial Number. The library first queries CloudFlare DNS and if it fails the Google DNS will be queried. The function is asynchronous and returns a Promise
// SkyWallet name
Data Returned
// Always RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR (0x0) if the response is successful
"code" : integer,
// Serial Number
"sn" : integer
let r = r.apiResolveSkyWallet("").then(response => {
if (response.code != RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR) {
console.log("Error Occured: " + response.text + ", Code: " + response.code)
console.log("Serial Number: " +
Error Codes:
// A-Record of the SkyWallet was not found neither by Google DNS nor by CloudFlare DNS
// The library failed to connect to Google DNS and CloudFlare DNS
// The library failed to parse results from Goolge DNS and CloudFlare DNS
Transfers data from one Sky Wallet to another
// Parameters
let params = {
// Source Wallet Info.
// Serial Number
sn: 102,
// Array of AN numbers
// Array of PAN numbrs (optional)
// The DNS Name of the Destination Wallet
to: '',
// Memo (optional)
memo: 'From Mike',
// Amount to send
amount: 300,
// ID of the Change Maker. Optional. Default is 2
changeMakerId: 2
// Example call to the RAIDA
// Example call to the RAIDA and execute another function (callback) after each RAIDA server returns the response:
raidaJS.apiTransfer(params, raidaNumber => {})
Data Returned:
The same as the one for the apiDetect
Sends coins from a Local Wallet to a Remote Wallet
let params = {
'to' : '',
'memo' : "Send",
'coins' :[{
'sn' : '4343',
'an' : ["f9f2b05d74192e31478846f1b7bdd661","74025cf02053edb09b93ef532a37099d","c3518632d60f897d84ae62e75a7059a3","66dfb17c08b6dbc2846fbe8938bece1a","2f0744735d8b124cc0e31a349770d1f4","cd13fcc1a2806a75322d5a9fda0feaa4","f611a8eb968d4d4b0dd82d8a05b2d8eb","23f8f118f4e76e8cc1488514e6bc6881","d31849f975223a06e765d3433d3e6a9b","4502d00825ccae4c3507cfe1749980d1","62925225e48a9b0fe497dcde66de9227","54688f1c40550d113b8f4f513bf6b8d4","9c2b39d22d0b3e4012eb6e962e99b31b","1564dacd34ace94eb4abfe2f378abe87","1b890b7fa38069745c1b7c7729b242c1","23a0120db1384da7fed62a9100c2f56f","07500e20b49fd14ea5880aa279061aea","72c35043e9a0ea06dc3a29e0409af6ed","415110f4d85b09cf6618aa13164f6b87","8bcf9c8ca170528891bb9eb4ffcbaec0","506c76f5422e92297f4daa453a0d195b","8608a6edb997d0abfec8f88782ff61bd","56d153108902aa4bfe5dab55d9298250","763ec57476e3923eb3f4d9309c5651d6","6938b4aafd39bd136141a2ac31fc8141"]
}, {
'sn' : '4341424',
'an' : ["01f2b05d74192e31478846f1b7bdd661","02025cf02053edb09b93ef532a37099d","03518632d60f897d84ae62e75a7059a3","04dfb17c08b6dbc2846fbe8938bece1a","050744735d8b124cc0e31a349770d1f4","0613fcc1a2806a75322d5a9fda0feaa4","0711a8eb968d4d4b0dd82d8a05b2d8eb","08f8f118f4e76e8cc1488514e6bc6881","091849f975223a06e765d3433d3e6a9b","1002d00825ccae4c3507cfe1749980d1","11925225e48a9b0fe497dcde66de9227","12688f1c40550d113b8f4f513bf6b8d4","132b39d22d0b3e4012eb6e962e99b31b","1464dacd34ace94eb4abfe2f378abe87","15890b7fa38069745c1b7c7729b242c1","16a0120db1384da7fed62a9100c2f56f","17500e20b49fd14ea5880aa279061aea","18c35043e9a0ea06dc3a29e0409af6ed","195110f4d85b09cf6618aa13164f6b87","20cf9c8ca170528891bb9eb4ffcbaec0","216c76f5422e92297f4daa453a0d195b","2208a6edb997d0abfec8f88782ff61bd","23d153108902aa4bfe5dab55d9298250","243ec57476e3923eb3f4d9309c5651d6","2538b4aafd39bd136141a2ac31fc8141"]
}, {
'sn' : '4164737',
'an' : ["f9f2b05d74192e31478846f1b7bdd661","74025cf02053edb09b93ef532a37099d","c3518632d60f897d84ae62e75a7059a3","66dfb17c08b6dbc2846fbe8938bece1a","2f0744735d8b124cc0e31a349770d1f4","cd13fcc1a2806a75322d5a9fda0feaa4","f611a8eb968d4d4b0dd82d8a05b2d8eb","23f8f118f4e76e8cc1488514e6bc6881","d31849f975223a06e765d3433d3e6a9b","4502d00825ccae4c3507cfe1749980d1","62925225e48a9b0fe497dcde66de9227","54688f1c40550d113b8f4f513bf6b8d4","9c2b39d22d0b3e4012eb6e962e99b31b","1564dacd34ace94eb4abfe2f378abe87","1b890b7fa38069745c1b7c7729b242c1","23a0120db1384da7fed62a9100c2f56f","07500e20b49fd14ea5880aa279061aea","72c35043e9a0ea06dc3a29e0409af6ed","415110f4d85b09cf6618aa13164f6b87","8bcf9c8ca170528891bb9eb4ffcbaec0","506c76f5422e92297f4daa453a0d195b","8608a6edb997d0abfec8f88782ff61bd","56d153108902aa4bfe5dab55d9298250","763ec57476e3923eb3f4d9309c5651d6","6938b4aafd39bd136141a2ac31fc8141"]
