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Automatic generation of descriptive radiological reports from X-RAY scans


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XREPORT: Radiological Reports Generation

1. Project Overview

XRAY Report Generator is a machine learning-based tool designed to assist radiologists in generating descriptive reports from X-ray images. This project aims to reduce the time and effort required by radiologists to write detailed reports based on the XRAY scan description, thereby increasing efficiency and turnover. The generative model is trained using combinations of XRAY images and their labels (descriptions), in the same fashion as image captioning models learn a sequence of word tokens associated to specific parts of the image. While originally developed around the MIMIC-CXR Database (, this project can be applied to any dataset with X-ray scans labeled with their respective radiological reports (or any kind of description). The XREPORT Deep Learning (DL) model developed for this scope makes use of a transformer encoder-decoder architecture, which relies on both self attention and cross attention to improve text significance within the clinical image context. The images features are extracted using a custom convolutional encoder with pooling layers to reduce dimensionality. Once a pretrained model is obtained leveraging a large number of X-RAY scans and their descriptions, the model can be used in inference mode to generate radiological reports from the raw pictures.

1.2 Supplementary information

Further information are available in the docs folder (to be added).

2. XREPORT model

The XREPORT model is based on a transformer encoder-decoder architecture. Three stacked encoders with multi-head self-attention and feedforward networks are used downstream to the convolutional image encoder network to generate vectors with extracted x-ray scan features. The X-RAY scans are processed and reduced in dimensionality using a series of convolutional layers followed by max-pooling operations. These image vectors are then fed into the transformer decoder, which applies cross-attention between encoder and decoder inputs, to determine most important features in the images associated with specific words in the text. To ensure coherent report generation, the model employs causal masking on token sequences during decoding. This auto-regressive mechanism guarantees that generated reports consider the context of previously generated tokens.

DistilBERT tokenization: to improve the vectorization and the semantic representation of the training text corpus, the pretrained tokenizer of the DistilBERT model has been used to split text into subwords and vectorize the tokens. The base model is taken from distilbert/distilbert-base-uncased, and is automatically downloaded in training/BERT. Once saved, the weights are loaded each time a new training session is called. The XREPORT model performs word embedding by coupling token embeddings with positional embeddings, and supports masking for variable-length sequences, ensuring adaptability to text sequences of different length.

XREP transformers: the body of the model comprises a series of transformer encoders/decoders. The transformer encoder employs multi-head self-attention and feedforward networks to further process the encoded images. These transformed image vectors are then fed into the transformer decoder, which applies cross-attention between encoder and decoder inputs. To ensure coherent report generation, the model employs causal masking on token sequences during decoding. This auto-regressive mechanism guarantees that generated reports consider the context of previously generated tokens.

3. Installation

The installation process is designed for simplicity, using .bat scripts to automatically create a virtual environment with all necessary dependencies. Please ensure that Anaconda or Miniconda is properly installed on your system before proceeding.

  • To set up the environment, run scripts/environment_setup.bat. This script installs Keras 3 with pytorch support as backend, and includes includes all required CUDA dependencies to enable GPU utilization (CUDA 12.1).
  • IMPORTANT: if the path to the project folder is changed for any reason after installation, the app will cease to work. Run scripts/package_setup.bat or alternatively use pip install -e . --use-pep517 from cmd when in the project folder (upon activating the conda environment).

3.1 Additional Package for XLA Acceleration

XLA is designed to optimize computations for speed and efficiency, particularly beneficial when working with TensorFlow and other machine learning frameworks that support XLA. Since this project uses Keras 3 with PyTorch as backend, the approach for optimizing computations for speed and efficiency has shifted from XLA to PyTorch's native acceleration tools, particularly TorchScript. This latter allows for the compilation of PyTorch models into an optimized, efficient form that enhances performance, especially when working with large-scale machine learning models or deploying models in production. TorchScript is designed to accelerate both CPU and GPU computations without requiring additional environment variables or complex setup.

For those who wish to use Tensorflow as backend in their own fork of the project, XLA acceleration can be globally enables across your system setting an environment variable named XLA_FLAGS. The value of this variable should be --xla_gpu_cuda_data_dir=path\to\XLA, where path\to\XLA must be replaced with the actual directory path that leads to the folder containing the nvvm subdirectory. It is crucial that this path directs to the location where the file libdevice.10.bc resides, as this file is essential for the optimal functioning of XLA. This setup ensures that XLA can efficiently interface with the necessary CUDA components for GPU acceleration.

4. How to use

Within the main project folder (XREPORT) you will find other folders, each designated to specific tasks.

4.1 Resources

This folder is used to organize data and results for various stages of the project, including data validation, model training, and evaluation. Here are the key subfolders:

dataset: contains images used to train the XREPORT model (dataset/images), as well as the file XREPORT_dataset.csv that should be provided for training purposes. This .csv file must contain two columns: id where the image names are given, and text where the associated text is saved.


  • input_images: this is where you place images intended for inference using the pretrained XREPORT model.
  • reports: the generated radiological reports from input images are saved within this folder.

results: used to save the results of data validation processes. This helps in keeping track of validation metrics and logs.

checkpoints: pretrained model checkpoints are stored here, and can be used either for resuming training or performing inference with an already trained model.

4.2 Inference

Here you can find the necessary files to run pretrained models in inference mode, and use them to generate radiological reports from input X-ray scans.

  • Run to use the pretrained transformer decoder from a model checkpoint to generate radiological reports starting from an input image.

4.3 Training

This folder contains the necessary files for conducting model training and evaluation.

  • Run to initiate the training process for the transformer model

4.4 Validation

Data validation and pretrained model evaluations are performed using the scripts within this folder.

  • Launch the jupyter notebook model_evaluation.ipynb to evaluate the performance of pretrained model checkpoints using different metrics.
  • Launch the jupyter notebook data_validation.ipynb to validate the available data with different metrics.

5. Configurations

For customization, you can modify the main configuration parameters using settings/configurations.json

Dataset Configuration

Parameter Description
SAMPLE_SIZE Number of samples to use from the dataset
VALIDATION_SIZE Proportion of the dataset to use for validation
IMG_NORMALIZE Whether to normalize image data
IMG_AUGMENT Whether to apply data augmentation to images
MAX_REPORT_SIZE Max length of text report
SPLIT_SEED Seed for random splitting of the dataset

Model Configuration

Parameter Description
IMG_SHAPE Shape of the input images (height, width, channels)
EMBEDDING_DIMS Embedding dimensions (valid for both models)
NUM_HEADS Number of attention heads
NUM_ENCODERS Number of encoder layers
NUM_DECODERS Number of decoder layers
SAVE_MODEL_PLOT Whether to save a plot of the model architecture

Training Configuration

Parameter Description
EPOCHS Number of epochs to train the model
LEARNING_RATE Learning rate for the optimizer
BATCH_SIZE Number of samples per batch
MIXED_PRECISION Whether to use mixed precision training
USE_TENSORBOARD Whether to use TensorBoard for logging
XLA_STATE Whether to enable XLA (Accelerated Linear Algebra)
ML_DEVICE Device to use for training (e.g., GPU)
NUM_PROCESSORS Number of processors to use for data loading

Evaluation Configuration

Parameter Description
BATCH_SIZE Number of samples per batch during evaluation
SAMPLE_SIZE Number of samples from the dataset (evaluation only)
VALIDATION_SIZE Fraction of validation data (evaluation only)

6. License

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.


Automatic generation of descriptive radiological reports from X-RAY scans








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