This application is Team 7's project for Professor Powell's Spring 2024 CSE-112 Software Engineering course at UCSD. Here is our deployed website! We are extending CSE-110 SP23 Team 16's original Stargazer found here.
View Demo here!
Curious about your future? Interested in finding the truth among the stars? Stargazer provides a one-of-a-kind experience at the intersection of fortune-telling and constellation-reading. Let the stars be your guide, and learn what the future has in store for you!
First you will taken to the starting page, in which you have the option to either Login if you are an existing Stargazer user, to Signup as a new user, or continue as a Guest. If you choose to login, you will need to enter your username and password. If you choose to signup as a new user, you will need to provide a username (that hasn't been taken already), and a password which you must then confirm. Please note if you continue as a Guest, your propechies will not be saved.
The settings panel can be opened at any time by clicking on the gear icon at the upper-right of the page. In here, you have the controls to change the volume of the background music, change between light and dark modes, access your horoscope history directly (if you are logged in) at any time, and to log in (if you are a user).
On the selection page you will see the options "Daily Horoscope", "Health", "Career", and "Relationship". To continue with the app, select one of the field options "Daily Horoscope", "Health", "Career", and "Relationship". Feel free to select another category by pressing on the button. Then you will see a "Next" button, so click that to continue.
You are now on the skymap page. As the note at the button says, navigate the nightsky by left clicking your mouse and drag the screen. Click and select five stars as you wish, then your constellation will appear to you! Once you select five stars (dots) you will see the constellation and a "next" button so click that to see the explanation.
Now you are on the explanation page which has the name of the constellation, it's description, an image, and a sketch. After reading the explanation/description click the "See your fortune" button to see the response based on your category from landing page and the constellation selection from skymap page.
In the response page, you will see an armadillo fortune teller greeting you and the "See Result" button which you can click to see the generated response for you. After reading the response, you can select the "next page" button to reach our last page, thanking you for visiting.
Once you are redirected to the thank you page, you can choose to go back to the main landing page to try another category or selection of stars or both. To go back to the landing page, just click the button "Home". Otherwise you can close the browser tab to fully exit the application.
View the full documentation of our application, generated by JSDocs, here.
View our current release history.
View our plans for the future here.
View our full changelog.
Cole Carter, Sholehani Hafezi, Barak Horowitz, Qijun (Mary) Hu, Mark Ma, Jason Phung, Pramodya Rajapakse, Adrian Ye, Yanbo Yu