}, {
'sn': '1231231',
'an' : ["44f2b05d74192e31478846f1b7bdd661","55025cf02053edb09b93ef532a37099d","66518632d60f897d84ae62e75a7059a3","77dfb17c08b6dbc2846fbe8938bece1a","880744735d8b124cc0e31a349770d1f4","cd13fcc1a2806a75322d5a9fda0feaa4","f611a8eb968d4d4b0dd82d8a05b2d8eb","23f8f118f4e76e8cc1488514e6bc6881","d31849f975223a06e765d3433d3e6a9b","4502d00825ccae4c3507cfe1749980d1","62925225e48a9b0fe497dcde66de9227","54688f1c40550d113b8f4f513bf6b8d4","9c2b39d22d0b3e4012eb6e962e99b31b","1564dacd34ace94eb4abfe2f378abe87","1b890b7fa38069745c1b7c7729b242c1","23a0120db1384da7fed62a9100c2f56f","07500e20b49fd14ea5880aa279061aea","72c35043e9a0ea06dc3a29e0409af6ed","415110f4d85b09cf6618aa13164f6b87","8bcf9c8ca170528891bb9eb4ffcbaec0","506c76f5422e92297f4daa453a0d195b","8608a6edb997d0abfec8f88782ff61bd","56d153108902aa4bfe5dab55d9298250","763ec57476e3923eb3f4d9309c5651d6","6938b4aafd39bd136141a2ac31fc8141"]
// Example call to the RAIDA:
// Example call to the RAIDA and execute another function (callback) after each RAIDA server returns the response:
raidaJS.apiSend(params, raidaNumber => {})
// Callback example
raidaJS.apiSend(params, raidaNumber => {
console.log("RAIDA " + raidaNumber + " just finished sending")
Data Returned:
The same as the one for the apiDetect
This service can be used as a standalone call but it is reasonable to call it right after the apiDetect call. The method accepts apiDetect response.result as its input value
// Per-coin results
coinSN0 : { // Coin serial number
// Coin Info
nn: Number, // Coin network number
sn: Number, // Coin serial number
pownstring: String // PownString
coinSN1 : { // Next Coin
// Example call to the RAIDA:
raidaJS.apiDetect(params).then(response => {
console.log("Detect finished. Fixing Fracked coins")
raidaJS.apiFixfracked(response.result).then(response => {
console.log("Fixing finished. Total coins fixed: " + response.fixedNotes)
// Example call to the RAIDA and execute another function (callback) after each RAIDA server returns the response:
raidaJS.apiDetect(params, raidaNumber => {
console.log("RAIDA " + raidaNumber + " finished detecting")
}).then(response => {
console.log("Detect finished. Fixing Fracked coins")
raidaJS.apiFixfracked(response.result, (raidaNumber, operation) => {
console.log("RAIDA " + raidaNumber + " finished " + operation) // 'operation' is either 'multi_fix' or 'multi_get_ticket'
}).then(response => {
console.log("Fixing finished. Total coins fixed: " + response.fixedNotes)
Data Returned
// General statistics
totalNotes: Number, // The number of notes in the initial request
fixedNotes: Number // The number of successfully fixed notes
// Per-coin info
result: {
coinSN0: {
// Coin static data
nn: Number,
sn: Number,
denomination: Number,
// Fix statistics
errors: Number,
counterfeit: Number,
authentic: Number
// Result of fixing
result: String, // either 'fracked' or 'fixed'
pownstring: String,
an: [] // The array of ANs after the fixing. It is crucial to save it!
coinSN1: {
Fixes coins previously returned by apiShowCoins() call. The function fixes no more than this.options.maxCoinsPerIteraiton coins at a time. Default is 200
sn0: [], // Array of 25 values of enum ["yes", "no", "unknown"]
sn1: [], // Array of 25 values of enum ["yes", "no", "unknown"]
Data returned:
The function has the same input and output signature as apiFixTransferSync The only difference is that the coins are fixed asynchronously
Receives coins from a Sky Wallet. (!) It is crucial to save the received Authenticity Numbers from the received coins.
// Parameters
let params = {
// Source Wallet Info.
