This is the backend service for the Service Map UI.
First configure development environment settings as stated in .env.example
and in config_dev_ui.env.example
Run application with docker compose up
This will startup and bind local postgres, servicemap backend and servicemap frontend containers.
When building the application for the first time, migrations need to be run. This can be done with the following command:
docker compose exec servicemap python migrate
To import data for development usage and automatically index it, run command:
docker compose run servicemap maintenance_tasks all
However, this might take a while, especially on the first run. You can also import the needed data separately, but note that there are some dependencies between the data imports. The commands for the imports are found in scripts/
- First, install the necessary Debian packages.
- libpython3.12-dev
- python3.12-distutils
- virtualenvwrapper
- libyaml-dev
- libxml2-dev
- libxslt1-dev
- voikko-fi
- libvoikko-dev
- Clone the repository. Use pyenv to manage python version and create a virtualenv with virtualenvwrapper. The virtualenv that will be created and used here is named "servicemap"
pyenv install 3.12
pyenv virtualenv 3.12 smbackend
pyenv local smbackend
pyenv virtualenvwrapper
mkvirtualenv servicemap
Installation and usage info for pyenv, pyenv-virtualenvwrapper and virtualenvwrapper can be found here:
- Install pip requirements.
Be sure to load the virtualenv before installing the requirements:
Example with virtualenv named servicemap as created in example above.
workon servicemap
Install the requirements:pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt
If this error occurs:
ImportError: cannot import name 'html5lib' from 'pip._vendor' (/home/johndoe/.virtualenvs/servicemap/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pip/_vendor/
Try installing latest pip.
curl -sS | python3.12
- Setup the PostGIS database.
Please note, we recommend PostgreSQL version 13 or higher.
Local setup: First, ensure that the collation fi_FI.UTF-8 exists by entering the postgresql shell with the psql command.
sudo su postgres
SELECT * FROM pg_collation where collname like '%fi%';
There should be a collname
fi_FI.UTF-8 . If not, you must create the collation.
sudo su postgres
ALTER database template1 is_template=false;
DROP database template1;
ALTER database template1 is_template=true;
psql template1 -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS postgis;'
psql template1 -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hstore;'
psql template1 -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm;'
createuser -RSPd servicemap
createdb -O servicemap -T template1 -l fi_FI.UTF-8 -E utf8 servicemap
ERROR: could not open extension control file "/usr/share/postgresql/14/extension/postgis.control": No such file or directory
Solution for ubuntu and Postgresql 14:
sudo apt install postgis postgresql-14-postgis-3
Docker setup (modify as needed, starts the database on local port 8765):
docker run --name servicemap-psql -e POSTGRES_USE.R=servicemap -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=servicemap -p 8765:5432 -d mdillon/postgis
# you'll need the hstore extension enabled:
echo "CREATE EXTENSION hstore;" | docker exec -i servicemap-psql psql -U servicemap
- Create database tables.
./ migrate
If this command fails with: django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: GEOS is required and has not been detected.
then install the GEOS library. On a Mac this can be achieved with HomeBrew:
brew install geos
- Import geo data.
./ geo_import finland --municipalities
./ geo_import helsinki --divisions
./ geo_import helsinki --addresses
./ geo_import uusimaa --addresses
./ update_postal_code_areas
Note, this imports all the addresses from Uusimaa-region and might take ~6 hours.
Postal code area datas can be enriched from geo-search using update_postal_code_areas
The search columns must be indexed after the first time data is imported or geo-search addresses are imported or addresses are enriched with geo-search data.
./ index_search_columns
Redis Redis is used for caching and as a message broker for Celery. Install Redis. Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install redis-server
Install and run a message broker such as Redis or RabbitMQ. Redis is recommended as it is also used for caching. Configure the message broker in the environment variable "CELERY_BROKER_URL". Start a Celery worker to handle asynchronous tasks locally with command:
celery -A smbackend worker -l INFO
Note, in production environment the celery worker can be run as a daemon. Start Celery beat to handle scheduled periodic tasks with command:
celery -A smbackend beat -l INFO
pip-tools is used to manage requirements. To update the requirements, run:
pip-compile -U
pip-compile -U
This project uses Ruff for code formatting and quality checking.
Basic ruff
- lint:
ruff check
- apply safe lint fixes:
ruff check --fix
- check formatting:
ruff format --check
- format:
ruff format
can be used to install and
run all the formatting tools as git hooks automatically before a
New commit messages must adhere to the Conventional Commits specification, and line length is limited to 72 characters.
When pre-commit
is in use,
checks new commit messages for the correct format.
Load the initial observation data with the command:
The error:
OSError: dlopen(/usr/local/lib/libgdal.dylib, 6): Symbol not found: _GEOSArea
Can be fixed by adding this to
GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH = "/usr/local/lib/libgdal.dylib"
import ctypes
The error:
psycopg2.errors.UndefinedObject: operator class "gin_trgm_ops" does not exist for access method "gin"
Can be fixed by adding the pg_trgm extension to the database:
psql template1 -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm;'