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Require compatible vendor prefixes

nzakas edited this page Nov 28, 2011 · 3 revisions

Experimental CSS properties are typically implemented using vendor prefixes until the final behavior has been established and agreed upon. Most CSS3 properties have vendor-prefixed equivalents for multiple vendors, including Firefox (-moz), Safari/Chrome (-webkit), Opera (-o), and Internet Explorer (-ms). It's easy to forget to include the vendor prefixed version of a property when there are so many to keep track of.

The following properties have multiple vendor-prefixed versions:

  • animation
  • animation-delay
  • animation-direction
  • animation-duration
  • animation-fill-mode
  • animation-iteration-count
  • animation-name
  • animation-play-state
  • animation-timing-function
  • appearance
  • border-end
  • border-end-color
  • border-end-style
  • border-end-width
  • border-image
  • border-radius
  • border-start
  • border-start-color
  • border-start-style
  • border-start-width
  • box-align
  • box-direction
  • box-flex
  • box-lines
  • box-ordinal-group
  • box-orient
  • box-pack
  • box-sizing
  • box-shadow
  • column-count
  • column-gap
  • column-rule
  • column-rule-color
  • column-rule-style
  • column-rule-width
  • column-width
  • hyphens
  • line-break
  • margin-end
  • margin-start
  • marquee-speed
  • marquee-style
  • padding-end
  • padding-start
  • tab-size
  • text-size-adjust
  • transform
  • transform-origin
  • transition
  • transition-delay
  • transition-duration
  • transition-property
  • transition-timing-function
  • user-modify
  • user-select
  • word-break
  • writing-mode

If you want the same CSS effects across all browsers, then it's important to remember the vendor-prefixed properties for all supporting browsers.

Rule Details

Rule ID: compatible-vendor-prefixes

This rule is intended to warn when a vendor-prefixed property is missing. The supported properties are listed in the previous section.

The following patterns are considered warnings:

/* Missing -moz, -ms, and -o */
.mybox {
    -webkit-transform: translate(50px, 100px);

/* Missing -webkit */
.mybox {
    -moz-border-radius: 5px;
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