The kiosk is displays the website from this repository for students and visitors to the CTC to see and interact with projects that the students of the Computer Coding & Programming class want to put on display.
- You must be a current student of the CTC Computer Coding & Programming program
- You must have permission from the author of this repo (GunmetalRanger) to marge to or make changes to the main branch
- Be sure to clone and create your own branch to work off of, do NOT make changes to the main.
- Contributions must follow CTC guidelines as outlined in the Student Handbook
- If your contribution uses an api please add a .md file named after the api detailing where the api is from (with a link) and how to use it
- Please leave comments in your code for future developers. This project will be worked on by many contributors over the years. Be kind, please
If you find a bug, possible improvement, or project idea then obey the following steps:
- Open an issue
- Make detailed notes in the comment section
- Assign the appropriate label(s) to it
- Add it to the Kiosk Project Managment project
- Either assign someone to the issue OR add the label help wanted
Collaborator | Year (yyyy-yy) | Important Milestones |
KevinAMendez1 | 2021-23 | v1.0 |
LCorreaSalinas | 2021-23 | v1.0 |
© copyright all rights reserved