Here you will find the files and steps necessary for creating your own skin to upload for the contest.
Requirements: Be a member in the S777C Server!
To see how the UV maps out to the vehicle you are editing, download the latest release and put the .zip folder in your BeamNG mods folder to see the color coordination in BeamNG!
To start, please download one or more of the folowing files, corresponding with the car(s) you plan to create a skin for. (There are 2 skins per car, one is color-co-ordinated with the images of the cars and the mod, the other one is just black and white. Use whichever is easier for you.)
To make it easier to designate parts, I have created a "map" of sorts to show you what piece is where on the vehicle. View each vehicle in this folder.
Open the UV in your drawing program (i.e. Krita,, etc.) and use it as a guide for your art. When you are ready to export it, make sure you set the UV to 100% transparent or delete it all together.
Export file as a .png1 and either send it to the Winter Contest Submission channel or create an issue on this GitHub with your file. You can also just email it to me.
All spaces should be replaced with underscores ( _ ) and you do not have to put your full Discord tag, just your main username so I know who you are.
MAKE SURE to name it with your name and then your unique title for the skin. Example: sky777_SunburstExample