An app that makes it easy for friends to plan a trip together.
Create a trip plan by specifying a destination, tentative dates, estimated costs, and a starter list of activity ideas. Invite friends to add/vote on desired trip dates and activities.
"It's trippy, mayne!" – JuicyJ
- Node
- API key for YelpFusion API
Run the following commands from the root directory:
npm install
npm run build:watch
npm start
Initialize database (replace with MySQL username/password if different):
mysql -u root -p < server/schema.sql
- YelpFusion API results lag.
- Invited friend must already have a Tripmates account.
- Inviting a nonexistent user prevents trip creation even if an existent user is later invited.
- Creating a trip with the same trip name as someone else's will give you both access to the same trip.
- Adding a date range or activity that matches another exactly will tie vote counts together.
- Estimated costs must be in number format to create trip.
- Adding blank date options/activity ideas displays empty bullets.
- Lonesome lad on homepage banner misrepresents Tripmates' social YOLO ethos.