This is a clone website for Delani Studio website.
- Description
- Setup and Installation Requirements
- Behaviour Driven Development
- Technologies
- Licence
- Authors information
This is a clone website that implements everything I have learnt from Bootstrap, Javascript and jQuery to recreate a landing page for a fictional studio as called Delani Studio.
To run this program:
$ Fork the repository from my git hub.
$ Clone this repository to a location in your file system.
$ Open terminal command line then navigate to the root folder of the application.
$ Run the code from VS Code or Atom through a liveserver to chrome browser.
$ Make changes where need be.
This webpage is documented and designed around the behavior a user expects to experience when interacting with it.
Behavior | input | output |
User inputs name and email clicks on the submit button.On submit,validation is done first,then a message acknowledging the reciept of the message is outputted.Validation-On submit if there is any missing value in the fields, user gets an alert asking them to fill the missing value. | User types in their name, email address and their message | User recieves message alerting them that their message has been recieved and also if their email has been added to mail list |
- HTML - HTML is the standard markup language for Web pages.
- CSS - CSS is the language we use to style an HTML document.
- Bootstrap - is the most popular CSS Framework for developing responsive and mobile-first websites.
- Java Script - JavaScript is the programming language of the Web.
- jQuery - is a lightweight, "write less, do more", JavaScript library.
MIT Licence copyright (c) 2022 Charmain Bonareri. All Rights Reserved.
Contributions are always welcome!
If you have any questions,comments or correctional advice, feel free to contact me
- Email: [email protected]