Implementation of DetectGPT in Pytorch could be found here:
GPTZero is an AI model with some mathematical formulation to determine if a particular text fed to it is written by AI or a human being.
Recently, GPTZero gotten a lot of hype/traction from media to be able to determine whether a set of sentences are generated from ChatGPT. It was indeed a great initative for Education Institutes. However, the implementation is closed-source. We tried to construct identical solutioning and voila!! 🎉 our implementation gets the exact same results mostly lol. 😂 😂 😂
pip install -r requirements.txt
from model import GPT2PPL
model = GPT2PPL()
sentence = "your text here"
Please enter your sentence: (Press Enter twice to start processing)
Hello World.
My name is mike.
(empty line)
Our implementation produces 100% same results as We've compared extensively on a large corpus of text to compare our values with them, and surprisingly got the same results.
This repository is built based on the hugging face
Liu, Yinhan, et al. "Roberta: A robustly optimized bert pretraining approach." arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.11692 (2019).