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Releases: CBIIT/bento-cds-frontend

CDS 3.0.1

14 Aug 16:57
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Release Notes - Cancer Data Service – Version CDS FE Version: 4.3.0

Build Details:

FE Version:

BE Version:

New Supported Features:

  • Enable Google Analytics for the current CDS portal
  • Update CRDC Helpdesk email
  • File Selection and Cart Behavior
  • "Library Strategy" Column Displays by Default in Files Tab on Data Explore Page

Data Releases:

Bug Fixes:

  • Automation - Data Mismatch - Participant tab - Sample column
  • Automation Error - Files tab - Participants & Samples value mismatch - UI vs DB
  • Manifest File - Primary Diagnosis - Incorrect Spelling
  • Number of participants and number of samples not returning files
  • Program Detailed Page - Study Version in new tab not opening as expected.
  • Study Listing Page - Study Version - On clicking back arrow not redirecting to the same listing page.
  • Sample Type - Adding Files from Samples Tab - Incorrect notification (cart msg)
  • Data Page -> Participants and Sample tab do not show data when gender is selected as "Not specified in data"
  • Global Search Page -> Search result stat bar is not expanding (About page counts are overlapped)
  • Study details page -> When a study name is long, it overlaps the purple ribbon
  • Data Issue -> Duplicate checkboxes are appearing for "LIBRARY STRATEGY" and "LIBRARY SELECTION" facets

Known Bugs:

  • File Cart -> For some studies user is not able to add less than 1000 files from Participants and Samples tab
  • Data Issue -> Duplicate checkboxes are appearing for "Primary Diagnosis" facet
  • Collapse View - the blue ribbon under the tabs does not run across the entire length of the table and is abruptly stopped
  • Study details page - When a study name is long, the Explore Study Participants button hanging above purple ribbon

CDS 3.0.0

25 Jun 13:59
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Release Notes - Cancer Data Service – Version CDS FE Version: 4.2.0

Build Details:

FE Version:

BE Version:

New Supported Features:

  • CDS Transition to a central CRDC Data Submission and Data Discovery portals banner
  • Direct Export Button to Cancer Genomics Cloud (CGC)
  • Cart exporting manifest with all metadata to CGC
  • Licenses visible in the cart for studies with licenses

Data Releases:

Bug Fixes:

  • Files without samples linked to participants

Known Bugs:

  • Sample Type - Adding Files from Samples Tab - Incorrect notification (cart msg)
  • Donuts behavior on Dashboard
  • Program Detailed Page - Study Version in new tab not opening as expected.
  • Study Listing Page - Study Version - On clicking back arrow not redirecting to the same listing page.
  • Manifest File - Primary Diagnosis - Incorrect Spelling

CDS 2.1.1

08 May 21:18
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Release Notes - Cancer Data Service – Version CDS FE Version: 4.1.0

Build Details:

FE Version:

BE Version:

Hot Fix 2:

  • Data model update to link participant to file when no samples are available
  • Data release v9.0

CDS 2.1.0

20 Mar 14:56
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Release Notes - Cancer Data Service – Version CDS FE Version: 4.0.0

Build Details

FE Version:

BE Version:

New Supported Features

  • Updated search categories by:

  • Demographics

  • Study

  • Samples

  • Sequencing

  • Imaging

  • Diagnosis

  • Files

  • Added two donut visualizations for Image modality and sample type

  • Table on data column show and hide feature expanded with more elements

  • Participants

  • Study Name

  • Accession

  • Gender

  • Samples

  • Race

  • Ethnicity

  • Primary Diagnosis

  • Samples

  • Participant ID

  • Study Name

  • Accession

  • Tumor

  • Analyte Type

  • Files

  • Sample Type

  • Sample Tumor Status

  • Organ or Tissue

  • Files

  • Study Name

  • Accession

  • Participant ID

  • Sample ID

  • File Type

  • File Size

  • Study Data Type

  • Library Strategy

  • Image Modality

  • Studies details – added study versions

  • Program details – added study versions

Data Model

  • Updated the data model to accommodate imaging data for:
  • HTAN – phs002371_image
  • CHoP – phs002517
  • Updated open search queries to accommodate imaging data
  • Additional studies added

