This project implements a pipelined IEEE754 floating-point ALU that supports FP16, FP32 and FP64. It is a general-purpose unit that may be used in any project (not limited to one specific processor).
Developed under a Grant from NLnet (, more information may be found at
- nmigen
- libresoc-nmutil
- yosys (latest git repository, required by nmigen)
- sfpy (running unit tests). provides python bindings to berkeley softfloat-3
The standard sfpy will not work without being modified to the type of IEEE754 FP emulation being tested. This FPU is emulating RISC-V, and there is some weirdness in x86 IEEE754 implementations when it comes to FP16 non-canonical NaNs.
The following modifications are required to the sfpy berkeley-softfloat-3 submodule:
cd /path/to/sfpy/berkeley-softfloat-3
git apply /path/to/ieee754fpu/berkeley-softfloat.patch
The following modifications are required to the sfpy SoftPosit Makefile:
cd /path/to/sfpy/SoftPosit
git apply /path/to/ieee754fpu/SoftPosit.patch