Please note this is a work in progress, use it at your own risk
Anorm provides a great way to talk with a SQL database. It allows for great liberty when writing SQL and provide rather nice ways of parsing results. Anorm doesn't suffer from the issues common with ORMs: you're able to write efficient SQL tailored to the database you use, and you're not forced to use a poorly and automatically designed DB schema.
Basically, DB-agnostic ORMs prevent you from correctly using your SQL DB. Anorm doesn't. It's not as type safe as other solutions, but it's a sweet spot between safety and flexibility.
Unfortunately, anorm requires you to write quite a lot of boilerplate. Having to type every single SQL query / command is bothersome and error-prone.
Anorm PG Entities is designed to free you from the boilerplate (provided you
use Postgresql, but you already are, aren't you?) by abstracting away the
field list (no more SELECT *
) and RowParser[A]
, thus allowing you to focus
on your queries structure, not minutiae. For the simple cases, Anorm PG
Entities generates all the SQL for you.
Unlike other tools, Anorm PG Entities separates your model from the mapping to the database, which gives you flexibility. No need to put annotations everywhere, you can override everything you want.
Anorm PG Entities is published for scala 2.11
resolvers += "Clever Cloud Repository" at ""
libraryDependencies += "name.delafargue" %% "anorm-pg-entity" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT"
For now you have to write the PgEntity
instance yourself. Don't worry, it's
almost boilerplate-free.
Automagic instance derivation is in the works. Stay tuned.
import pgentity._
// Data Definition
case class DummyTable(
id: UUID, // Please refrain from using sequential IDs :-)
name: String,
number: Int
object FunStuff {
// Minimal boilerplate
implicit val DummyTablePgEntity = new PgEntity[DummyTable] {
// The name of the table
val tableName = "dummy_table"
// The columns
val columns = List(PgField("dummy_table_id", Some("UUID")), PgField("name"), PgField("number"))
// The parser
def parser(prefix: String) = {
get[UUID](prefix + "dummy_table_id") ~
str(prefix + "name") ~
int(prefix + "number") map { case (id ~ name ~ number) => DummyTable(id, name, number) }
// Enjoy
val values = DB.withConnection { implicit c =>
Work in progress
The idea is to use shapeless.Generic
to automatically derive the PgEntity
instance from a case class.
Since I'm a total newbie wrt shapeless, I rely heavily on the patience of @skaalf and a few others (@milessabin, @mandubian, and @alexarchambault).
sbt compile
Please note that anorm PG Entities depends on scala-sql-parser for the tests only.
Scala-SQL-Parser is not released on a repo yet, you have to
it beforehand.