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With this SDK, you can integrate cidaas smoothly and with minimal effort into your javascript application. It enables you to map the most important user flows for OAuth2 and OIDC compliant authentication. Secure – Fast – And unrivaled Swabian.


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About cidaas:

cidaas is a fast and secure Cloud Identity & Access Management solution that standardises what’s important and simplifies what’s complex.

Feature set includes:

  • Single Sign On (SSO) based on OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, SAML 2.0
  • Multi-Factor-Authentication with more than 14 authentication methods, including TOTP and FIDO2
  • Passwordless Authentication
  • Social Login (e.g. Facebook, Google, LinkedIn and more) as well as Enterprise Identity Provider (e.g. SAML or AD)
  • Security in Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and IoT

Cidaas Javascript SDK

This cidaas Javascript SDK library is built on the top of OIDC client typescript library.

Please check the Changelog for more information about the latest release.

Table of Contents


From CDN

<!-- Replace the required <version> in the script tag, example: 4.0.0. All the released tag can be found -->
<script src="<version>/cidaas-javascript-sdk.min.js"></script>

From npm

npm install cidaas-javascript-sdk


After adding the sdk library, create a local file such as cidaas.service.ts and define Cidaas options variable there for initializing cidaas sdk.

Cidaas options variable support every OIDC Client UserManagerSettings Properties which has the following notable properties:

Property Name Required Description
authority yes cidaas instance base url
client_id yes client application's identifier, which could be found in cidaas admin ui
redirect_uri yes URL to be redirected after successful login attempt.
post_logout_redirect_uri no URL to be redirected after successful logout attempt.
scope no the scope the application requires and requests from cidaas. The default value is 'openid' if no properties is being sent.

an example of Cidaas options variable looks like this:

const options = {
    authority: 'your domain base url',
    client_id: 'your app id',
    redirect_uri: 'your redirect url',
    post_logout_redirect_uri: 'your post logout redirect url',
    scope: 'openid email roles profile',

Initialise the cidaas sdk using the configured options mentioned above:

const cidaas = new CidaasSDK.WebAuth(options);


Login With Browser

To login through cidaas sdk, call loginWithBrowser(). This will redirect you to the hosted login page.


once login is successful, it will automatically redirects you to redirect_uri you have configured in cidaas options. You will get information such as code & state as redirect url parameter (query or fragment), which is needed to get access token.

To complete the login process, call logincallback().

cidaas.loginCallback().then(function(response) {
    // the response will give you login details.
}).catch(function(ex) {
    // your failure code here

After successful loginCallback, You will get access token, along with id token and refresh token in the json response, depends on your application configuration.

There are code documentations for each of the functions with example code of how to call them individually.

Functions Overview

Cidaas Javascript SDK features the following functionality:

Authentication Functions

The SDK offers multiple way to authenticate user. Whether using browser redirection, in a pop up window, or in an iframe for silent sign in. The functions for authentication could be found here

SDK Functions Description
loginWithBrowser, registerWithBrowser, loginCallback, logout, logoutCallback The SDK support browser redirection for authenticating user. The authentication process will then happens in a new tab. This is the default authentication function of the SDK
popupSignIn, popupSignInCallback, popupSignOut, popupSignOutCallback The SDK support using pop up window for authenticating user. The authentication process will then happens in a new popup window
silentSignIn, silentSignInCallback The SDK support silent authentication. The authentication process will then happens in an iframe.

