MUSIC[well] is an application for filling your musical [well] with artists based on their relationships to other artist. You can relate how you came to know your artists, add comments and reviews. You can search for other artist using the search function or look through related atrists. You can also look through other peoples [well]s and read what they have to say about their artists. You can edit your comments or remove the artist from your[well].
Clone repo
From root directory in terminal runnpm install
From api directory in terminal run json-server -p 8088 -w database.json
From root directory in terminal runnpm start
app will open in browser window
Register a user and begin filling your well with artists and add your comments, thoughts, reviews and the ways you came to find your artists.
The registration is for purposes of proof of concept and has no security employed. Use at your own risk.
The Trifecta of web Development-- HTML, CSS and Javascript using React and styled-css-grid.