Make a website with at least 2 separate pages.
Assesses skill in creative design using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Choice of Editor: Atom
Libraries Used
Fa Fonts
Page 1:
Showcases my resume in a web page.
Audience: Interviewees or Recruiters
Goal: Clean and easy to consume. Minimized animations for easy load and soft look.
The button to go to the Part two of the project is located at the bottom.
Page 2 (or more):
The US Director of Sales has asked for a web-based report which outlines how the company is performing. A web page that displays the information in the data set in a meaningful way for the director.
Audience: US Director of Sales
Goal: Give a general sense of the company in the huge picture before the graphs that detail out the extra bits. There is a table included at the end for printing out of the data set given. This is intended if the director or any sales manager needs the info only and not the graphs.
Side Navigation Tabs:
Home: The dashboard
Description: Field descriptions
People: Shows the phone numbers and emails of the managers
The button to go back to the resume is to click logout.
How can you run this project
1.) For Page 1: Look for Resume.html. Open it in a browser.
2.) For Page 2: Look for datasetreport.html and repeat step 1 or at the bottom of resume.html click the button.
Lessons learned
How to Graph: Most difficult part of the project is deciding what type of graphs
would best represent the data. It required me to look to business friends or manager
who have ran a business before making sales.
Presentation Slides for the Project https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GediIa5_BzptsGTGxZnJpPiKHAwmnwezlGJInjd6B1I/edit?usp=sharing
Thank you for taking the time to look!