Login Management

The login functions could be found here. The SDK support the following login management functions:

SDK Functions Description
passwordlessLogin, loginWithCredentials, loginWithSocial User could authenticate themselves using passwordless authentication, classic password credentials, as well as using social provider such as google or social media platform
loginPrecheck, consentContinue, firstTimeChangePassword, mfaContinue Depending on the missing information from loginPrecheck, user will be redirected to another page after login to either accepting consent, changing password, continuing MFA process, or do progressive registration
getMissingFields, progressiveRegistration In case a new required field is added in registration settings, it is possible to use the sdk to inform user of the changes and asked them to fill in the missing required fields by the next login
loginAfterRegister By calling this sdk function, user could directly login to the app after successful registration

User Management

The user functions could be found here. The SDK support the following user management functions:

SDK Functions Description
getRegistrationSetup, register, registerWithSocial Registering a new user is possible by using classic registration (getting registration fields information & call register function) or by using social provider
getUserProfile, getInviteUserDetails, getCommunicationStatus, updateProfile, updateProfileImage, deleteUserAccount, userCheckExists To maintain user, functions for getting user information by using cidaas internal api, updating user information, removing user, as well as check if user exist are supported
getUserInfo The SDK could be used to get user information by using oidc client ts library
getUserActivities In case user want to see the history of his activities, getUserActivities function is provided
initiateResetPassword, handleResetPassword, resetPassword In case user want to reset password, password reset flow is supported. From initiating the reset password, handling the code or link which has been sent to predefined medium such as email, sms & ivr, and finishing up the reset password
changePassword In case user want to change password, changePassword function is provided
registerDeduplication, deduplicationLogin, getDeduplicationDetails In case a new user is registered with similiar information as existing user, deduplication could be activated to either proceed with the registration, or combine the user with an existing one
initiateLinkAccount, completeLinkAccount, unlinkAccount, getLinkedUsers Linking und unlinking user account with another account, as well as getting linked user is supported

Token Management

The token functions could be found here. The SDK support the following token management functions:

SDK Functions Description
getAccessToken The SDK facilitate login using PKCE flow by exchanging code after succesful login with access token
renewToken Session renewal is possible by using refresh token
initiateDeviceCode, deviceCodeVerify Device code flow is supported for authenticating user without user interaction possibilty in device
validateAccessToken Token validation could be done by using introspection endpoint
offlineTokenCheck To save API call, offline token check function could be used

Verification Management

The verification functions could be found here. The SDK support the following verification management functions:

SDK Functions Description
initiateMFA, authenticateMFA The SDK support initiating & authenticating MFA, which starts passwordless login flow
initiateAccountVerification, verifyAccount User account verification using preconfigured MFA is supported
cancelMFA MFA process could be aborted in case something go the wrong way
getAllVerificationList, getMFAList, checkVerificationTypeConfigured Information about every supported MFA Verification types, List of configured MFA, and details about particular configured verification type are provided by the SDK
initiateEnrollment, enrollVerification, getEnrollmentStatus Additional MFA verification type could be enrolled using the sdk

Consent Management

The consent functions could be found here. The SDK support the following consent management functions:

SDK Functions Description
getConsentDetails, getConsentVersionDetails The SDK could be used to get consent details as well as details of consent's version
acceptConsent, acceptScopeConsent, acceptClaimConsent, revokeClaimConsent The SDK support accepting consent (app level consent, scope consent or claim consent) as well as revoke claim consent

Other Functionality

general SDK functions could be found here. The SDK support the following other functionality:

SDK Functions Description
getRequestId The SDK could be used to get request id, which is required as input to call other functions
getLoginURL Getting login authz url is supported by the SDK
getTenantInfo, getClientInfo Getting public information such as tenant info & client info is supported by the SDK
setAcceptLanguageHeader The SDK could be used to change response language
createDeviceInfo, getDevicesInfo, deleteDevice Creating, getting, and removing device information is supported by the SDK
logoutUser The SDK could be used to end user session by using cidaas internal api

Possible Error

The SDK will throws Custom Exception if something went wrong during the operation:

HTTP Status Code When could it be thrown
500 during creation of WebAuth instance
417 if there are any other failure


With this SDK, you can integrate cidaas smoothly and with minimal effort into your javascript application. It enables you to map the most important user flows for OAuth2 and OIDC compliant authentication. Secure – Fast – And unrivaled Swabian.








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