// Serial Number
sn: 102,
// Array of AN numbers
// Array of PAN numbrs (optional)
// Amount to receive. Optional. If not set all coins will be received
amount: 300,
// ID of the Change Maker. Optional. Default is 2
changeMakerId: 2
// Example call to the RAIDA
// Example call to the RAIDA and execute another function (callback) after each RAIDA server returns the response:
raidaJS.apiReceive(params, raidaNumber => {})
Data Returned:
The same as the one for the apiDetect
Takes an PNG URL and an array of coins, then embeds the array into the PNG template. WARNING: in order to follow CORS policy the URL must be the same as the one where the script runs
params = {
// array of coins
"coins" :[{
"sn" : "4343",
"an" : ["f9f2b05d74192e31478846f1b7bdd661","74025cf02053edb09b93ef532a37099d","c3518632d60f897d84ae62e75a7059a3","66dfb17c08b6dbc2846fbe8938bece1a","2f0744735d8b124cc0e31a349770d1f4","cd13fcc1a2806a75322d5a9fda0feaa4","f611a8eb968d4d4b0dd82d8a05b2d8eb","23f8f118f4e76e8cc1488514e6bc6881","d31849f975223a06e765d3433d3e6a9b","4502d00825ccae4c3507cfe1749980d1","62925225e48a9b0fe497dcde66de9227","54688f1c40550d113b8f4f513bf6b8d4","9c2b39d22d0b3e4012eb6e962e99b31b","1564dacd34ace94eb4abfe2f378abe87","1b890b7fa38069745c1b7c7729b242c1","23a0120db1384da7fed62a9100c2f56f","07500e20b49fd14ea5880aa279061aea","72c35043e9a0ea06dc3a29e0409af6ed","415110f4d85b09cf6618aa13164f6b87","8bcf9c8ca170528891bb9eb4ffcbaec0","506c76f5422e92297f4daa453a0d195b","8608a6edb997d0abfec8f88782ff61bd","56d153108902aa4bfe5dab55d9298250","763ec57476e3923eb3f4d9309c5651d6","6938b4aafd39bd136141a2ac31fc8141"]
// PNG URL. Must be the compatible with CORS policy
// The URL can be specified in Base64 format if you prepend 'data:application/octet-binary;base64,' to it
"template" : ""
// Example (base64)
// "template" : "data:application/octet-binary;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAADsMAAA7DAcdvqGQAAACqSURBVDhPYxhwwAilGa7duCkJZZZBaQEovRFEaGmobwDz0AATlCYbILtgPpS5HUrfh9LNUDoDRABd8gDMgwKKXYBsgAIUH4Di81C8A4pVoRgFUOwCFigNAhOhdCeUvggibj15Vw+i1598EAii0QH1YgEGgLEhAmWqgYjOtefYQPSNp+8XgWgg8AMRJ6dlXQDR1HcBLmCeNc0AyswHEUAXJIJoil0w0ICBAQCRzCfuSDyCswAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=="
raidaJS.embedInImage(params).then(response => {
document.getElementById('imgId').setAttribute('src', 'data:image/png;base64,' + response)
Data returned
Base64-encoded image
Extracts a stack file from a PNG image
params = {
r.extractStack(params).then(response => {
Data returned
// Status of the request
status: String, // 'done' or 'error'
// CloudCoin Stack
cloudcoin: {
Requests tickets from RAIDA. You need to provide a CloudCoin
params = {
"sn" : "4343",
"an" : ["f9f2b05d74192e31478846f1b7bdd661","74025cf02053edb09b93ef532a37099d","c3518632d60f897d84ae62e75a7059a3","66dfb17c08b6dbc2846fbe8938bece1a","2f0744735d8b124cc0e31a349770d1f4","cd13fcc1a2806a75322d5a9fda0feaa4","f611a8eb968d4d4b0dd82d8a05b2d8eb","23f8f118f4e76e8cc1488514e6bc6881","d31849f975223a06e765d3433d3e6a9b","4502d00825ccae4c3507cfe1749980d1","62925225e48a9b0fe497dcde66de9227","54688f1c40550d113b8f4f513bf6b8d4","9c2b39d22d0b3e4012eb6e962e99b31b","1564dacd34ace94eb4abfe2f378abe87","1b890b7fa38069745c1b7c7729b242c1","23a0120db1384da7fed62a9100c2f56f","07500e20b49fd14ea5880aa279061aea","72c35043e9a0ea06dc3a29e0409af6ed","415110f4d85b09cf6618aa13164f6b87","8bcf9c8ca170528891bb9eb4ffcbaec0","506c76f5422e92297f4daa453a0d195b","8608a6edb997d0abfec8f88782ff61bd","56d153108902aa4bfe5dab55d9298250","763ec57476e3923eb3f4d9309c5651d6","6938b4aafd39bd136141a2ac31fc8141"]
r.apiGetticket(params, idx => {
console.log("RAIDA " + idx + " responded")
}).then(response => {
rv.apiGetticket(params).then(response => {
Data returned
// Status of the request
status: String, // 'done'
tickets: [] // array of 25 tickets
Returns the SkyWallet contents
params = {
"sn" : "4343",
