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This project aims to make it easier to use NSTextView. It was originally built to support TextKit 1. But, now a major goal is to support TextKit 2.


dependencies: [
    .package(url: "")
targets: [
        name: "UseCoreFunctionality",
        dependencies: ["TextViewPlus"]
        name: "UseBaseTextView",
        dependencies: [.product(name: "BaseTextView", package: "TextViewPlus")]


This is an TextKit 2-only NSTextView subclass that aims for an absolute minimal amount of changes. Things are allowed only if they are required for correct functionality. It is intended to be a drop-in replacement for NSTextView, and should maintain compatibilty with existing subclasses. Behaviors are appropriate for all types of text.

  • Disables all support for TextKit 1
  • Workaround for scrollRangeToVisible bug (FB13100459)
  • Minimum textContainerInset enforcement to address more scrollRangeToVisible bugs
  • Additional routing to NSTextViewDelegate.textView(_:, doCommandBy:) -> Bool: paste, pasteAsRichText, pasteAsPlainText
  • Hooks for onKeyDown, onFlagsChanged, onMouseDown
  • Configurable selection notifcation delivery via continuousSelectionNotifications

NSTextView Extensions


Handy methods for computing ranges of text within the view.

func textRange(for rect: NSRect) -> NSRange
var visibleTextRange: NSRange


Convenience methods for computing selection ranges/locations.

var selectedTextRanges: [NSRange]
var selectedContinuousRange: NSRange?
var insertionLocation: Int?


Styling changes can be very expensive, this method is much faster in certain common cases.

func updateFont(_ newFont: NSFont, color newColor: NSColor)


Computing bounding rectangles of displayed text.

func boundingRect(for range: NSRange) -> NSRect?
func boundingRect(forGlyphRange range: NSRange) -> NSRect?
func boundingSelectionRects(forRange range: NSRange) -> [NSRect]

Attributed Strings

Programmatic modification of the underlying attributed string in the NSTextStorage, with support for delegate callbacks and undo.

func replaceCharacters(in range: NSRange, with attributedString: NSAttributedString)

// with undo supported
func replaceString(in range: NSRange, with attributedString: NSAttributedString)


Changing NSTextView behaviors can be tricky, and often involve complex interactions with the whole system (NSLayoutManager, NSTextContainer, NSScrollView, etc).

public var wrapsTextToHorizontalBounds: Bool

TextKit 2 Features


In versions of macOS before 13, TextKit 2 doesn't correctly apply rendering attributes. You can sub in this NSTextLayoutFragment to workaround the issue.

extension YourClass: NSTextLayoutManagerDelegate {
    func textLayoutManager(_ textLayoutManager: NSTextLayoutManager, textLayoutFragmentFor location: NSTextLocation, in textElement: NSTextElement) -> NSTextLayoutFragment {
        let range = textElement.elementRange

        switch textElement {
        case let paragraph as NSTextParagraph:
            return ParagraphRenderingAttributeTextLayoutFragment(textParagraph: paragraph, range: range)
            return NSTextLayoutFragment(textElement: textElement, range: range)

TextKit 1 Features

NSLayoutManager extensions

func enumerateLineFragments(for range: NSRange, block: (NSRect, NSRange) -> Void)
func enumerateLineFragments(for rect: NSRect, block: (NSRect, NSRange) -> Void)

Contributing and Collaboration

I'd love to hear from you! Get in touch via an issue or pull request.

I prefer collaboration, and would love to find ways to work together if you have a similar project.

I prefer indentation with tabs for improved accessibility. But, I'd rather you use the system you want and make a PR than hesitate because of whitespace.

By participating in this project you agree to abide by the Contributor Code of Conduct.