Release 1.0.0-beta
PyFlow - Release 1.0.0-beta
First Beta Release
We are happy to release the first beta version of PyFlow by Bycelium !
More is to come as we will have our features tested in the following weeks !
Feel free to reach us on discord for feedback, suggestions, contribution or a simple chat !
What's Changed
- 🎉 Add base node editor application inspired from this tutorials series by @MathisFederico
- 🎉 Bring selected blocks to the front. by @vanyle in #11
- 📝 Write a CONTRIBUTING file with contributing guidelines by @vanyle in #13
- 🪲 Fix the null pointer error issue when deleting a code block by @vanyle in #14
- 📝 Add docstrings to graphics classes by @MathisFederico in #15
- 🎉 Add multiple windows handleling by @MathisFederico in #18
- 🪲 Fix cursor and resize by @vanyle in #29
- 🎉 Add select pasted items by @MathisFederico in #30
- ☔ Integration tests by @vanyle in #31
- 🔧 ☔ Refactor integration tests by @MathisFederico in #34
- 🎉 🎨 Syntax highlighting and Themes by @vanyle in #33
- 🎉 Add IPython kernel by @AlexandreSajus in #17
- 🎉 Add IPython console by @AlexandreSajus in #38
- 📝 🎨 better readme gif by @AlexandreSajus in #39
- ✨ Autopep8, shorter lines, docstring and removed unnecessary function by @AlexandreSajus in #40
- 📝 ☔ Add codacy workflow and total coverage badge by @MathisFederico in #45
- 🔨 Sizes and widgets refactor by @vanyle in #41
- 🎉 🎨 Adds ANSI color coding support in codeblocks by @AlexandreSajus in #53
- 🎉 Add saves and loads codeblock output by @AlexandreSajus in #55
- 🎉 Add separate threads for GUI and Kernel by @AlexandreSajus in #58
- 🎉 Add socket flow type by @MathisFederico in #59
- 🎉 New block creation by @vanyle in #60
- 🎨 Increases output fontsize by @AlexandreSajus in #69
- 🎉 Prevent bad autoscroll in PyEditor by @MathisFederico in #73
- 🎉 Add arrow navigation from block to block by @vanyle in #74
- 🎉 🔨 Improve autoscroll & Tests refactor by @MathisFederico in #77
- 🪲 Improve codeblock displays for tensorflow history by @AlexandreSajus in #79
- 🎉 Add open example from command line by @AlexandreSajus in #78
- 🪲 Hide output panel without output by @AlexandreSajus in #70
- 🎉 Editable titles and 🔧 Refactor of block widgets by @MathisFederico in #81
- Add move to global view by @FabienRoger in #84
- 📝 Add Discord link and beta disclaimer by @MathisFederico in #87
- 🎉 Add support for new block types by @vanyle in #80
- 🎉 Add sockets on codeblocks by default by @MathisFederico in #89
- 🎉 Functional flow execution by @AlexandreSajus in #98
- 🎉 Add zoom on blocks pressing spacebar by @FabienRoger in #91
- 🎉 Improve arrow navigation by @MathisFederico in #99
- 🪲 Fix splitter position saving by @AlexandreSajus in #101
- 🪲 Add html output support by @AlexandreSajus in #102
- 🪲 Add indentation in pyeditor by @AlexandreSajus in #104
- 🪲 Fix 'Save As' bug by @FabienRoger in #107
- 🪲 Fix saving bug by @AlexandreSajus in #105
- 🎉 Adds the ability to cancel execution by @AlexandreSajus in #103
- ✨ switched autopep8 to black by @AlexandreSajus in #115
- 🎉 Add notebook-pygraph conversion by @FabienRoger in #86
- 🪲 Fix default fields handling by @FabienRoger in #96
- ☔ Add execution flow testing by @AlexandreSajus in #116
- ✨ Apply black formatter to everything by @FabienRoger in #120
- 📝 Improve by @FabienRoger in #121
- ☔ Add unit tests to ipynb conversion by @FabienRoger in #117
- 🛠️ Execution Refactor & 🎉 Nested Nodes by @vanyle in #113
- 🎉 Add Visual Flow by @AlexandreSajus in #114
- 🪲 Fix editing a block resets output's states by @AlexandreSajus in #127
- 🪲 Fix bug related to ipynb conversion by @FabienRoger in #129
- 📝 🎨 Adds gifs describing each main feature on by @AlexandreSajus in #130
- 🪲 fixes run_right without output by @AlexandreSajus in #134
- 🔨 Huge refactor before release by @AlexandreSajus in #133
- 🎉 Released the beta 1.0.0 by @MathisFederico in #135
New Contributors
- @vanyle made their first contribution in #10
- @AlexandreSajus made their first contribution in #17
- @FabienRoger made their first contribution in #84