"an" : ["f9f2b05d74192e31478846f1b7bdd661","74025cf02053edb09b93ef532a37099d","c3518632d60f897d84ae62e75a7059a3","66dfb17c08b6dbc2846fbe8938bece1a","2f0744735d8b124cc0e31a349770d1f4","cd13fcc1a2806a75322d5a9fda0feaa4","f611a8eb968d4d4b0dd82d8a05b2d8eb","23f8f118f4e76e8cc1488514e6bc6881","d31849f975223a06e765d3433d3e6a9b","4502d00825ccae4c3507cfe1749980d1","62925225e48a9b0fe497dcde66de9227","54688f1c40550d113b8f4f513bf6b8d4","9c2b39d22d0b3e4012eb6e962e99b31b","1564dacd34ace94eb4abfe2f378abe87","1b890b7fa38069745c1b7c7729b242c1","23a0120db1384da7fed62a9100c2f56f","07500e20b49fd14ea5880aa279061aea","72c35043e9a0ea06dc3a29e0409af6ed","415110f4d85b09cf6618aa13164f6b87","8bcf9c8ca170528891bb9eb4ffcbaec0","506c76f5422e92297f4daa453a0d195b","8608a6edb997d0abfec8f88782ff61bd","56d153108902aa4bfe5dab55d9298250","763ec57476e3923eb3f4d9309c5651d6","6938b4aafd39bd136141a2ac31fc8141"]
r.apiShowCoins(params).then(response => {
Data returned
coins: {} // Hashmap with coins. Can be empty if the skywallet balance is zero,
coinsPerRaida: {} // Hashmap with coins and RAIDA presense
coinsPerRaida shows the array (25) of coin's presense on RAIDA servers:
45345: ["yes", "yes", "no", "unknown", "no", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes"]
// yes - coin is present on raida#
// no - coin is not present
// unknown - the status is unknown (raida server is not responding)
CoinsPerRaida can be passed AS-IS to apiFixTransferSync call
r.apiShowCoins(data, () => {}).then(response => {
r.apiFixTransferSync(response.coinsPerRaida).then(response => {
This one is the same as apiShowCoins but the returned coins are put in Array instead of Object
Returns the SkyWallet contents
params = {
"sn" : "4343",
"an" : ["f9f2b05d74192e31478846f1b7bdd661","74025cf02053edb09b93ef532a37099d","c3518632d60f897d84ae62e75a7059a3","66dfb17c08b6dbc2846fbe8938bece1a","2f0744735d8b124cc0e31a349770d1f4","cd13fcc1a2806a75322d5a9fda0feaa4","f611a8eb968d4d4b0dd82d8a05b2d8eb","23f8f118f4e76e8cc1488514e6bc6881","d31849f975223a06e765d3433d3e6a9b","4502d00825ccae4c3507cfe1749980d1","62925225e48a9b0fe497dcde66de9227","54688f1c40550d113b8f4f513bf6b8d4","9c2b39d22d0b3e4012eb6e962e99b31b","1564dacd34ace94eb4abfe2f378abe87","1b890b7fa38069745c1b7c7729b242c1","23a0120db1384da7fed62a9100c2f56f","07500e20b49fd14ea5880aa279061aea","72c35043e9a0ea06dc3a29e0409af6ed","415110f4d85b09cf6618aa13164f6b87","8bcf9c8ca170528891bb9eb4ffcbaec0","506c76f5422e92297f4daa453a0d195b","8608a6edb997d0abfec8f88782ff61bd","56d153108902aa4bfe5dab55d9298250","763ec57476e3923eb3f4d9309c5651d6","6938b4aafd39bd136141a2ac31fc8141"]
r.apiShowBalance(params).then(reponse => {
Data returned
// Hashmap of balances. Keys are the balances and values are the number of Raida servers that voted for this balance. Raida servers may disagree about the balance. In this case there will be multiple keys
balances: {},
// Pownstring
raidaStatuses: "ppppppppppppppppppppppppp".
// Array of balances for each RAIDA server
balancesPerRaida: [],
// 'Winner' balance. It is -1 if the balance can't be reliably determined
balance: integer,
// Flag showing that FrackFixer was called during the call
triedToFix: boolean,
// If FrackFixed was called the flag show the result of fixing
fixedCoin: boolean
Possible values are:
"p" - "pass"
"f" - "fail" // counterfeit
"u" - "untried"
"n" - "network issue"
"e" - "error"
If balances returned like this:
balances : {
193: 20,
191: 2,
0: 3
It means that twenty raida servers think that the balance is 193 CloudCoins Two RAIDA servers think that the balance is 191 CloudCoins Three RAIDA servers think that the balance is zero
This method creates a SkyWallet for the specified CloudCoin. Method accepts name of the wallet and the coin itself. If "overwrite" attribute is true and the DNS name already exists the library will delete the old record and create a new one.
