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Eric Coffman edited this page Dec 9, 2015 · 4 revisions

AliaSQL.Core provides a way to run AliaSQL from C# code. There are 4 methods to facilitate this.

This is currently in beta and can be downloaded via Nuget at

To update or create the database use the UpdateDatabase method.

 AliaSqlResult UpdateDatabase(string connectionString, RequestedDatabaseAction action, string scriptDirectory = "");
  • Runs AliaSQL against a database
  • Default action is Update but it can be set to other AliaSQL actions
  • Default script directory is ~/App_Data/scripts/ but it can bet set to any physical path
  • If database does not exist it will be created
  • Script directory path must exist
  • Returns an object with a success boolean and a result string

Example usage:

  var result = new DbUpdater().UpdateDatabase(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DemoConnectionString"].ConnectionString);

To get a list of pending scripts use the PendingChanges method.

 List<string> PendingChanges(string connectionString, string scriptDirectory = "");
  • Gets list of SQL scripts that have not been ran against the target database
  • Default script directory is ~/App_Data/scripts/ but it can bet set to any physical path

  • Script directory path must exist
  • Returns a list of string with names of pending sql scripts

Example usage:

 var result = new DbUpdater().PendingChanges(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString);

To get a list of pending test data scripts use the PendingTestData method.

 List<string> PendingTestData(string connectionString, string scriptDirectory = "");
  • Gets list of SQL test data scripts that have not been ran against the target database
  • Default script directory is ~/App_Data/scripts/ but it can bet set to any physical path

  • Script directory path must exist
  • Returns a list of string with names of pending test data sql scripts

Example usage:

 var result = new DbUpdater().PendingTestData(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString);

To see if the target database exists use the DatabaseExists method.

 bool DatabaseExists(string connectionString);
  • Returns a boolean if the target database exists

Example usage:

    if (!new DbUpdater().DatabaseExists(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DemoConnectionString"].ConnectionString)){

To get the current database revision number use the DatabaseVersion method.

 int DatabaseVersion(string connectionString);
  • Returns database version representing the number of scripts that have been ran against the database

Example usage:

    var version = DbUpdater().DatabaseVersion(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DemoConnectionString"].ConnectionString)){


Add a post build step to your website project to copy your AliaSQL scripts to the website App_Data folder. Here is an example of the post build script:

 md "$(SolutionDir)Website\App_Data"
 md "$(SolutionDir)Website\App_Data\scripts"
 xcopy /y /e "$(SolutionDir)Demo\scripts\*.*" "$(SolutionDir)Demo.Website\App_Data\scripts"

If you intend to use this in Azure there are some additional hoops because App_Data is in a different location. I discovered a way to handle this if anyone is interested. Submit an issue and I will explain it in detail.

It is possible to these methods in a control panel section of your application and decide when to run the scripts. You may want to run this on App_Start to create the initial database using something like this:

  if (!new DbUpdater().DatabaseExists(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DemoConnectionString"].ConnectionString))
            var logger = LogManager.GetLogger("DatabaseMigrations");
            var result = new DbUpdater().UpdateDatabase(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DemoConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
            if (result.Success)

            //you may not want to run test data if the db is empty
            var testdataresult = new DbUpdater().UpdateDatabase(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DemoConnectionString"].ConnectionString, RequestedDatabaseAction.TestData);
            if (testdataresult.Success)

There is a full working demo of all of this in the AliaSQL Demo repository at