This repository is for X-Linear Attention Networks for Image Captioning (CVPR 2020). The original paper can be found here.
Please cite with the following BibTeX:
title={X-Linear Attention Networks for Image Captioning},
author={Pan, Yingwei and Yao, Ting and Li, Yehao and Mei, Tao},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
- Python 3
- CUDA 10
- numpy
- tqdm
- easydict
- PyTorch (>1.0)
- torchvision
- coco-caption
- Download coco-caption, setup the path of __C.INFERENCE.COCO_PATH in lib/ and modify the directory name 'pycocoevalcap','pycocotools' to 'my_pycocoevalcap','my_pycocotools'.
Only X-LAN model can be trained now :P.
bash experiments/xlan/
bash experiments/xlan/
To view curves of training loss and evaluation scores
cd ./experiments/xlan
tensorboard --logdir='./' --port=6006
export TRAINING_DIR='/data/disk1/private/FXData/Xlinear_models/train_coco_warmup10k'
--folder=$TRAINING_DIR --config=config_coco_warmup10k.yml --resume 57
Running this command will output
- caption results as json file in '$TRAINING_DIR/result'
- Multi-headed attention visualization in '$TRAINING_DIR/result/attention_visualization' for the first 10 images in the testing set.
- Testing scores of Bleu1-4, METEOR, ROUGE and CIDER, written in '$TRAINING_DIR/log.txt'. (SPICE is turned off to save computational cost)
To visualize predicted result paired with input image,
cd /data/disk1/private/FXData/visualize
export DIR='${TRAINING_DIR}/result'
export FILE='coco+result_test_57.json'
python \
--directory=$DIR \
--result_file=$FILE \
--processedimg_dir=./vg_images \
--img_dir=./images \
--imgname_file=/data/disk1/private/FXData/COCO/coco_info/id2name_123287.json \
python -m http.server 8009 --directory ./coco
See more details in '/data/disk1/private/FXData/visualize/' and '/data/disk1/private/FXData/visualize/'.
To generate caption for raw images, place all raw images in './test' directory and run the following commands
export BASE_DIR='the path to image-captioning repository'
export VG_DIR='/data/disk1/private/FXData/VG/'
export TEST_DIR="${BASE_DIR}/test"
export MODEL_DIR='/data/disk1/private/FXData/Xlinear_models/train_coco_warmup10k'
#model in MODEL_DIR/snapshot
cd $VG_DIR
python3 --img_folder="${TEST_DIR}/images" \
python3 \
--test_raw_image \
--folder=$MODEL_DIR --resume 57 --config="${MODEL_DIR}/config_coco_warmup10k.yml"
Then all results are output in './test' similarly as for COCO/AIC test images.
Thanks the contribution of self-critical.pytorch and awesome PyTorch team.