params = {
"name" : "",
"overwrite" : true,
"coin" : {
"sn" : "4343",
"an" : ["f9f2b05d74192e31478846f1b7bdd661","74025cf02053edb09b93ef532a37099d","c3518632d60f897d84ae62e75a7059a3","66dfb17c08b6dbc2846fbe8938bece1a","2f0744735d8b124cc0e31a349770d1f4","cd13fcc1a2806a75322d5a9fda0feaa4","f611a8eb968d4d4b0dd82d8a05b2d8eb","23f8f118f4e76e8cc1488514e6bc6881","d31849f975223a06e765d3433d3e6a9b","4502d00825ccae4c3507cfe1749980d1","62925225e48a9b0fe497dcde66de9227","54688f1c40550d113b8f4f513bf6b8d4","9c2b39d22d0b3e4012eb6e962e99b31b","1564dacd34ace94eb4abfe2f378abe87","1b890b7fa38069745c1b7c7729b242c1","23a0120db1384da7fed62a9100c2f56f","07500e20b49fd14ea5880aa279061aea","72c35043e9a0ea06dc3a29e0409af6ed","415110f4d85b09cf6618aa13164f6b87","8bcf9c8ca170528891bb9eb4ffcbaec0","506c76f5422e92297f4daa453a0d195b","8608a6edb997d0abfec8f88782ff61bd","56d153108902aa4bfe5dab55d9298250","763ec57476e3923eb3f4d9309c5651d6","6938b4aafd39bd136141a2ac31fc8141"]
Data returned
code: RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR
This method deletes a previously created SkyWallet
params = {
"name" : "",
"coin" : {
"sn" : "4343",
"an" : ["f9f2b05d74192e31478846f1b7bdd661","74025cf02053edb09b93ef532a37099d","c3518632d60f897d84ae62e75a7059a3","66dfb17c08b6dbc2846fbe8938bece1a","2f0744735d8b124cc0e31a349770d1f4","cd13fcc1a2806a75322d5a9fda0feaa4","f611a8eb968d4d4b0dd82d8a05b2d8eb","23f8f118f4e76e8cc1488514e6bc6881","d31849f975223a06e765d3433d3e6a9b","4502d00825ccae4c3507cfe1749980d1","62925225e48a9b0fe497dcde66de9227","54688f1c40550d113b8f4f513bf6b8d4","9c2b39d22d0b3e4012eb6e962e99b31b","1564dacd34ace94eb4abfe2f378abe87","1b890b7fa38069745c1b7c7729b242c1","23a0120db1384da7fed62a9100c2f56f","07500e20b49fd14ea5880aa279061aea","72c35043e9a0ea06dc3a29e0409af6ed","415110f4d85b09cf6618aa13164f6b87","8bcf9c8ca170528891bb9eb4ffcbaec0","506c76f5422e92297f4daa453a0d195b","8608a6edb997d0abfec8f88782ff61bd","56d153108902aa4bfe5dab55d9298250","763ec57476e3923eb3f4d9309c5651d6","6938b4aafd39bd136141a2ac31fc8141"]
Data returned
code: RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR
This method downolads a receipt from a Sky Wallet
params = {
// Sky Coin
account : "7392040",
// 32-byte hex receipt ID
tag : "762c2d8eeb06a193b759eaf681826d9c"
Data returned
status : "done" // "done" or "error"
sns : [], // array of serial numbers
total: 20, // Total coins in receipt
This method extracts CC from Username and Password
params = {
// Username
username : "",
// Password
password : "q12w3e4r5t67uxcvgdwht4"
Data returned
status : "done" // "done" or "error"
cc : {} // CloudCoin
This method creates CC from Username, Password and Email
params = {
// Serial Number
sn : 538942,
// Password
password : "q12w3e4r5t67uxcvgdwht4",
// Recovery Email
email: "[email protected]"
Data returned
status : "done" // "done" or "error",
pans: [] // array of 25 generated PANs
rand: string // string used to generate CC
cvv: string // generated cvv
This method extracts CC from Card Number and Cvv
params = {
// Username
username : "",
// Cardnumber
cardnumber : "4011131191011149",
// CVV
cvv: "2222"
Data returned
status : "done" // "done" or "error"
cc : {} // CloudCoin
apiPay is used for transferring CloudCoins from a skywallet to a merchant or to a RAIDA.
Merchant declares the Callback URL in the TXT record of his skywallet The record contains an URL that is called by RaidaJS when the transer is done.
If the "to" begins with "cloudcoin" then this is considered a payment to a merchant. All merchants must have a wallet that starts with "cloudcoin" to receive a payment. If the skywallet starts with "raidapay" then this payment is to a RAIDA. All payments to RAIDA must start with the word "raidapay"
RAIDA declares the Callback URL in the TXT record of their skywallet and the URLs of all the RAIDA are infered from that one URL. ATM calls the TXT record and finds the webhook."". The raidajs will then call the web hook page for all 25 raida by replacing the zero in "raida0" with all the RAIDA Numbers 1-24.
params = {
// array of ANs of the senders's Skywallet ID coin
an: ["01f2b05d74192e31478846f1b7bdd661","02025cf02053edb09b93ef532a37099d",
// Send
sender_name: "",
// From (optional, defaulted to sender_name if missing)
from: "",
// Merchant skywallet
to: "",
// Or RAIDA skywallet
to: "",
// Amount
amount: 100,
// Memo (optional)
memo: "my memo",
// GUID of the receipt (optional, will be generated if not present)
guid: "216c76f5422e92297f4daa453a0d195b"
Data returned
The same as the one for the apiDetect. A 'guid' (transaction ID) parameter is added to the response.
Function queries the FreeCoin Server and downloads a coin from there. It accepts a Uniq Hardware ID which is 32 character hexidecimal string The generation of HardwareID is up to the caller. It can be an MD5 sum of the IP address or MAC address
hwId - 32 hex string
Data Returned:
// CloudCoin
"an" : array,
"sn" : string,
"nn" : string,
"pown" : string // ponwString
"ed" : stirng // expiration Date
let c = r.apiGetFreeCoin("102f5037fe6474019fe947b4977bb2a5").then(response => {
if ('status' in response && response.status == 'error') {
The function creates a statement on the RAIDA. The function can be called by the sender or receiver if he wants to save transaction details on the RAIDA.
