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Kerrokantasi UI


Kerrokantasi UI is the user interface powering service. It is a full featured interface for both answering and creating questionnaires as supported by Kerrokantasi API.



  • Node v18 LTS (nvm use)
  • Yarn
  • Docker


config_dev.toml is used for configuration when NODE_ENV != "production". It is in TOML-format, which for our purposes is Key=Value format.

When NODE_ENV=="production", only environment variables are used for configuration. This is done because we've had several painful accidents with leftover configuration files. The environment variables are named identically to the ones used in config_dev.toml. Do note that the variables are case insensitive, ie. KeRRokanTasi_aPi_bASe is a valid name. Go wild!

In the repository root there is config_dev.toml.example which contains every setting and comments explaining their use. If you only want to give kerrokantasi-ui a test, all configuration you need to do is: cp config_dev.toml.example config_dev.toml. That will give you a partially working configuration for browsing test questionnaires in our test API.

Running development server

yarn build
yarn start

No separate build step is required to start the development server. It is somewhat unstable, but provides hot reloading:

yarn run dev

The server will output the URL for accessing kerrokantasi-ui.

Running in production

You can use your favorite process manager to run yarn build and yarn start. Node-specific managers can also directly run compile(/index.js) & server(/index.js).

Other commands

  • yarn run fetch-plugins: fetch optional plugins (see below)
  • yarn run test: run tests
  • yarn test -- -u update tests

Running service in Docker

How to build a docker image

docker compose build

How to run the docker image

docker compose up

The web application is running at http://localhost:8086

Commit message format

New commit messages must adhere to the Conventional Commits specification, and line length is limited to 72 characters.

commitlint checks every new commit for the correct format.

Using local Tunnistamo instance for development with docker

Set tunnistamo hostname

Add the following line to your hosts file (/etc/hosts on mac and linux): tunnistamo-backend

Create a new OAuth app on GitHub

Go to and add a new app with the following settings:

Save. You'll need the created Client ID and Client Secret for configuring tunnistamo in the next step.

Install local tunnistamo


Follow the instructions for setting up tunnistamo locally. Before running docker compose up set the following settings in tunnistamo roots docker-compose.env.yaml:

  • SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_KEY: Client ID from the GitHub OAuth app
  • SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_SECRET: Client Secret from the GitHub OAuth app

After you've got tunnistamo running locally, ssh to the tunnistamo docker container:

docker compose exec django bash

and execute the following four commands inside your docker container:

./ add_oidc_client -n kerrokantasi-ui -t "id_token token" -u "http://localhost:8086/callback" "http://localhost:8086/silent-renew" -i -m github -s dev
./ add_oidc_client -n kerrokantasi-api -t "code" -u http://localhost:8080/complete/tunnistamo/ -i -m github -s dev -c
./ add_oidc_api -n kerrokantasi -d -s email,profile -c
./ add_oidc_api_scope -an kerrokantasi -c -n "Kerrokantasi" -d "Lorem ipsum"
./ add_oidc_client_to_api_scope -asi -c

Configure Tunnistamo to frontend

Change the following configuration in config_dev.toml


openid_scope="openid profile"

Configure Helsinki Profiili to frontend

Change the following configuration in config_dev.toml


openid_scope="openid profile email"

Install Kerrokantasi API locally

Clone the repository ( Follow the instructions for running kerrokantasi with docker and using local Tunnistamo.


Questionnaires can make use of plugins. As of yet, their use case has been to provide map based questionnaries. Examples include having citizens indicate places for amenities and polling the public for locations of city bike stations.

A default set of plugins can be installed using yarn run fetch-plugins. The plugins are installed in assets/plugins. By default, kerrokantasi-ui expects to find them in assets/plugins URL prefix. The development server serves that path, but you can also use a web server of your choice for this. For server insllations, the plugin fetcher supports downloading the plugins to a directory specified on the command line (yarn run fetch-plugins /srv/my-kerrokantasi-plugins).

