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Testing Cheat Sheet

Daniel Metzner edited this page Mar 19, 2020 · 5 revisions

Always clear the test cache before starting the tests!

  bin/console cache:clear -e test
command description
google-chrome-stable --headless --remote-debugging-address= --remote-debugging-port=9222 --disable-gpu Starts Headless Chrome
bin/phpspec run Start all phpspec tests
bin/phpspec run Start a specific phpspec file
bin/phpunit tests Start all phpUnit tests
bin/behat Start all Behat tests
bin/behat -f pretty Start all Behat Tests with detailed output
bin/behat -s XXX Start a Testing Suite
bin/behat scr/.../Features/.../fancyTests.feature Start all tests in a .feature file
bin/behat scr/.../Features/.../fancyTests.feature:63 Start a specific test in a .feature file
bin/console phpcheckstyle Generates a new php coding style check report