This is a personal budgeting and Expense Tracking Web Application built for users to budget and track the items they buy and their respective prices. Anyone that has access to a phone or PC and a working internet connection can use the app.
BudgetPad allows user’s to add a budget amount, list down their expenses, get total balance spent after making list of expenses, edit an expense, and delete an expense.This web applicationis applicable in all cathegories of users employed/ atudent e.t.c during activities such as grocery shopping, clothes shopping, house items shopping etc.
- Sign up for an account by providing name, email, and password
- Log in with email, Facebook, or Google account
- Log out of an account
After login, users can:
- View all expenses/budget overview on the dashboad
- View expenses break down by category and month in chart visualizations on the dashboard
- Filter expenses by category and due date on the expense page
- Calculate and analyze expense using the calculator
- Add an expense, Edit their expense and delete expense on the expnese page
- View all expenses lists on the history page,
- View and edit user profile
- Bootstrap
- Javascript
- Python
- Github
Charlian Imoisili Mercy Igwe