This project gives you a nice DSL-like interface for the Telegram Bot API using webhooks.
I recommend you reading Telegrams very good Bot API documentation for details.
But tl;dr:
When using the polling method, you have to build an application that regularly asks the Telegram if there are any new messages.
This approach works very well if you have a low traffic bot and/or are behind a firewall.
When using Webhooks, you register a callback-url at the Telegram API, which is called when new data is available. But, you need an publicly accessible URL for that, so you can't run that behind a firewall, but you can run it easily using a cloud service like Heroku.
This is a basic example setting up an echo bot. The most simple creature in the Bot Universe.
For a more complex example project see the TumblrFeedBot
The easiest way to try this is using a cloud service like Heroku.
You can create a new Telegram Bot by talking to @BotFather. More on this you will find in the Telegram Documentation.
Install it by hand, like:
gem install telegram-webhooks
Or let bundler
do it for you:
gem 'telegram-webhooks'
require 'telegram'
Telegram.token = ENV['TELEGRAM_TOKEN']
class App < Bot
on :echo do |update|
$ heroku config:set TELEGRAM_TOKEN=...
$ git push heroku master
$ TELEGRAM_TOKEN="..." bundle exec rackup
In order to activate the Webhooks API you have to send a single POST request against their api specify a url where you want to receive new updates.
Telegram recommends to use your Telegram Token as a part of your URL to avoid other people tampering with your bot.
curl --data "url=https://your.bots.url/YOUR_TELEGRAM_TOKEN_HERE"