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CD4017BE edited this page Oct 19, 2018 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the InductiveLogistics wiki!

This is meant as an addition to the mod's in-game documentation. While the in-game documentation is mostly focused on individual items or devices, this should rather go for more general concepts.

this wiki is still very incomplete yet!

Feature Overview:

  1. Resource storage
    1. Item Buffers
    2. Fluid Tanks
  2. Resource transport
    1. Basic Pipes
    2. Advanced Universal Pipes
    3. Pipe Filters
  3. Resource access
    1. Access Extension Pipe
    2. Entity Interface
    3. Dropped Item Interface
    4. Portable Inventory Remote Access
  4. Resource transformation
    1. Fluid Intake & Outlet
    2. Item Placer
    3. Overflow Trash
    4. Automatic Crafter
    5. Portable Automatic Crafter
  5. Planned for future releases:
    • Round-robin Transport Pipe
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