A config.json file is needed at src/config.json with 3 values
"infurakey" : "0123abc...",
"mnemonic" : "twelve word phrase space separated...",
"account" : 0
Infura key is needed to interact with on-chain contracts. Key can be obtained for free at infura.io (register, then create a project). The mnemonic is used to generate an Ethereum wallet account. A twelve word phrase is needed. One way to generate is to export from MetaMask (warning - phrase will give access to all associated accounts, so do not use one associated with significant funds). The account variable is the account index of the wallet to use (0-indexed). Use 0 if you only have one account. config.json is excluded from git commits so you will need to create it.
At present the best stratergy is to deploy your own instance of the contracts to the network (currently only set up for the Ropsten network). To do this you will need the truffle framework installed.
$ cd src/
$ truffle compile
$ truffle migrate --network ropsten
To build
$ npm run build
var api = require('../build/MeditApi.js')
// total medit supply
api.totalMedit().then(total => console.log("total = " + total)
// humantiv contract medit supply
api.humantivMedit().then(total => console.log("total = " + total)
// request issuance (i.e. request porttion of supply of medit to distribute)
// 100 in this case
api.requestIssuance(100).then(() => console.log("request processed..."))
// check the amount available for release (e.g. 100)
api.getReleaseAmount().then(n => console.log(n + " medit available for distribution"))
// get time remaining until issuance is released
// if 0 then issuance is available to distribute
api.getReleaseTime().then(t => console.log(t + " seconds until release"))
// distribute funds (to e.g. 0x3637E4282EE5ED9dcCFc4b4e1aBA766B40A832B8)
api.issueMedit("0x3637E4282EE5ED9dcCFc4b4e1aBA766B40A832B8", 50)
.then(() => console.log("medit issued"))