It is also possible to change the paths that kerrokantasi-ui will search for specific plugins. See src/shared_config.json, which is the configuration source for both the plugin fetcher script and the UI itself. After changing the paths therein, you can run the plugin fetcher and it will place the plugins to those directories. Note that specifying path on the command line overrides the path specified in shared_config.json.

Writing of CSS

Important: Kerrokantasi default UI styles are meant to be generic styles (a.k.a whitelabel styles). This means that no city specific variables or colors should be used in the assets/sass/ folder. This project supports theming and if there's a need to style components differently to match a certain city's branding, theme styles will be used to override any default styles.

The styles are based on Bootstrap version 3 (Sass).

Using the whitelabel theme assets

To have a non city specific theme, change the city_config config value to whitelabel

Installing city specific assets

Currently the process of using the theme is not super developer friendly as it does not support the use of yarn link. This means that to do development on the project it will have to be installed in the kerrokantasi-ui project and then edited within the kerrokantasi-ui node_modules/<theme_assets> folder. If someone can find a solution to this, please fix.

Development steps:

  1. Place the theme assets folder next to the kerrokantasi-ui folder
    • The structure should look like this:
  2. In the kerrokantasi-ui project run yarn add ../<theme-assets-folder>
  3. Edit files in kerrokantasi-ui/node_modules/<theme-assets-folder> for changes to be reflected
  4. Set the city_config config to <theme-assets-folder>

Production installation:

  1. Add the project to the local kerrokantasi-ui project either by installing it the same way as in the dev environment, or from GitHub or if the package is published to npm, then install it from there.
  2. Set the city_config config to <theme-assets-folder>

Creating city specific assets

The assets of a city currently consists of the following things:

  1. Styling
  2. Favicons
  3. Images
  4. Translation strings
  5. Service URLs and external URLs

An example of how a theme assets project could look like, either check out the cities/helsinki folder in this project, or have a look already created theme assets such as:


How to apply your theme CSS:

Create a file assets/app.scss and apply style imports accordingly:

// This needs to be imported before kerrokantasi variables
@import "my-custom-variables.scss";

// Import the required kerrokantasi styles
@import "~kerrokantasi-ui/assets/sass/kerrokantasi/variables.scss";
@import "~kerrokantasi-ui/assets/sass/kerrokantasi/bootstrap.scss";
@import "~kerrokantasi-ui/assets/sass/kerrokantasi/kerrokantasi.scss";

// These are imported after the kerrokantasi styles to apply overrides
@import "my-custom-styles-and-overrides.scss";


The following aliases are available to use in SCSS and JS files:

  • kerrokantasi-ui: Points to the root of this project
  • kerrokantasi-ui-modules: Points to the node_modules of this project
  • @city-config: Points to the root of the city specific assets
  • @city-assets: Points to the assets folder in the city specific assets
  • @city-i18n: Point to the i18n folder in the city specific assets
  • @@city-images: Point to the image folder in the city specific assets

Naming conventions

The following naming conventions needs to be used in order to city assets to work.

  • /assets/app.scss: The base style file that is imported
  • /i18n/[fi, sv, en].json: Language files. If no string changes are to be made, only include {} in the files
  • /i18n/localization.json: Other configuration related to localization. Currently holds map default position
  • /i18n/service-info/content.[fi, sv, en].md: Service info page texts, if no file found service will display information that content was not found.
  • /assets/images/logo[fi, sv]-black.svg: Black/Dark site logo
  • /assets/images/logo[fi, sv]-white.svg: White/Light site logo
  • /assets/urls.json: Configure where links point to, also holds path to analytics script. If analytics path is false analytics is disabled.


The following favicons are recommended, but not mandatory to include.

  • /assets/favicon/favicon.ico
  • /assets/favicon/favicon-32x32.png
  • /assets/favicon/favicon-16x16.png
  • /assets/favicon/manifest.json
  • /assets/favicon/safari-pinned-tab.svg
  • /assets/favicon/browserconfig.xml

If no favicon is provided the UI will use the default kerrokantasi favicon.