// CloudCoin (SN and AN must be passed) of the transaction owner
"coin" : {
// Serial Number
"sn" : interger,
// Array of 25 Authenticity Numbers
"an" : []
//Event code. One of ['send', 'recieve', 'transfer_out', 'transfer_in', 'break', 'break_in_bank', 'join', 'join_in_bank', 'unknown'],
"event_code" : string,
// Amount of CloudCoins that was sent
"amount" : integer,
// 32 chars hexidecimal string. ID of the transaction. Optional, if omitted it will be generated
"guid" : string,
// Transaction memo. Optional
"memo" : string,
// Optional. One of ['self', 'other_know', 'other_anonymous', 'unknown']. The default is 'self'
"initiator_type" : string,
// Optional. ID of the initiator. It can be a SkyWallet Address or a Serial Number of the sender
"initiator_id" : string,
// Optional. Image URL to display along with the transaction record
"initiator_image_url": string,
// Optional. Description URL
"initiator_description_url": string
Data Returned:
// Always RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR (0x0) if the response is successful
"code" : integer,
// Guid of the statement
"guid" : string
let cc = {
let trdata = {
"coin" : cc,
"event_code": "transfer",
"initiator_type" : "self",
"initiator_id" : "",
"initiator_image_url" : "",
"initiator_description_url": "",
"memo" : "payment for the car",
"amount" : 125000,
"guid" : "ae596e96d15cfed1d137c2e99de50754"
let c = r.apiCreateRecord(trdata, () => {}).then(response => {
if (response.code != RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR) {
console.log("Record has been saved successfully")
apiShowRecords gets saved records from the RAIDA. It downloads all statements from the servers, decrypts them and returns them to the caller. The function doesn't support pagination (limit and offset) and most of the filters. The only filter that is supported by the Backend is 'start_ts' which allows to set the starting datetime of the transactions. Sorting is not supported on the Backend too. The function internally sorts records on the client after downloading all of them.
The function automatically tries to synchronize records if it finds any inconsistency. The sync call (either sync_add or sync_delete) is transparent to the caller.
// CloudCoin (SN and AN must be passed) of the transactions owner
"coin" : {
// Serial Number
"sn" : interger,
// Array of 25 Authenticity Numbers
"an" : []
// Filtering on the Backend. Timestamp. If specified, only transactions created after this datetime will be returned
"start_ts" : integer,
// Optional. Sorting field. One of ["amount", "guid", "from", "memo"]
"order_by" : string,
// Optinal. If true the sorting will be in asceding order.
"order_asc": true
// CloudCoin
// Always RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR (0x0) if the response is successful
"code" : integer,
// Array of Records
"records" : [
Record structure
// Amount of CloudCoins
"amount" : integer,
// 32 chars hexidecimal string. ID of the transaction.
"guid" : string,
// Transaction memo.
"memo" : string,
// Sender's identity.
"inititator_id" : string,
// Image URL
"initiator_umage_url": string,
// Description URL
"initiator_description_url" : string,
// Initiator type. One of ['self', 'other_know', 'other_anonymous', 'unknown'].
"initiator_type": string,
// Created Timestamp
"date" : integer
let cc = {
let trdata = {
"coin" : cc,
"start_ts" : 1619359363,
"order_by" : "guid",
"order_asc" : false
let c = r.apiShowRecords(trdata, () => {}).then(response => {
if (response.code != RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR) {
for (let record in response.records) {
console.log("Transaction " + record.guid + " amount: " + record.amount)
The function deletes a statement on the RAIDA.
// CloudCoin (SN and AN must be passed) of the transaction owner
"coin" : {
// Serial Number
"sn" : interger,
// Array of 25 Authenticity Numbers
"an" : []
// 32 chars hexidecimal string. ID of the transaction. Optional, if omitted it will be generated
"guid" : string,
Data Returned:
// Always RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR (0x0) if the response is successful
"code" : integer,
let cc = {
let trdata = {
"coin" : cc,
"guid" : "ae596e96d15cfed1d137c2e99de50754"
let c = r.apiDeleteRecordr(trdata, () => {}).then(response => {
if (response.code != RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR) {
console.log("Record has been deleted successfully")
apiHealthCheck receives an ID coins and executes three calls to the RAIDA. 'show_transfer_balance', 'show' and 'show?content=true'. It collects and analyzes the responses and return a so called 'Health Check array' that holds the status of every coin in the SkyWallet for each RAIDA server. The response of the apiHealthCheck can be further used to fix the coins that are out-of-sync.
// ID CloudCoin (SN and AN must be passed)
"coin" : {
// Serial Number
"sn" : interger,
// Array of 25 Authenticity Numbers
"an" : []
// CloudCoin
// Always RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR (0x0) if the response is successful
"code" : integer,
// Array of 25 balances returned by 'show_transfer_balance' call
"balances" : [
// 'Winner' Balance
"balance" : integer,
// Array of 25 balances calculated by doing 'show?content=1' call
"show_balances" : [
// Object of Serial Numbers. The key in the object is Serial Number. The value in the object is an array of 25 numbers
"sns" : object
"SNS" object structure
1234 : ["yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes"],
4567 : ["yes", "no", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes"],
154567 : ["no", "no", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes"]
SNS Item array
// Array of 25 booleans. 'True'. Array index is a RAIDA server number. Array value says whether the coin exists on the RAIDA server
// "yes" - coin is present on the RAIDA server
// "no" - coin is NOT present on the RAIDA server
"yes", "yes", "no", "yes", "yes",
"yes", "yes", "no", "yes", "yes",
"yes", "yes", "no", "yes", "yes",
"yes", "yes", "no", "yes", "yes",
"yes", "yes", "no", "yes", "yes"
let cc = {
let trdata = {
"coin" : cc,
let c = r.apiHealthCheck(trdata, () => {}).then(response => {
if (response.code != RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR) {
console.log("Balance: " + response.balance)
for (let i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
console.log("raida " + i + " balance:" + r.balances[i] + ", content balance " + r.show_balances[i])
for (let sn in response.sns) {
let arr = response.sns[sn]
console.log("SN #" + sn + " present on this raida: " + response.sns[sn][i])
Function uploads an NFT token to the RAIDA and assotiates it with a CloudCoin. The caller can include an optional ID Proof picture (jpeg or png). The function can receive a protocol version.
