Generates forms using schema definitions.
- Required data format (structure and validations) is defined with a JSON schema.
- Refer to for supported types
UI Schema
- additional ui customizations are defined in the ui schema. (layouts, styles & custom widgets).
UI components list should implement IWidgets
Default widgets are used when widget type is not defined in UI schema.
export interface IWidgets {
number: {
default: Widget<NumberInputProps>;
[x: string]: Widget<NumberInputProps>;
integer: {
default: Widget<NumberInputProps>;
[x: string]: Widget<NumberInputProps>;
string: {
default: Widget<TextInputProps>;
enum: Widget<SelectFieldProps>;
// other input types
Components used to define layout of the form
- FormWrapper - render form inputs & buttons.
- ObjectWrapper
- ObjectItemWrapper
- ArrayWrapper
- ArrayItemWrapper
- ArrayItemRemoveBtn
- ArrayItemAddBtn
- FieldWrapper
Components used to define actual input fields and styles.
- NumberInput
- TextInput
- SelectField
- CheckBoxField
- Date Time Pickers
- & custom widgets implementing relevant interfaces for data types..