University Institute HTML Theme as the name suggests is an HTML template for Colleges, Schools, Universities, E.T.C.
The main goal of this theme is to deliver information like notices and other updates to students with ease. Providing a better user experience to the students. Its focus on recurring visitors rather than one-time visitors and hence is suitable for internal Department websites.
There will be a HUGO build of this theme. This repository is to make opensource contribution easy for people who understand frontend technologies like HTML & CSS but don't want to struggle with HUGO file structures and GO Templates.
Use git to clone the Repository.
git clone
Or download the
The Project is still in development and these are some task to be implemented in future releases. You can contribute by implementing these change or by reporting bugs.
- Mobile Ready
- JavaScript Free Version
- Decrease total size by replacing dependencies.
- Improve UI/UX
- Web Accessibility compliance.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to tests on mobile devices as appropriate.
This theme is released under the MIT. Please read the license for more information.