Two protocol versions are supported:
0 - Data is passed as a base64-encoded message which is further split into 25 chunks with two mirrors each
1 - The same is protocol 0 but it also accepts ID Proof Picture as a parameter
// ID CloudCoin (SN and AN must be passed)
"coin" : {
// Serial Number
"sn" : interger,
// Array of 25 Authenticity Numbers
"an" : []
// Base64 data
"data" : string,
// Base64 data for ID Proof Picture
"proofdata": string,
// Protocol version. Only 0 and 1 are supported
"protocol" : 0,
// Metadata
"metadata" : {}
Metadata Object structure depends on the protocol version. The structure for v.0
// File name
"filename" : string
// MIME Content-Type. Optional. Default is application/octet-stream
"mimetype" : string
// MIME type of the ID Proof. Optional. Default is image/jpeg
"proofmimetype" : string
// Title (Optional)
"title" : string,
// Description (Optional)
"description": string
// CloudCoin
// Always RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR (0x0) if the response is successful
"code" : integer,
let cc = {
let data = {
"coin" : cc,
"metadata": {
"filename": "mypicture.jpg"
let c = r.apiNFTInsert(data, () => {}).then(response => {
if (response.code != RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR) {
console.log("Token has been created")
The function is similar to apiNFTInsert but instead of accepting one coin it accepts a CloudCoin stack with any number of coins in it. The function will start a verification process against the CloudCoin stack. If some coins are fracked they will be fixed.
// Array of CloudCoins
"coins" : [{
// Serial Number
"sn" : interger,
// Array of 25 Authenticity Numbers
"an" : []
// Base64 data
"data" : string,
// Base64 data for ID Proof Picture
"proofdata": string,
// Protocol version. Only 0 and 1 are supported
"protocol" : 0,
// Metadata
"metadata" : {}
// Code (RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR if success or RaidaJS.ERR_HAS_ERROR when not 100% were created successfully)
code: integer,
// Number of tokens created successfully
tokensCreated: integer,
// Number of failed tokens
tokensFailed: integer
The function reads metadata for each coin from the provided stack. The actual data is not downloaded from the RAIDA
// Array of CloudCoins
"coins" : [{
// Serial Number
"sn" : interger,
// Array of 25 Authenticity Numbers
"an" : []
// Code (RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR if success or RaidaJS.ERR_HAS_ERROR when not 100% were created successfully)
code: integer,
// Object that holds the results for each coin from the provided stack. The keys are serial numbers
results: {},
Result Object:
// Status: 'success' or 'fail'
status: string,
// NFT Metadata Object
metadata: object
Function reads an NFT token from the RAIDA and assotiated with a CloudCoin
// ID CloudCoin (SN and AN must be passed)
"coin" : {
// Serial Number
"sn" : interger,
// Array of 25 Authenticity Numbers
"an" : []
// CloudCoin
// Always RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR (0x0) if the response is successful
"code" : integer,
// Data, base64 encoded
"data": string,
// Base64 data for ID Proof Picture
"proofdata": string,
// Protocol version
"protocol": integer,
// Metadata, specific to the protocol version
"metadata": {}
let cc = {
let data = {
"coin" : cc
let c = r.apiNFTRead(data, () => {}).then(response => {
if (response.code != RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR) {
console.log("Token has been downloaded, filename " + response.metadata.filename)
img.src = "data:image/png;base64," +
Deletes an NFT token from the RAIDA
// ID CloudCoin (SN and AN must be passed)
"coin" : {
// Serial Number
"sn" : interger,
// Array of 25 Authenticity Numbers
"an" : []
// CloudCoin
// Always RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR (0x0) if the response is successful
"code" : integer,
let cc = {
let data = {
"coin" : cc
let c = r.apiNFTDelete(data, () => {}).then(response => {
if (response.code != RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR) {
console.log("Token has been deleted")
The function receives CloudCoins and checks if the coins have NFT tokens attached to them
// Array of CloudCoins (SN and AN must be passed)
"coins" : []
CloudCoin Object
// Serial Number
"sn": integer,
// Hex Authenticity Number
"an": string
// Always RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR (0x0) if the response is successful
"code" : integer,
// Results Object (keys are the Serial Numbers, values are booleans: 'true' denotes that there is an NFT token attached to the coins. 'false' denotes the opposite
"results": {}
let coins = [{
let data = {
"coins" : coins
let c = r.apiNFTExists(data, () => {}).then(response => {
if (response.code != RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR) {
console.log("Failed to get results")
The apiBillPay function can be used to transfer CloudCoins from a skywallet to multiple skywallets at once. The functions accepts a CSV file that follows the BillPay standard
According to the standards above the CSV file must have 11 comma-separated fields:
field#0 is always "TransferToSkywallet"
field#1 is always "stack"
field#2 holds the amount to transfer
field#3 through field#7 are zeroes
field#8 must hold a recipient skywallet address
field#9 is a memo
field#10 holds key-value metadata. Optional.