New integration

  • Imaging data model now supported on CDS

Bug Fixes

  • Files filtered out due to sample IDs not present

Known Bugs

  • Files without samples not linked to participant
  • Sample Type Donut - displays multiple filters upon selecting a Single filter

CDS 2.0.0

13 Dec 23:20
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Release Notes - Cancer Data Service – Version CDS FE Version: 4.0.0

Build Details

FE Version:

BE Version:

New Supported Features

  • Data page column show and hide feature for metadata
  • Side bar categorized by Study, Sample, and Files
  • Updated color schema on widgets
  • Local find upgrade
  • Enhanced Global search​ across elements
  • Updates on data filters to build cohorts
  • Download DRS manifest​ to upload directly to GCC for analysis
  • Table on data column show and hide feature

Data Model

  • Updated the data model to accommodate the many-to-many relationships of data elements for phs003155.v1.p1
  • Updated open search queries to accommodate
  • Additional studies added

New integration

  • Aggregated data model now supported

Bug Fixes

  • Sliders updated show min and max values for studies selected
  • Rows Per Page - 100 space narrowing
  • Study Detailed Page - No.of.Files/No.of.Participants displays as text instead of number
  • Study Listing Page - No.of.Files/No.of.Participants displays as text instead of number
  • Empty Error Pop-Up When Attempting to Add More Than 1000 Files to the Cart
  • Missing MD5sum in Manifest File for files downloaded from Cart for some of the studies
  • Application crashes when expanding “Num of Study Samples” facet with empty data
  • Stat Bar count mismatch on the Num of Study Participants/Num of study Samples filters

Known Bugs

  • Data dashboard participants and samples files querying all files on manifest
  • Footer – GraphQL to be moved to “About CDS” Category

CDS Data Release

25 Oct 21:02
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**Release notes --Cancer Data Service
Build Details:

FE Version:
BE Version:

Hot Fix

  • Update queries to load larger studies

CDS 1.0.1

11 Aug 14:12
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CDS Bug Release

**Release notes -- Cancer Data Service -- 1.0.1

Build Details:

FE Version:

BE Version:

Bug Fixes:

  • CDS New Questionnaire Link still points to the old link.

  • About Page - NCI's Cloud Services

  • About Page - Incorrect Spelling

  • Study Detail Page - Sorting not working as expected in "Null' Cases.

  • The file count for study phs002790 is incorrect in the "STUDIES" page

  • Study Access not showing on the cart page

  • Participants counts mismatch between DB , UI is failing the automation scripts for Library Layout Filter

  • Automation Error  - Sample Tumor Filter - Stat Bar - Data Mismatch

  • Automation Error - Reference Genome Assembly - Stat bar Mismatch

  • Automation Error  - Library Strategy Filter - Stat Bar - Data Mismatch

  • Automation Error  - Study Filter - Stat Bar - Data Mismatch

  • Automation :Data page->Library Source->Participants tab/Stat bar-UI counts are not matching with  Neo4j data.

  • Gender Filter - Stat Bar - Data Mismatch - Automation Error

  • When reaching the Data page, through Study participants link from the Study detail page, the stat bar shows an intermittent value before settling with the final counts

  • Home Page - CRDC Link Should open in separate tab 

  • Mismatch in the button name (label) quoted in the file centric cart vs the actual label displayed on the download manifest button.

  • Seven Bridges Genomics account link in the cart page does not open in a new tab.

  • Outbound website icon appears for most of the links

  • CDS favicon is missing from the titlebar

  • Broken image

  • Footer - CRDC Link displays 404 error

  • Stat bar Data Mismatch- Automation - Experimental Strategy-Amplicon

  • Sliders - Alignment is not proper when selected any Study Filter

  • Study Detail Page - Study showing wrong Participants count when we redirect to Data page from Study Detail Page

  • Data Mismatch Error - Automation - PHS Accession

  • Accessing and Analyzing Data - url exposed and not linking

  • About how to submit data - directions included in the code

  • Text changes - About CDS Data Model - Links exposed

  • LCCC - phs001713 showing more file in the UI than in the actual data

  • Programs Page - StatBar - Files count Mismatch

  • Update about pages

  • CDS uploaded data to be tested

  • The upload case set pop-up window should not keep identifiers when user clicks on CANCEL button

