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Find the Door - game-jam2

A puzzle physics platformer game made in a week for the Brackeys Game Jam 2022.1.

Link to play the game

The goal is to have a semi finished prototype which include the following:

  • game design which fits the theme
  • better graphics, music and sfx then last time
  • more polish then last time

Dev Screenshots

  • first screenshot
    • first screenshot
  • second screenshot
    • second screenshot
  • third screenshot
    • third screenshot

To Do List

? = not sure if enough time or if it should be implemented
crossed out text = done
|| = partly done (count lines etc)


  • find a name for the game -> Find the Door (Red Eye, Invisible Door, , Rolling Glasses)
  • get your game play tested by 5 people or more ? too late for that...

Most important for today (23.2)

  • test the game design of the xray view -> works good
    • test change xray time to just work when player holds button down, and he has like 3 seconds to use after its depleted it take 3 seconds to recharge, but only when fully recharged its usable (grey while recharging)
      • -> added 5 sec viewable timer to platforms, they slowly fade out
      • -> xray can just be refiled with pickups'
  • draw "ball player"
  • and just 1 health, because it makes everything worse → instant death makes it better
  • add parallax effect to game so it has depth -> added it but need to change art for the "infinity" layers

Most important for today (26.2)

  • "level done" pickup w/ icon and next lvl canvas(without function)
  • add some pickup for points/ u have to pick up all to pass a level... ?
  • create a moving platform script with a lot of public settings, which can be used for everything (platforms, spikes, saws) -> use debug line to show their travel range,speed etc

Most important for today (27.2)

  • a working webGL build an upload to

  • fixing random bug of "start level" btn not working

    SFX (1,5h) -> took 2,5h

    should also be done before starting level creation. I very simple in unity.

    • player "rolling/walking", jumping, landing, getting hit, dying
    • canon shooting, bullet hitting
    • chainsaw working
    • pushing boxes
    • using xray effect

    Level Design & play testing (5h)

    Levels design and creation of the 3 levels should be done after all the art and game mechanics are almost final.

    • tutorial level |
      • text tutorial while clicking next etc
    • first easy level
    • second/end level
    • checkpoints ?
    • 5 min playtime for the whole game ?


  • import all art without cutting the corners to hard
    • import new art
    • reimport old assets
  • different backgrounds (tree layer, mountains/hills etc)
  • draw hearts for UI
  • draw icon/bar for xray view
  • blur background images in gimp -> doing that in unity is too much work (setting up different camera for postprocessing etc)
  • make the 3 backgrounds in gimp


    • particle effects for everything (getting hit, landing somewhere)
    • post processing ?
    • light at pickups ?
    • shader w/ radius for x ray ?

UI (1h)

  • show xray view somehow
  • next level/level completed canvas
  • death counter ?
  • starting menu etc
  • drawing it all & scanning -> maybe skip the level loader etc, just one big level....

Music (1h)

  • some music which matches the style and pace of the game
  • 1 songs minimum, which loops

Things learned (misc list)

  • Game Jam

    • time management and splitting the work for each day is critical
    • a week long game jam is too long to have a real "sprint"
    • the last hour should always be used
    • your game design should match the theme strongly
      • then you are better motivated to finish & add the extra hours into the game
  • Art

    • art is never finished and can always be improved upon
    • importing and preparing art is time intensive
  • Unity Stuff

    • always import all sprites with the same pixels per unit, so they look good with a scale of one. This makes it easier for scaling and all sprites look the same/better..
    • a second collider type can be added to a trigger collider. Then it can still interact with collision etc
    • when starting to design a level, move everything below the UI/Canvas elements. They wont intervene with "taller" level and selecting objects in the scene view
    • folder organization
      • the structure of the imported art runs threw the Sprite & prefabs folder structure
        • a good folder structure for the art should be chosen at the beginning of the project
      • the level hierarchy should always group similar objects together so it does not become a mess (should also match the art folder structure)

To do after jam

  • commenting & adding a description to all the scripts
    • organize the scripts into folders
    • rename scripts if needed


Brackeys Game Jam 2022.1






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