An Android App that read a local JSON file with a list of restaurants to experiment Android Libraries and Architectures.
This app was built under a MVVM Architecture following the Clean Architecture Principles.
- Gradle Kotlin DSL for managing modules;
- Koin for Dependency Injection;
- Android Jetpack Libraries:
- Room
- LiveData
- ViewModel
- DataBinding
- Navigation Component
- Material Design Components
- Fragment
- Test
- Annotation
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Moshi for JSON handling
- Detekt & KtLint for static analysis
- Google Truth for Test Assertions
- MockK for Test Mocking
- GitHub Actions for CI
- Android Version 8.0+
- Android Studio 3.2.0+
Import the project to Android Studio, run the Sync Project With Gradle Files task, and hit the Play Button
Just run the following command:
./gradlew testDebugUnitTest