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Harald Koinig edited this page Jan 9, 2021 · 22 revisions

For now catroweb with docker is for local development and github actions.



Install docker

Note: Keep in mind that you need enough disk space. We tested it on a Ubuntu 18 virtual machine with 30GB of space.


  • Install the Docker community engine from the official docker website. Just choose your operating system in the menu on the left side and follow the instructions.

  • If you are using docker on Linux take a look at the post install instructions.


  • Enable HYPER-V in the windows features and reboot
  • Get and install Docker from Docker Hub Make sure Linux containers are used and then reboot
  • You might wanna create your docker id for docker hub and log in (not sure if necessary)
  • Enable "Expose daemon on tcp://localhost/2375 without tls" in the docker settings if you plan to build the container in PhpStorm.
  • Info: make sure to use gitbash or something similar to run shell scripts. You can configure it as your defualt cli in the phpstorm settings too.

Install Git (if you haven't already)


  • sudo apt-get install git


Important: Make sure to checkout Unix style line endings and also commit with Unix style line endings. (Else our docker container will not build/run). Gitscm asks you in the installation process. Else you need to modify git manually before checking out the repository. (``)

Checkout the Catroweb Project

  • git clone

You might want to use your own fork instead. Add as many remotes as you need. For a how-to git checkout another tutorial.

git clone <your-forked-repo>
cd Catroweb
git remote add catroweb
git checkout develop
git pull catroweb develop
sudo apt install composer
  • Optionally: you could just add the project directly via PHPStorm - "get project from version control"

Introduction to Catroweb with docker

In this section we discuss the general usage of docker and what docker does.
Docker is a tool that makes it easy to run complex applications (like Catroweb) on different operating systems. This is accomplished by bundling the application into a container. Every container can be imagined as a virtual machine. We specifically use docker-compose which automatically bundles different services each into one container.

Catroweb needs 3 services for development purposes:

  • The application itself is the container with the name, which runs ubuntu with the whole catroweb code. This container has shared folders with the host (so folders where changes are synchronized with the container):
    • src
    • tests (because this is shared you can view the testreport screens on the host)
    • translations
    • templates If you change these files on the host or container you must NOT REBUILD the container! :) Only rebuild the container if changes to con
  • One MariaDB which runs with the name
  • And a phpMyAdmin container with the name


The services are started in a specific order. First, it deploys MariaDB then it starts phpMyAdmin and finally the app. The App service waits for MariaDB to successfully create the database before migrating via doctrine. When the migration finishes successfully, the apache2 server in the app container is started and listens to the 8080 port on the host.

At the end of this guide are some helpful commands for docker: Docker commands

And here are some helpful links if you want to dive deeper into docker or just google it:

Running Catroweb dev in Docker

cd docker
docker-compose -f build
docker-compose -f up -d

This will start up the following containers:

  • Apache, PHP with the catroweb source on Port 8080

  • MariaDB

    We have 2 databases - catroweb_dev + catroweb_test

  • Chrome

    Used in behat tests. No need to manually start chrome headless anymore. Yay.

  • phpMyAdmin

    http://localhost:8081 to open to phpMyAdmin


    • Server:
    • Username: root
    • Password: root

    credentials for test db:

    • Server: db.catroweb.test
    • Username: root
    • Password: root
  • Developing and testing should work similarly to a native project. Just run the commands via docker:

    • Just run the commands via docker:
    docker exec -it app.catroweb php bin/console catrobat:reset --hard
    • You can open the catroweb website in your browser with http://localhost:8080

    • To use all IntelliSense features, like code completion, etc. we need to have access to the libraries (vendor + node_modules). Since those directories are used during the build process we can't use a shared volume.

      -- Option A: copy the libraries from the container to the host. Run from the project root:

         sh docker/app/

      Be patient. This command might take a minute or two ;)

      -- Option B: run composer install and npm on the host (if you have it on your system anyway)


  • If you have a timeout while executing the reset or if the execution is very slow in general, you can deactivate xdebug in the container - just execute:
    docker exec -it app.catroweb rm /etc/php/7.3/cli/conf.d/20-xdebug.ini

Testing (for more details checkout the testing wiki)

  • phpUnit:

    docker exec -it app.catroweb bin/phpunit tests
  • behat:

    docker exec -it app.catroweb bin/behat

Running a reduced container containing only testing tools. (Used by CI)

cd docker
docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml build
docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up

Docker commands

  • see all the running container
    docker ps -a
    Here you can also look up the container id
  • stop one container
    docker stop CONTAINER_ID
  • stop all running container
    docker stop $(docker ps -q)
  • remove all stopped containers
    docker container prune
  • delete all docker resources that are not used currently
    docker system prune
  • execute command inside container
    docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID COMMAND
    for example, open a bash console inside a container
    docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash
  • copy something from the container to the host.
    E.g. copy screens. (screens dir must exist!)
    docker cp app.catroweb/var/www/catroweb/tests/testreports/screens ~/screens

Docker-compose commands

  • Show logs
    docker-compose -f logs

Docker in phpStorm

  • In phpStorm open the edit Run/Debug configuration window (Menu -> Run -> Edit Configurations...)
  • Press on the + symbol then on Docker -> Docker-compose
  • Add the docker/ file
  • optional: use --force-build option
  • Note for Windows users: if the server can't be autodetected check your Dockerconfig. You must "Expose daemon on tcp://localhost/2375 without tls"

With this configuration, you can build and run the containers directly from phpStorm. You can then use the docker menu on the bottom of phpStorm to look at the logs or execute commands.