backend for our Journal of Digital History
First of all, make sure that pipenvlock and requirements.txt are synced, then start the JDH django apps using make.
pipenv install -r requirements.txt
make run-dev
THe django app jdhseo
needs a JDHSEO_PROXY_HOST env variable in the full form
without the trailing slash like https://local-proxy-domain-name
Plain http
protocol can also be used.
The domain name provided should correctly handle the /proxy-githubusercontent
By default this value is set to
The django app jdhtasks
is a separate app that should contain all celery tasks.
However, as we use autodiscover_tasks
, tasks can be added in each app.
As Celery runs together with redis, you have to provide a redis-server somehow.
I suggest to start fresh and use docker:
docker run --name jdh-redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis:alpine
Then run
REDIS_HOST=localhost REDIS_PORT=6379 \
pipenv run celery -A jdhtasks worker -l info
to start the celery worker using pipenv
and your current .env
To test that everything works fine run in another terminal:
REDIS_HOST=localhost REDIS_PORT=6379 \
pipenv run ./ echo "It was a bright cold day in July ..."
(source file for this command is at jdhtasks/management/commands/
Be sure to have your environment activate (if not, do source .venv/bin/activate
) and then :
python3 test
or with Pip:
pipenv run ./ test
pipenv requirements --dev --exclude-markers > requirements.txt