field#11 can be "ready" or "skip"
Example of a CSV file
TransferToSkywallet, stack, 100, 0,0,0,0,0,, Car payment,, ready
TransferToSkywallet, stack, 150, 0,0,0,0,0,, My debt,, ready
TransferToSkywallet, stack, 21150, 0,0,0,0,0,, Chargeback,, ready
The function uses the Local Storage to keep track of sent payments. It is possible to use the same CSV file again to re-send unset payments if an error occurs. It is necesseary to pass a BillPay ID to assosiate the state of the payment with the CSV file. If the ID is not passed it will be generated and the payment will be rendered as a new payment.
if the ID is passed and the corresponding object exists in the LocalStorage then 'paydata' will be ignored and taken from the LocalStorage instead
// ID CloudCoin (SN and AN must be passed)
"coin" : {
// Serial Number
"sn" : interger,
// Array of 25 Authenticity Numbers
"an" : []
// Holds the CVS data above
"paydata" : string,
// ID of the BillPay. Optional, will be generated if empty
"guid" : string
// CloudCoin
// Always RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR (0x0) if the response is successful. Can be RaidaJS.ERR_BILLPAY_SENT_PARTIALLY
"code" : integer,
// Amount sent,
"amount : integer,
// Recipients sent. Array of successful transfers
"recipients": [],
// Guid of the payment
"guid" : string
Recipient structure
// Skywallet address
"address" : string,
// Status: "skip", "error" or "sent"
"status" : string,
// Message (Error description or success)
"message" : string
let cc = {
let data = {
"coin" : cc,
"paydata" : "email, stack, 100, 0,0,0,0,0,, Car payment,, ready\nemail, stack, 150, 0,0,0,0,0,, My debt,, ready\nemail, stack, 21150, 0,0,0,0,0,, Chargeback,, ready",
"id": "f2494e21fcd4e54a5acd7be6f2be6e50"
let c = r.apiBillPay(data, () => {}).then(response => {
if (response.code != RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR) {
console.log("Billpay sent")
if (response.code == RaidaJS.ERR_SENT_PARTIALLY) {
console.log("Only " + response.amount + " CloudCoins sent. Try again later using the same ID: " +
console.log("Recipients NOT sent:")
for (let i = 0; i < response.recipients; i++) {
if (response.recipients[i].status == "ready")
console.log(response.recipients[i].address + ",")
The function show the status of previous BillPay payments.
// ID of the BillPay. Optional, will be generated if empty
"guid" : string
// CloudCoin
// Always RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR (0x0) if the response is successful.
"code" : integer,
// Total Amount,
"amounttotal": integer,
// ID
"guid" : string,
// Amount sent,
"amount : integer,
// Array of recipients sent.
"recipients": [],
let data = {
"guid": "f2494e21fcd4e54a5acd7be6f2be6e50"
let c = r.apiBillPayList(data, () => {}).then(response => {
for (let i = 0; i < response.recipients; i++) {
console.log(response.recipients[i].address + ": " + response.recipients[i].status + "<br>")
The function generates a PNG Debit Card, writes the Debit Card data on top of it and embeds a CloudCoin in the Card
// Credit Card Number
"cardnumber" : integer,
// Template URL. Optional. If omitted the dafault value from the constructor will be used (
"url_card_template" : string,
// Expiration Date MM/YY
"expiration_date" : string,
// SkyWallet Name (e.g.
"username": string,
// CVV
"cvv" : string
// Always RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR (0x0) if the response is successful.
"code" : integer,
// Base64-encode PNG Card Data
"data": string
let data = {
"cardnumber": 4012913767549423,
"cvv": 1234,
"username": "",
"expiration_date": "07/24"
let c = r.apiGenerateCard(data, () => {}).then(response => {
if (response.code == RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR) {
let image = new Image()
image.src = "data:image/png;base64," +
The function recovers a lost ID coin. The user must pay 1 CloudCoin to restore the coin.
// Payment Coin. Must be 1 CC
"paycoin" : {
// Serial Number
"sn" : interger,
// Array of 25 Authenticity Numbers
"an" : []
// Name of the SkyWallet to restore
"skywallet_name" : integer,
// The email where the ID coin will be sent. Must be the same email that was used as a recovery one
"email" : string,
// Always RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR (0x0) if the response is successful.
"code" : integer,
let cc = {
let data = {
"paycoin": cc,
"skywallet_name": "",
"email": "[email protected]"
let c = r.apiRecoverIDCoin(data, () => {}).then(response => {
if (response.code == RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR) {
console.log("Recovery Request has been sent")
Given username, email and password the function returns a PNG Credit Card along with the CardNumber, CVV and expiration date
// Username
"username" : string,
// Password
"password": string,
// Recovery Email
"email" : string
// Always RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR (0x0) if the response is successful.
"code" : integer,
// Base64-encode PNG Card Data
"data": string,
// CloudCoin
"coin" : object,
// cardnumber
"cardnumber" : integer,
// cvv
"cvv" : integer
// Expiration Date MM/YY
"expiration_date" : string,
let data = {
"username": "",
"password": "mypassword123",
"email": "[email protected]"
let c = r.apiRestoreCardcoverIDCoin(data, () => {}).then(response => {
if (response.code == RaidaJS.ERR_NO_ERROR) {
console.log("CardNumber " + response.cardnumber + ", CVV " + response.cvv)