They say it ain't easy being cheesy.
They also say it's not that easy being green.
Well, same goes for self-taught web development.
Nevertheless, we code on!
This is a small profile page created by me,
currently being typed out by me.
const chris = {
code: ["HTML", "CSS", "Javascript", "Python", "Ruby"],
askMeAbout: ["web dev", "flexbox", "graphic design", "comedy"],
technologies: {
backEnd: {
js: ["node js", "express"],
frontEnd: {
js: ["React JS", "Vue JS"],
css: ["materialize", "bulma", "bootstrap"],
databases: ["mongoDB", "MySql"],
misc: ["Firebase", "Socket.IO", "Processing", "Netlify"],
architecture: [
"Serverless Architecture",
"Full stack web applications",
"Single page applications",
currentFocus: "React Dev",
quote: "Enough quotes.",
Tech | Language(s) | |
Front-end | ||
Back-end |
Tools |
Graphic Design |
feel free to steal from this portfolio.
if you get the job, you can buy me a course!
for more information,
hmu on linkedin, instagram, email or my site.