This is a Web Client for the Cardsity Server written with Vue.js using the Vuetify Component Framework
Report issues here
yarn install
yarn serve
yarn build
yarn lint
docker build -t cardsity-vue-client .
You need a web server to serve the content. The image only contains the static files.
You can copy the static files like so:
COPY /app/dist/ /var/www/client/
- Option to preview the black cards filled with the text of the selected white cards
- Write Tests
- Cards with long text
- Rewrite in TypeScript (+ Vue 3?)
- Validate forms better
- Focus text fields in dialogs
- Remove console logs
- Avoid scrolling when a chat message gets added
- Save chat in store
- Mobile UI (Use ?)
- Emoji picker in chat
- Use Treeshaking (
- Change primary accent color to user selected color
- Option to enter game and deck server host