Repo includes c++ implementations of various data structures. (i.e linked lists, hashmaps, and graphs)
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ADDIGNMENT 4 PList allows the user to implement a Linked List that can store strings, integers, and double values. The PList offers members:
- head node
- iterator class {} with void increment(), P_node &getNode(), bool end()
- void append (int);
- void append (double);
- void append (const char*);
- void remove(iterator &it);
ADDIGNMEN 5 Offers IntArray and IntegerSetArray support: IntArray is a class to explore the functionily of overriding methods that are created by the compiler. Of which include:
- IntArray& operator+=(const IntArray &rhs);
- IntArray operator+(const IntArray &rhs) const;
- IntArray operator-(const IntArray &rhs) const;
- IntArray operator*(int x) const;
- IntArray operator/(int x) const;
- ItArray operator<<(int count) const;
- operator char*() const;
- operator int() const;
ASSIGNMENT 6 Includes functionality for IntegerSet as well as IntegerSetHT for hash table (with iterator) creation