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Application of the particlefilter in combination with a lidar for mobile robot localization in ROS.

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Particlefilter application using amcl in ROS

This package is primarily used to apply the particlefilter in combination with a lidar (RPLidar in this case) for mobile (robot) localization in ROS.
To make it as simple as possible there are multiple launch files to:

  • map the environment using gmapping
  • map the environment using hector_slam
  • do a live localization when moving the lidar around (local and global)
  • playing back recorded bagfiles created with the localization launch files

Installation & Packages

This package heavily relies on several packages to be installed and works on ROS Noetic.
To install ROS Noetic one can follow the guide on the official ROS page.

After successfully installing ROS Noetic these packages have to be installed:

  • $ sudo apt install ros-noetic-map-server
  • $ sudo apt install ros-noetic-gmapping
  • $ sudo apt install ros-noetic-amcl
  • $ sudo apt install ros-laser-scan-matcher

To use the RPLidar the following package must be cloned into the src directory of the workspace:

  • $ git clone

Then proceed to clone this package:

  • $ git clone

As an alternative to the previously installed gmapping package one can also use the hector_slam package from TU Darmstadt:

  • $ git clone

After all packages have been installed/cloned build them using catkin_make from the root of your workspace.

Setup of RPLidar

Check the serial port with:

  • $ ls -l /dev |grep ttyUSB
    Then add the write authority to the USB device (in my case ttyUSB0):
  • $ sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0

Setup of Hector_Slam (only if used instead of gmapping):

Inside of <workspace>/src/hector_slam/hector_mapping/launch/mapping_default.launch change:

  • Line 5 to <arg name="base_frame" default="base_link"/>
  • Line 6 to <arg name="odom_frame" default="base_link"/>
  • Line 54 to <node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="base_to_laser" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 base_link laser_link 100"/>

Inside of <workspace>/src/hector_slam/hector_slam_launch/launch/tutorial.launch change:

  • Line 7 to <param name="/use_sim_time" value="false"/>

Creating and Saving Maps

Like mentioned before one can use gmapping or hector_slam to map out the environment. To use either of them run one of these commands:

  • $ roslaunch ros_pf gmap.launch
  • $ roslaunch ros_pf hmap.launch

To save the generated map cd into the directory you want the map to be saved in and run the following command from a new terminal:

  • $ rosrun map_server map_saver -f <map_name>

Starting a Localization

To start a localization the launch files need to be adjusted to use the previously created map. For an easier setup I recommend putting the created map inside the designated folder inside this package in ros_pf/maps.

Inside of <workspace>/src/ros_pf/launch/local_localization.launch change:

  • Line 41 "$(find ros_pf)/maps/M1GH.yaml" to "$(find ros_pf)/maps/<YOUR_MAP_NAME>.yaml"

Inside of <workspace>/src/ros_pf/launch/global_localization.launch change:

  • Line 41 "$(find ros_pf)/maps/M1GH.yaml" to "$(find ros_pf)/maps/<YOUR_MAP_NAME>.yaml"

Once the files have been edited a localization can be started with the following commands:

  • roslaunch ros_pf local_localization.launch to start with locally distributed particles
  • roslaunch ros_pf global_localization.launch to start with globally distributed particles

Record and Replay Localization Data

To record the localization in real-time for post review or editing rosbag can be used. For that a new terminal needs to be open next to the one running the localization.

  • cd ros_pf/bags or cd into any other folder where you want to save the data
  • rosbag record -a to start recording all data thats being published
  • CTRL+C to end the data recording

To replay the recorded data open a new terminal and use the following commands:

  • roslaunch bags_replay.launch to open a preconfigurated Rviz (for this package) Open another terminal and use the following commands:
  • cd ros_pf/bags or cd into any other folder the data has been saved to
  • rosbag play <YOUR_ROSBAG_FILE_NAME>


Application of the particlefilter in combination with a lidar for mobile robot localization in ROS.






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