  • Sort tooltip hides the text

CDS 1.0.0

27 Jun 15:27
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Release Notes – Cancer Data Service (CDS) – 1.0.0

Frontend Version:

Backend Version:

New Supported Features: 

  • Data stats bar linking to pages (Studies, Participants, Samples, Files)
  • Added and updated stat bar icons
  • Online submission form
  • Annotated studies to show access level

New Content:

  • CDS New Request Questionnaire
  • Static release notes
  • NCI Cloud Resource page
  • Accessing and Analyzing data page
  • CDS User Guide

Data model:

  • Nine more studies added
  • Primary diagnosis field cleaned up

Bug fixes:

  • Updated text on home page
  • Updated text on about pages
  • Updated link direction on home pages
  • Added more donuts (facets)
  • Updated search on data page to CDS-centric participant information (Info Icon on for uploading a file with Participant Ids shows wrong info)
  • Messages showing up for multiple Info Icons need updates (Download Manifest, Add Selected Files etc)
  • Add Selected Files button changes color when you click Files Tab
  • Values in 'Samples' column for few studies are too long and distort the table view. Need to wrap text
  • Home page: Under “Studies” tile, it says a user can view summaries of the studies within CDS but there are no summaries. Just study listings (as indicated in the call to action box below the tile)
  • Faceted Search -study participants: the smallest study has 188 participants so the minimum should reflect this in the bar.
  • Faceted search bar: Study names under faceted search should generally follow the same format e.g. Acronym then full name – so reader can easily skim the information.
  • Studies tab: “Study description” is not filled out for any studies but would be very helpful
  • About CDS tab: Suggest spelling out acronyms for studies (HTAN, CCDI…) since many users won’t know what these are. Maybe even provide hyperlinks to those study pages.
  • About CDS tab: Suggest adding link to CDS Helpdesk here to make it more visible and easier to find.
  • The slider does not clear when hitting the “clear all filtered selections
  • ‘Explore CDS Data’ link out -> more noticeable
  • No phs accession IDs are listed under ‘PHS ACCESSION’ when a study is selected
  • Updated file limit from 1000 to 6000
  • “upload participant set” button, the text box to explain the expected delimiter, as it seems that either commas or returns work.
  • The md5sum values are missing in the manifest

CDS MVP release

22 Feb 15:17
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CDS Bento MVP Release
FE Version:
BE Version:


  • Access Data, Programs, Studies, and About from the Home page 
  • Access to cart page 
  • Explore CDS Data – renders data dashboard 
  • EXPLORE renders the About CDS 
  • Global Search across CDS 
  • Statistics about Studies, Participants, Samples, and Files in CDS 
  • Initial load and top link bar that navigates to CRDC

Data dashboard

  • Sorting of table-based model filtering options 
  • Filtering by Study, Experimental Strategy, Gender, Tumor, and File type
  • Download of a manifest file on cart page 
  • Filtering of facet-based model for Experimental strategy, Gender, Tumor 
  • Table can be filtered by Participants, Samples, and File 
  • Participant file upload and information display on facet 
  • Ability to add the selected cases/samples files to cart


  • List of all programs  
  • Number of studies in each program 
  • Each program has a program details pages with information 


  • Lists all the studies in CDS 
  • Table sort  
  • Accession renders Study details page 
  • Study information 
  • Sortable Study Data table  
  • File selection feature to add to cart for manifest download 


  • About CDS 

    • Overview of the scope of CDS 
  • About CRDC

    • Information on CRDC and all the Cloud resources available in CRDC 
  • How To Submit Data

    • Provide CDS help through the CDS Help Desk 
    • CDS submission Guide 
    • Submission Questionnaire 
    • Current CDS metadata Template 
    • Link to CDS Explorer in Seven Bridges 
  • About CDS Data Model 

    • Information about the CDS data model and links in GitHub 
    • Link to the Core data model 
    • Link to how to generate metadata manifests 
    • Link to processing CDS metadata manifest to SRA 
  • GraphQL

    • Instructions on how to run GraphQL simple queries 
  • Bento Framework

    • Information about Bento and contact details 
