Cheztone OAuth server.
This first version is a simple OAuth server configuration that using an inMemoryTokenStore and a fixed user repository. As soon as possible, this project will be updated to use other data sources. As I have a good feeling with mongoDB, I think it will be the first implementation that I will allow to use.
This project is build on java 8 with. it's build using Maven®. It should run in a servlet 3 ready application server like Tomcat 8. Here were are using Spring® Java Based configuration.
This version of project use in memory token store, and a unique user. You can use the user : user and it's password : paswword.
You can create a post request to get an access token using : POST @ localhost:8080/oauth/token?grant_type=password Header -> Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==