Team Quadrilateral, Project to clone bookmyshow
Clone of Bookmyshow
Main website
BookMyShow website is basically for entertainment purpose, In this app, a user can book movie tickets by choosing the different theatres and timings accordingly. The user also can see some events happening around them and can attend the events.
In this project, a few technologies and packages were used, listed below
- React
- Redux-thunks
- Redux
- Axios
- react-router-dom
- Material UI
- antd
- React multi carousel
After cloning this repo do
npm install
npm install redux react-redux redux-thunk axios react-router-dom material-ui/@core @material-ui/icons @material-ui/lab antd react-multi-carousel
All josn files are in the scraped data folder
Database Name - bookmyshow
Collections Name - movies , foods ,laughters , latests , outdoors ,populars,cinemas
To import --
it will help you to do same collectios put all json file in same folder
and change the path accordingly while importing.
mongoimport --db bookmyshow --collection movies --file F:\data\bookMyshow.json --jsonArray
mongoimport --db bookmyshow --collection foods --file F:\data\food.json --jsonArray
mongoimport --db bookmyshow --collection laughters --file F:\data\laughter.json --jsonArray
mongoimport --db bookmyshow --collection latests --file F:\data\latest_plays.json --jsonArray
mongoimport --db bookmyshow --collection outdoors --file F:\data\outdoor_events.json --jsonArray
mongoimport --db bookmyshow --collection populars --file F:\data\popular_events.json --jsonArray
mongoimport --db bookmyshow --collection cinemas --file F:\data\cinemas.json --jsonArray
To fetch Date:
To start the server you can do
npm run server
- A user can visit the home page and can see the Movies, Events, Fun activities etc.
- user can view all the movies by clicking on see all button on the right, there they can also filter the movies according to Language, Genre and Screen type.
- User would be able to see more details about the movie by clicking any movie.
- They can rate the movie and can book that particular movie by clicking the Book tickets button.
- For login user can use mobile number
- The user will be redirected to the page where they can select the Theater followed by their region.
- After selecting Theater, the user can choose the seating.
- Now, the user can click on the play button and can see the preview of their selection. Also, they can add some food and snacks.
- After clicking, Proceed button, the user can make the payment and will be redirected to the home page.
- At the end, user can see their booking details in the booking history from the profile.
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for visiting here.